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Zone1 This is why merit should outrank “blackness” and “gayness” for new hire

Do not brag about saving the World from Communism Socialism Fascism and Imperialism 😆🤣😝

Whites didn't do that since most of those communist socialist, fascist and imperialist nations have been white.
Japan = White ?
Wow he ignores all of Europe to point out Japan. We have had 2 world wars because of whites. Hitler was white. Stalin was white. Marx was white. Lenin was white. Trotsky was white. So then all those isms you say are evil were created and developed by whites.
You racists need to quit repeatng this bullshit. Lisa is telling a racist lie. She ignores how white jews, just like every other white person in America, took advantange of government programs that excluded non white people. Nobody black is telling anybody how they can't make it. That's more white racist bullshit. Burt what we do tell is that racism exists and to be prepared to face it. When you talk about special government advantages why in the FUCK do you whites never include the now 258 years of special advantages and restitution the government has given your white asses? Are you mentallly retarded? Or do you suffer from some other kind of psychoogical impairment?
Put a sock in it IM2. Ridiculous racist ideology doesn't work with me.

There were zero government programs to help my husband and myself nor did we expect any. And while the capitalistic system worked very well for us, it was strictly up to us to educate ourselves and put in the time, energy, effort, and hard work to lift ourselves out of poverty. And when I was paying ALL of my tuition, room and board and other expenses to go to college, I had no advantages whatsoever over our black classmates. We were all in the same boat. Sometimes I made better grades than my black classmates. Sometimes they made better grades than I did. But all of us managed to achieve pretty good lives for ourselves and our families.

And back then my black classmates weren't hamstrung by the impressions of people that they were the 'token' black and/or got their positions and advancement due to affirmative action.

And if you read what Lisa wrote, she made the point that when opportunity was denied to her father because he was a Jew, he didn't protest or pitch a hissy fit or claim he was owed something. He made the effort to get to someplace where he could work and advance himself. And he made a good life for himself and his family. It wasn't given to him. He worked for it.
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You racists need to quit repeatng this bullshit. Lisa is telling a racist lie. She ignores how white jews, just like every other white person in America, took advantange of government programs that excluded non white people. Nobody black is telling anybody how they can't make it. That's more white racist bullshit. Burt what we do tell is that racism exists and to be prepared to face it. When you talk about special government advantages why in the FUCK do you whites never include the now 258 years of special advantages and restitution the government has given your white asses? Are you mentallly retarded? Or do you suffer from some other kind of psychoogical impairment?
This is Zone 1, and my thread. So you don’t get to call me racist, and use low-class profanity in addressing me. Thus, you have been reported.

Learn some manners.
Again, do not brag about things when whites excluded others.
They didn’t excludes blacks from the colleges my father, uncle, mother, and aunt attended. Blacks were at all four, and this was in the 1940s.

Stop acting as if every single black can blame every single problem on whites.
Wow he ignores all of Europe to point out Japan. We have had 2 world wars because of whites. Hitler was white. Stalin was white. Marx was white. Lenin was white. Trotsky was white. So then all those isms you say are evil were created and developed by whites.
The Evil of Haiti / The Former Rhodesia / Burma / Myanmar / Islamic Republics and Countries / North Korea ...
First, I’m not saying that blacks and/or gays are never the best qualified, but statistics show they are not likely to be In the vast majority of cases.

But when you’ve hired people for blackness or gayness, despite their obvious incompetence for the job, it becomes near impossible to get rid of them. They are a “protected” class, and thus you are stuck with complete failures.

Karime Jean Pierre is a prime example. She can’t answer questions or think on her feet - and continues to read answers from her book. But because she is a Democrat trifecta - blackness, gayness, and immigrantness - she can’t be fired.

We need to prioritize merit over all over factors.

Replace College "Education" With Highly Paid Professional Training
Are basketball players only hired for race?
Football players?

No sane person would argue that the leagues are not better for bringing in people of color but not a one of them was ever rostered because of their race.
As you know, you are pathetically trying to circumvent the issue.

How would those be different if their makeup had to be equal to the country's demographics? A basketball team of ten players could have one black, seven whites, and two "others." Would that change the game?
Except that the Bible doesn't say they were slaves, just that they were living in Goshen and an unnamed Pharoah was upset about their growth as a people (going from a mere 12 families to hundreds of thousands in a few generations! HA!!!) and started oppressing them.

Which Pharoah was this? Nobody knows. When did this happen? Nobody knows that, either!

