To this day , No indication as to the origin , or where Covid-19 came from?!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
It continues to amaze me that with the technology to send men to the Moon and back, the worlds scientific community still can not figure out the origin, or where the Covid -19 virus came from.? This is incredible.?!
Does anyone know, the origin , or the source of this virus?, or are there similar viruses like Covid-19 that are still out there?!!?!. Is this the start of a biological war?! And to think they want to send people to Mars?! Lets figure this Covid -19 mess first.!?
It continues to amaze me that with the technology to send men to the Moon and back, the worlds scientific community still can not figure out the origin, or where the Covid -19 virus came from.? This is incredible.?!
Does anyone know, the origin , or the source of this virus?, or are there similar viruses like Covid-19 that are still out there?!!?!. Is this the start of a biological war?! And to think they want to send people to Mars?! Lets figure this Covid -19 mess first.!?
I go with the lab leak theory, and no, it was not a biologic weapon. That bio-weapon theory is for chumps that never studied chemical/biological warfare.
It continues to amaze me that with the technology to send men to the Moon and back, the worlds scientific community still can not figure out the origin, or where the Covid -19 virus came from.? This is incredible.?!
Does anyone know, the origin , or the source of this virus?, or are there similar viruses like Covid-19 that are still out there?!!?!. Is this the start of a biological war?! And to think they want to send people to Mars?! Lets figure this Covid -19 mess first.!?
we know exactly where it came from,,

the question is did they release it on purpose or was it truly an accident??
It continues to amaze me that with the technology to send men to the Moon and back, the worlds scientific community still can not figure out the origin, or where the Covid -19 virus came from.? This is incredible.?!
Does anyone know, the origin , or the source of this virus?, or are there similar viruses like Covid-19 that are still out there?!!?!. Is this the start of a biological war?! And to think they want to send people to Mars?! Lets figure this Covid -19 mess first.!?

It came from some caves in Yunnan province, where it was taken to the laboratory in Wuhan. We knew this as far back as 2017...

"Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak could occur"

by admin · December 4, 2017

"Chinese scientists find all the genetic building blocks of SARS in a single population of horseshoe bats.
After a detective hunt across China, researchers chasing the origin of the deadly SARS virus have finally found their smoking gun. In a remote cave in Yunnan province, virologists have identified a single population of horseshoe bats that harbours virus strains with all the genetic building blocks of the one that jumped to humans in 2002, killing almost 800 people around the world. The killer strain could easily have arisen from such a bat population, the researchers report in PLoS Pathogens1 on 30 November. They warn that the ingredients are in place for a similar disease to emerge again."

Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak could occur - Viral Bioinformatics Research Centre

It was most likely weaponized in the Wuhan laboratory and escaped by way of accidental human transmission. That's what can happen when you play with nasty little bugs. The same thing happened in Russia with Anthrax, and in the US with either chemical or biological weapons.

To this day , No indication as to the origin , or where Covid-19 came from?!​

It continues to amaze me that with the technology to send men to the Moon and back, the worlds scientific community still can not figure out the origin, or where the Covid -19 virus came from.? This is incredible.?!
Does anyone know, the origin , or the source of this virus?, or are there similar viruses like Covid-19 that are still out there?!!?!. Is this the start of a biological war?! And to think they want to send people to Mars?! Lets figure this Covid -19 mess first.!?

There exist 'indications'

There are and have been similar viruses like Covid-19 out there.

What is the genome of the COVID-19 virus?
Corona viruses & SARS-CoV-2

Coronaviruses (CoVs) belonging to the family Coronaviridae of the order Nidovirales are large (genome size: 27–32 Kb), non-segmented, enveloped, positive single-strand RNA viruses that have been responsible for many respiratory disease outbreaks including SARS and MERS .


There is nothing 'incredible' about this.

I go with the lab leak theory, and no, it was not a biologic weapon. That bio-weapon theory is for chumps that never studied chemical/biological warfare.
possibilities vs probabilities:

There are a few scenarios of the lab leak theory. Most not very menacing in nature (any puns unintended).

It's also very possible it did not come from a lab.

Debate intensified recently after a Chinese research team uploaded DNA evidence, swabbed from the market during the outbreak, to an international gene sequence database. The previously undisclosed data indicated the presence of wild animals in the same section of the market where the team had found SARS-CoV-2. The animals, known to be susceptible to bat viruses, included raccoon dogs, bamboo rats and porcupines.

Although not conclusive, some scientists said the data add evidence to the theory that the virus jumped from animals to humans through what is known as “zoonotic spillover,” a source of many infectious diseases in humans.

Others suspect the pathogen somehow leaked from a Wuhan laboratory, 27 km from the market, where researchers study bat viruses. The idea gained more traction earlier this year when the U.S. Department of Energy, with “low confidence,” in a report said that a lab leak was likely. Other U.S. agencies that have studied the matter lean toward natural spillover, although also inconclusively.

