THIS Is What The Swamp Fears Most


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
All those Deep Staters have all those cushy, High-Paying Jobs that support THOUSANDS of other cushy, high-paying jobs....

And OMB wants to get rid of them. Like this guy just did --

Argentina is currently facing the most severe economic crisis in its history, the result of decades of socialist government spending programs

It isn't about political philosophy, it isn't about DEI (okay, it is), it isn't about anything other than useless bureaucrats sucking on the government teat. Like the parasites they are.

Would it have any affect on your life if the Dept of Education (Ed) were abolished? How about half the programs in DC that are sucking BILLIONS of dollars of YOUR TAX MONEY into the Black Hole that is the DC Establishment?

This is what the Swamp fears the most. This is why they hate Trump so much.

Because, this is EXACTLY what he will do. But probably much more. Much, much more.

Learn to code, bitches
All those Deep Staters have all those cushy, High-Paying Jobs that support THOUSANDS of other cushy, high-paying jobs....

And OMB wants to get rid of them. Like this guy just did --

It isn't about political philosophy, it isn't about DEI (okay, it is), it isn't about anything other than useless bureaucrats sucking on the government teat. Like the parasites they are.

Would it have any affect on your life if the Dept of Education (Ed) were abolished? How about half the programs in DC that are sucking BILLIONS of dollars of YOUR TAX MONEY into the Black Hole that is the DC Establishment?

This is what the Swamp fears the most. This is why they hate Trump so much.

Because, this is EXACTLY what he will do. But probably much more. Much, much more.

Learn to code, bitches

Well ... the OP certainly details the source of the problem ... he speaks in "billions" of dollars when government is over-spending by TRILLIONS of dollars ... learn math, bitch ...
Well ... the OP certainly details the source of the problem ... he speaks in "billions" of dollars when government is over-spending by TRILLIONS of dollars ... learn math, bitch ...
Eat a dick, cock-breath

I didn't want to scare the lace-panty crowd with numbers too big for them.
All those Deep Staters have all those cushy, High-Paying Jobs that support THOUSANDS of other cushy, high-paying jobs....

And OMB wants to get rid of them. Like this guy just did --

It isn't about political philosophy, it isn't about DEI (okay, it is), it isn't about anything other than useless bureaucrats sucking on the government teat. Like the parasites they are.

Would it have any affect on your life if the Dept of Education (Ed) were abolished? How about half the programs in DC that are sucking BILLIONS of dollars of YOUR TAX MONEY into the Black Hole that is the DC Establishment?

This is what the Swamp fears the most. This is why they hate Trump so much.

Because, this is EXACTLY what he will do. But probably much more. Much, much more.

Learn to code, bitches
So much wrong with this.
  • If you want change you have to start with Congress, they fund the government and establish agencies like the Dept of Education. All the agencies were created to solve an existing problem in the country. Getting rid of an agency will likely just bring back the original issue.
  • Government workers at the top are generally under-paid. The President runs a multi-trillion dollar organization yet makes the same as a VP in a medium company. And he makes the most of anyone in the gov't. You don't join the gov't to get rich, you leave the gov't to get rich
This is why they hate Trump so much


This time, THIS TIME Trump will get it right, even after he got it 180 degrees WRONG and HAS NOT LEARNED ONE THING FROM IT...

The SUB supporters of Trump are just as delusional and lost as he is...

One candidate has already outlined how to cut spending by going around Congress. Vivek. Vivek will cut spending.

What did Trump cut in 4 years?

All those Deep Staters have all those cushy, High-Paying Jobs that support THOUSANDS of other cushy, high-paying jobs....

And OMB wants to get rid of them. Like this guy just did --

It isn't about political philosophy, it isn't about DEI (okay, it is), it isn't about anything other than useless bureaucrats sucking on the government teat. Like the parasites they are.