Then they were supposed lost in the Sinai Desert for 40 years, even though that trip would have lasted only a few weeks even travelling on foot.

So they are claiming land on the basis of mythology.
Jews want to live in a small sliver of land bordering the Mediterranean Sea to which they have historical connections. Israel is an oases of first world civilization. That is what I care about. I am glad that the United States has nurtured and defended them.

Jews benefit every country they live in with their superior intelligence. I am glad that they have a country of their own, and that so many of them live in the United States.

Hostility to Jews is an ailment of failures. Jews haters have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes. They fear being fired from their jobs and replaced by a more intelligent, better paid Jew who will perform their jobs faster, better, and with less effort.

I agree with Jews that they are God's Chosen People. Jerry Falwell called them "God's People."

This is what Charles Murray wrote about them in his essay, "Jewish Genius."

"This reasoning pushes me even farther into the realm of speculation. Insofar as I am suggesting that the Jews may have had some degree of unusual verbal skills going back to the time of Moses, I am naked before the evolutionary psychologists’ ultimate challenge. Why should one particular tribe at the time of Moses, living in the same environment as other nomadic and agricultural peoples of the Middle East, have already evolved elevated intelligence when the others did not?

"At this point, I take sanctuary in my remaining hypothesis, uniquely parsimonious and happily irrefutable. The Jews are God’s chosen people."

Because the Jews have the most merit, they deserve their wealth and power. I enjoy watching Jews succeed and prosper. As intelligence becomes more important to American civilization, the Jews will become more valuable, and richer and more powerful.

It will become more necessary for the government to punish hate speech and hate crimes against those wonderful people.

I say all of this as a Gentile, and a Christian.

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Here’s the answer:

Rich antisemitic Arab countries, primarily Qatar, have been flooding liberal universities with money for years. As a result, they have been able to influence the curriculum against Israel and Jews, create all sorts of anti-Israel clubs, and install anti-Israel and antisemitic professors and administrators.

It is why, of all people, a foreign-born terrorist-sympathizing Muslim was picked as president of Columbia, and why the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and U of Penn refused to condemn their students’ calls to genocide Jews.
The Guillotine-Fodder Ivy League Preppies Solicited That Alliance
Put a sock in it IM2. Your ridiculous racist ideology won't work with me.

There were zero government programs to help my husband and myself nor did we expect any. And while the capitalistic system worked very well for us, it was strictly up to us to educate ourselves and put in the time, energy, effort, and hard work to lift ourselves out of poverty. And when I was paying ALL of my tuition, room and board and other expenses to go to college, I had no advantages whatsoever over our black classmates. We were all in the same boat. Sometimes I made better grades than my black classmates. Sometimes they made better grades than I did. But all of us managed to achieve pretty good lives for ourselves and our families.

And back then my black classmates weren't hamstrung by the impressions of people that they were the 'token' black and/or got their positions and advancement due to affirmative action.

And if you read what Lisa wrote, she made the point that when opportunity was denied to her father because he was a Jew, he didn't protest or pitch a hissy fit or claim he was owed something. He made the effort to get to someplace where he could work and advance himself. And he made a good life for himself and his family. It wasn't given to him. He worked for it.

You are the racist.

And you can stop lying about things foxfyre. I have read Lisas lies and the fact is her father recieved government help blacks were denied from. That's a fact. In your life, you and your husband have either been helped directly or indirectly from government programs. You as a white female, have benefitted from Affrmative Action, so has Lisa, but you both have been race pimped to believe the policy only gave blacks special advantage.

You, Lisa and other similar bigots refuse to face your own history. You believe a lie, it's that simple. Whites have received at least 8 handouts from the government since this nation started. According to the study, “Black Reparations for Twentieth Century Federal Housing Discrimination: the Construction of White Wealth and the Effects of Denied Black homeownership” written by Jane Kim, Federal housing policies that excluded blacks from funding provided the equivalent of 1.239 quintillion dollars to create white wealth in the 20th century. Neither you nor Lisa read these studies or the history of how the government created wealth for whites while cutting people of color off.

Whites are not a minority, and a white Jew is a white person no different from a white christian so Lisa has never been a minority. Therefore she doesn't have ---- to tell me about how blacks need to do things. My father got shot saving her parents from Hitler and when he came back he was denied the benefits her father got. So just stop flapping those white gums with these lies. It's time America faced the truth. You slobs claim that you want to make America great and the ONLY way that's going to be done is that you give up the great white lie.