The specific basis for the assessments hasn’t been publicly disclosed
"If there was a sudden outbreak of chocolaty goodness in Hershey Pennsylvania, you might look at the Hershey Factory as the source". -John Stewart
No wild animals eating chocolaty goodness nearby?
Such a stupidly, false analogy...Oh wait! A comedian.

never mind

Debate intensified recently after a Chinese research team uploaded DNA evidence, swabbed from the market during the outbreak, to an international gene sequence database. The previously undisclosed data indicated the presence of wild animals in the same section of the market where the team had found SARS-CoV-2. The animals, known to be susceptible to bat viruses, included raccoon dogs, bamboo rats and porcupines.
It continues to amaze me that with the technology to send men to the Moon and back, the worlds scientific community still can not figure out the origin, or where the Covid -19 virus came from.? This is incredible.?!
Does anyone know, the origin , or the source of this virus?, or are there similar viruses like Covid-19 that are still out there?!!?!. Is this the start of a biological war?! And to think they want to send people to Mars?! Lets figure this Covid -19 mess first.!?
Nope. We don't have a way to be sure.

Of course there are similar viruses. SARS is an entire family of viruses.
we know exactly where it came from,,

the question is did they release it on purpose or was it truly an accident??
You left out...

Debate intensified recently after a Chinese research team uploaded DNA evidence, swabbed from the market during the outbreak, to an international gene sequence database. The previously undisclosed data indicated the presence of wild animals in the same section of the market where the team had found SARS-CoV-2. The animals, known to be susceptible to bat viruses, included raccoon dogs, bamboo rats and porcupines.

Which wouldn't be classified as an accident.
It came from some caves in Yunnan province, where it was taken to the laboratory in Wuhan. We knew this as far back as 2017...

"Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak could occur"

by admin · December 4, 2017

"Chinese scientists find all the genetic building blocks of SARS in a single population of horseshoe bats.
After a detective hunt across China, researchers chasing the origin of the deadly SARS virus have finally found their smoking gun. In a remote cave in Yunnan province, virologists have identified a single population of horseshoe bats that harbours virus strains with all the genetic building blocks of the one that jumped to humans in 2002, killing almost 800 people around the world. The killer strain could easily have arisen from such a bat population, the researchers report in PLoS Pathogens1 on 30 November. They warn that the ingredients are in place for a similar disease to emerge again."

Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak could occur - Viral Bioinformatics Research Centre

It was most likely weaponized in the Wuhan laboratory and escaped by way of accidental human transmission. That's what can happen when you play with nasty little bugs. The same thing happened in Russia with Anthrax, and in the US with either chemical or biological weapons.

"It was most likely weaponized in the Wuhan laboratory and escaped by way of accidental human transmission." -- Why? How?

Most likely?

The same thing happened in the novels of Stephen King and others.
It came from some caves in Yunnan province, where it was taken to the laboratory in Wuhan. We knew this as far back as 2017...

"Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak could occur"

by admin · December 4, 2017

"Chinese scientists find all the genetic building blocks of SARS in a single population of horseshoe bats.
After a detective hunt across China, researchers chasing the origin of the deadly SARS virus have finally found their smoking gun. In a remote cave in Yunnan province, virologists have identified a single population of horseshoe bats that harbours virus strains with all the genetic building blocks of the one that jumped to humans in 2002, killing almost 800 people around the world. The killer strain could easily have arisen from such a bat population, the researchers report in PLoS Pathogens1 on 30 November. They warn that the ingredients are in place for a similar disease to emerge again."

Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak could occur - Viral Bioinformatics Research Centre

It was most likely weaponized in the Wuhan laboratory and escaped by way of accidental human transmission. That's what can happen when you play with nasty little bugs. The same thing happened in Russia with Anthrax, and in the US with either chemical or biological weapons.
he killer strain could easily have arisen from such a bat population,

not very scientific
possibilities vs probabilities:

There are a few scenarios of the lab leak theory. Most not very menacing in nature (any puns unintended).

It's also very possible it did not come from a lab.

Debate intensified recently after a Chinese research team uploaded DNA evidence, swabbed from the market during the outbreak, to an international gene sequence database. The previously undisclosed data indicated the presence of wild animals in the same section of the market where the team had found SARS-CoV-2. The animals, known to be susceptible to bat viruses, included raccoon dogs, bamboo rats and porcupines.

Although not conclusive, some scientists said the data add evidence to the theory that the virus jumped from animals to humans through what is known as “zoonotic spillover,” a source of many infectious diseases in humans.

Others suspect the pathogen somehow leaked from a Wuhan laboratory, 27 km from the market, where researchers study bat viruses. The idea gained more traction earlier this year when the U.S. Department of Energy, with “low confidence,” in a report said that a lab leak was likely. Other U.S. agencies that have studied the matter lean toward natural spillover, although also inconclusively.

The specific basis for the assessments hasn’t been publicly disclosed
Being Chinese Communists, it is not like they are viewed as the most forthcoming and honest sources of information. I go with normal stupidity, in attention to lab protocols. I think they just screwed up and, like their government culture, do not want to own up to it. I doubt we ever get a definitive answer.

China made a bioweapon and released it on themselves!

Of course they did... do you think they care about their population?... Don't be so stupid... a reduction in the number of people in China was part of their attraction to the idea...
It continues to amaze me that with the technology to send men to the Moon and back, the worlds scientific community still can not figure out the origin, or where the Covid -19 virus came from.? This is incredible.?!
Does anyone know, the origin , or the source of this virus?, or are there similar viruses like Covid-19 that are still out there?!!?!. Is this the start of a biological war?! And to think they want to send people to Mars?! Lets figure this Covid -19 mess first.!?
Ummm ... it's a pretty well known fact that Covid was created in a Chinese lab with financial support from Fauci and friends.

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