Would it have any affect on your life if the Dept of Education (Ed) were abolished? How about half the programs in DC that are sucking BILLIONS of dollars of YOUR TAX MONEY into the Black Hole that is the DC Establishment?

This is what the Swamp fears the most. This is why they hate Trump so much.

Because, this is EXACTLY what he will do. But probably much more. Much, much more.

Learn to code, bitches
programs that have been completed or overtaken by events should be closed out. no one says otherwisethat i have heard.

we ended the closed war and reinvented government under al gore as a response. this can be done sensibly and can be taken in steps.

i notice that you want to close the departments that you do not like. my list would be different. we settle these differences in elections, NOT THE STREETS.
So much wrong with this.
  • If you want change you have to start with Congress, they fund the government and establish agencies like the Dept of Education. All the agencies were created to solve an existing problem in the country. Getting rid of an agency will likely just bring back the original issue.
  • Government workers at the top are generally under-paid. The President runs a multi-trillion dollar organization yet makes the same as a VP in a medium company. And he makes the most of anyone in the gov't. You don't join the gov't to get rich, you leave the gov't to get rich
Let's focus on this beauty: The Department of Education. This, along with the cabinet level Secretary of Education were all formed as payola to the teacher's unions by the Georgia Peanut Farmer as payola for their 1976 endorsement. Since then educational standards and performance have been going down the toilet. Only Bill Bennett was man enough to begin to address it.
Yes, the Trump administration would come in, eliminate as many jobs as possible and anyone who remains would have to swear loyalty to the Dear Leader.

Anyone who might hold him accountable would be gone.

And the Founders would continue to turn over in their graves.

You think the founders would be fan of rule by unelected bureaucrats?

This time, THIS TIME Trump will get it right, even after he got it 180 degrees WRONG and HAS NOT LEARNED ONE THING FROM IT...

The SUB supporters of Trump are just as delusional and lost as he is...

One candidate has already outlined how to cut spending by going around Congress. Vivek. Vivek will cut spending.

What did Trump cut in 4 years?

Whatever he does, we deserve everything that he says he is going to do when in office. He needs to and will be held to a standard. If not, people will turn on him. Perfection not expected, a hard direction demanded.
Yes, the Trump administration would come in, eliminate as many jobs as possible and anyone who remains would have to swear loyalty to the Dear Leader.

Anyone who might hold him accountable would be gone.

And the Founders would continue to turn over in their graves.
Government jobs are a net loss to the economy.
Obama created a shitload of government jobs.....and filled those jobs with cops with neck tattoos, African-Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, terrorists, and foreign immigrants.
Let's focus on this beauty: The Department of Education. This, along with the cabinet level Secretary of Education were all formed as payola to the teacher's unions by the Georgia Peanut Farmer as payola for their 1976 endorsement. Since then educational standards and performance have been going down the toilet. Only Bill Bennett was man enough to begin to address it.
It is impressive how one person could get so much so wrong:
The department identifies four key functions:
  • Establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, and distributing as well as monitoring those funds.
  • Collecting data on America's schools and disseminating research.
  • Focusing national attention on key educational issues.
  • Prohibiting discrimination and ensuring equal access to education.
Which of these do you think are not needed?
Whatever he does, we deserve everything that he says he is going to do when in office. He needs to and will be held to a standard. If not, people will turn on him. Perfection not expected, a hard direction demanded.

Chris Wray and Jeff Sessions were not "perfection..."

They were BIG ERRORS that need to be CORRECTED by someone who has LEARNED from MISTAKES....

What is the evidence Trump has LEARNED anything?
Chris Wray and Jeff Sessions were not "perfection..."

They were BIG ERRORS that need to be CORRECTED by someone who has LEARNED from MISTAKES....

What is the evidence Trump has LEARNED anything?
What do you think Trump should learn?
What do you think Trump should learn?

Not to trust the Zionist Fascist.


Chris Wray
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Gen Millie
Ronna McDaniel

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