Last, whites can't complain about what they are owed, because they have not been the ones violated by government policies. It's time the pretending and childish white false equivalences stopped. Grow up and face the truth.
The Evil of Haiti / The Former Rhodesia / Burma / Myanmar / Islamic Republics and Countries / North Korea ...
Rhodesia? Why was a part of Africa named after a white man named Cecil Rhodes? The evil of Haiti? Check Haitis history? Islamic Republucs and countries? Check out what America and Britain has done to try controlling their oil. Burma/Myanmar? You really don't know much about history do you?

Everything you mentioned has nothing to do with the people who created the philosophies you call evil. You have wanted to credit whites for everything great while dismissing non whites. So you will face what whites have realy done.
Put a sock in it IM2. Your ridiculous racist ideology won't work with me.

There were zero government programs to help my husband and myself nor did we expect any. And while the capitalistic system worked very well for us, it was strictly up to us to educate ourselves and put in the time, energy, effort, and hard work to lift ourselves out of poverty. And when I was paying ALL of my tuition, room and board and other expenses to go to college, I had no advantages whatsoever over our black classmates. We were all in the same boat. Sometimes I made better grades than my black classmates. Sometimes they made better grades than I did. But all of us managed to achieve pretty good lives for ourselves and our families.

And back then my black classmates weren't hamstrung by the impressions of people that they were the 'token' black and/or got their positions and advancement due to affirmative action.

And if you read what Lisa wrote, she made the point that when opportunity was denied to her father because he was a Jew, he didn't protest or pitch a hissy fit or claim he was owed something. He made the effort to get to someplace where he could work and advance himself. And he made a good life for himself and his family. It wasn't given to him. He worked for it.
Thank you once again.

I’d like to emphasize your last paragraph, because I’ve mentioned that before and the liberals always come up with excuses for why blacks cant just move to where they can get jobs. They can’t just uproot themselves and move away from their support system, or….well, it takes money to move. Excuses, excuses.

How then did my impoverished father do it? First, he typed letters to government offices with openings, mailed them, and waited for a response. (Lots harder than these days, with the internet.) He took a 6-hour train ride to DC for the interviews. (He had no money to move until he got a job.) Then, when he was hired, he kissed his parents goodbye the day before the job started, and arrived at Union Station late Sunday evening with a suitcase and $12 - enough for a week’s motel stay until he could find a room to rent.

All this from a 22-year-old poor kid who had never even been out of his previous city, or spent a night in a motel. Was he scared, in a big city where he didn’t know anyone? Of course. Was it easy? Of course not. But he faced rampant antisemitism in his hometown and HAD to do It.

Within six years of that, he had met and married my mom, had me (IN THAT ORDER), and bought a starter home in the burbs. Ten years or so after that, a big colonial near the country club.

So it’s time for liberals to stop enabling black dependency with their excuses, for blacktivists to stop demanding reparations, and to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities in this country. They are limited only by their own motivation, discipline, ability, and hard work.
As you know, you are pathetically trying to circumvent the issue.

How would those be different if their makeup had to be equal to the country's demographics? A basketball team of ten players could have one black, seven whites, and two "others." Would that change the game?
No, the issue is that when you see a Black/QUEER/Woman doing a job that used to be STRICTLY for White men you make the ignorant assumption that that person was only hired because of who they are rather than what they can do.

That USED to be the case. Your White daddy works there? You got the job. Your Black dad didn't? Too bad, no jobs. You're a White baseball player? You got a place in MLB? You're a Black superstar? Sorry, not White enough.

Yeah, up until about 1985 there was hiring of Women and PoC because of who they were but that is long gone from everywhere but your imagination as you seek someone to blame for your mediocre career.
As you know, you are pathetically trying to circumvent the issue.

How would those be different if their makeup had to be equal to the country's demographics? A basketball team of ten players could have one black, seven whites, and two "others." Would that change the game?
Furthermore if you put together a basketball team based on skin color/ethnicity and nothing else and couldn't find enough competent players to fit the quota, and you lower the standards/qualifications in order to achieve the quota, you have a less capable basketball team that isn't nearly as interesting to fans who buy tickets to games and otherwise support the team.

But a team made up of 9 superior black guys and 1 superior white guy or whatever ratio of outstanding talent is enjoyed and supported by everybody. They don't see skin color but see a great basketball team. That's how it should be everywhere.
Furthermore if you put together a basketball team based on skin color/ethnicity and nothing else and couldn't find enough competent players to fit the quota, and you lower the standards/qualifications in order to achieve the quota, you have a less capable basketball team that isn't nearly as interesting to fans who buy tickets to games and otherwise support the team.

