“They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him, Enrique Tells All


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Suborning perjury is a crime. There is no reason not to believe this man. I mean what else can they do to him? We have never seen a political purge like this. This man was framed.
He told us that the prosecutors in the Department of Justice attempted to coerce him into signing a false statement that would implicate President Trump by swearing that “through several degrees of separation and connections, Tarrio had communicated with Trump regarding ‘plans’ for January 6th.”

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That's why his sentence was so harsh. The prosecution was trying to make him admit to things that weren't even true. He did not buckle unde3r the oppression of a weaponized judicial system.

Tarrio is on the right side of history, and will always be remembered as a true patriot.
Suborning perjury is a crime. There is no reason not to believe this man. I mean what else can they do to him? We have never seen a political purge like this. This man was framed.
He told us that the prosecutors in the Department of Justice attempted to coerce him into signing a false statement that would implicate President Trump by swearing that “through several degrees of separation and connections, Tarrio had communicated with Trump regarding ‘plans’ for January 6th.”

LOL! You actually believe Enrique Tarrio.

When did the NYT do the same?

Thegatewaypundit is Mad Magazine.

That's why his sentence was so harsh. The prosecution was trying to make him admit to things that weren't even true. He did not buckle unde3r the oppression of a weaponized judicial system.

Tarrio is on the right side of history, and will always be remembered as a true patriot.
Tarrio will be remembered as a patriot, but on the Marxist Democrat Party, as an enemy. At this time, they can only put their political opponents in jail, once they've disarmed the general public and ended the Constitution, the political mass killings will commence.
Suborning perjury is a crime. There is no reason not to believe this man. I mean what else can they do to him? We have never seen a political purge like this. This man was framed.
He told us that the prosecutors in the Department of Justice attempted to coerce him into signing a false statement that would implicate President Trump by swearing that “through several degrees of separation and connections, Tarrio had communicated with Trump regarding ‘plans’ for January 6th.”

blah blah blah and donate to Enrique's legal fund
Tarrio is on the right side of history, and will always be remembered as a true patriot.

You have some fucked up heroes. When you lead a militia with plans to attack the US government in the US Capitol during a joint session of Congress to stop the peaceful transfer of power to help a sore loser president from having his self-esteem shattered, you do not sit your ass in a hotel room far from the action just because the deep state authorities tell you you can’t be in DC on that day. You go anyway unless you’re a coward. A crowd in the millions was supposed to be there of MAGA -
This patriot could’ve bjended right in with no problem. What a coward.

But as to the lie he’s got going about the feds wanting him to lie. That is not how a plea deal works. He has to have something on the president that can be corroborated with some kind of evidence by others or written, communication, etc. so feds can verify beyond a shadow of a doubt that he isn’t lying. Frds can’t just make something up andIask him to sign it and walk away . You people are bizarre brain dead wackos.
Tarrio is an idiot, liar and a coward.

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