But a team made up of 9 superior black guys and 1 superior white guy or whatever ratio of outstanding talent is enjoyed and supported by everybody. They don't see skin color but see a great basketball team. That's how it should be everywhere.
Why do you racists continue to try using this kind of analogy?

Basketball teams are picked based on competition. The players perform the job duties against each other and the ones who perform the duties the best wins. So then if we apply that model to the rest of the business world, we allow all candidates to do specfic tasks for 6-8 weeks, a different task or project each week and then determne by performance who stays until the field is cut to the final group that gets hired. That is not done is business, instead we see this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

Where merit is not even considered and it's done by milions of whites in businsess today. Racists talk about scores being lowered, when until 60 years ago, there were no scores and whites got jobs. It's time the white psychosis ended.
You are the racist.

And you can stop lying about things foxfyre. I have read Lisas lies and the fact is her father recieved government help blacks were denied from. That's a fact. In your life, you and your husband have either been helped directly or indirectly from government programs. You as a white female, have benefitted from Affrmative Action, so has Lisa, but you both have been race pimped to believe the policy only gave blacks special advantage.

You, Lisa and other similar bigots refuse to face your own history. You believe a lie, it's that simple. Whites have received at least 8 handouts from the government since this nation started. According to the study, “Black Reparations for Twentieth Century Federal Housing Discrimination: the Construction of White Wealth and the Effects of Denied Black homeownership” written by Jane Kim, Federal housing policies that excluded blacks from funding provided the equivalent of 1.239 quintillion dollars to create white wealth in the 20th century. Neither you nor Lisa read these studies or the history of how the government created wealth for whites while cutting people of color off.

Whites are not a minority, and a white Jew is a white person no different from a white christian so Lisa has never been a minority. Therefore she doesn't have ---- to tell me about how blacks need to do things. My father got shot saving her parents from Hitler and when he came back he was denied the benefits her father got. So just stop flapping those white gums with these lies. It's time America faced the truth. You slobs claim that you want to make America great and the ONLY way that's going to be done is that you give up the great white lie.

Last, whites can't complain about what they are owed, because they have not been the ones violated by government policies. It's time the pretending and childish white false equivalences stopped. Grow up and face the truth.
As a woman I was often hamstrung by sexist policies that denied me some of the same opportunities the men had. I didn't fret about it but found ways to demonstrate I was as capable as any man in my fields of expertise or looked around for somebody who would take a chance on me. I don't believe I let down a single soul who did. Am I owed anything? I don't see it that way.

As for wage differences between people of equal education, qualifications, experience, they aren't that great. And I would bet a careful study would show that the reason black people make 2 cents less on average than white people and others is the very attitude you illustrate again and again, i.e. everybody else owes black people, everybody else is responsible for all the black people's problems. It's that and not a huge chip on the shoulder or the fact that their name, dress, mannerism, attitude demands that others see them as black first before anything else or they think they are entitled instead of having to merit their position or status in life.

That isn't the way for anybody to achieve maximum success.


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As a woman I was often hamstrung by sexist policies that denied me some of the same opportunities the men had. I didn't fret about it but found ways to demonstrate I was as capable as any many in my fields of expertise or looked around for somebody who would take a chance on me. I don't believe I let down a single soul who did. Am I owed anything? I don't see it that way.

As for wage differences between people of equal education, qualifications, experience, they aren't that great. And I would bet a careful study would show that the reason black people make 2 cents less on average than white people and others is the very attitude you illustrate again and again, i.e. everybody else owes black people, everybody else is responsible for all the black people's problems. It's that and not a huge chip on the shoulder or the fact that their name, dress, mannerism, attitude demands that others see them as black first before anything else or they think they are entitled instead of having to merit their position or status in life.

That isn't the way for anybody to achieve maximum success.

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I realize the sexism women have faced. You didn't have to fret as long as you married a white male. Furthermore, you are part of the group who benefitted the most from AA. So then you got the advantage that you claim blacks were getting and you did not get anything based solely on merit.

Blacks get paid less due to racism, your claim about my attitude is based on your racist beliefs. It's stupid to assume that anyone would take the same attitude to a job as they would in debating people who are obviously racist online.

This is 2024, nobody has to be quiet about white racism because whites don't like hearing it. If you don't like hearing it consider how the hell we feel about havingto live with it. But once again, we see your white supremacist attitude. It is the attitude that only the feelings of whites are important and that only the opinions of whites can be the right ones.

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