They are busting Trump rght now in court

He paid from his PERSONAL ACCOUNT. That ends the government's case. The entire case is that he paid out of a business account trying to pass the payments as a business expense.

He can do anything he wants with his personal funds.

These dummies can't even follow along and understand the law. You're 100% right of course.

Democrats, the law they are using to indict Trump is that he used campaign funds. He clearly didn't. So what law did he break exactly?
Okay if he paid the settlement out of his personal funds, and not campaign funds or his corporate account, how is it "election interference" again? Still seems like a settlement and possibly a slap on the wrist $75K tax evasion case.
Not even. Taxes have been paid on his personal funds. This can't be right.
It's just a coincidence that the accused happens to be running for office at the same time.

No, he's running for office NOW. This "hush money" payment so-said happened in 2016. Why wait this long? If he's this guilty, why not charge him the day he got out of office? Why wait until 3 and a half years later when he's running for president and smashing senile potatohead in every poll?
Idiot liberals, nobody is claiming he didn't pay off the porn star. Everyone does that. We are saying that he didn't pay her off illegally using campaign funds. And after almost 3 weeks of trial we have seen ZERO proof of any crime having been committed.

Nobody has claimed he used campaign funds.
No, he's running for office NOW. This "hush money" payment so-said happened in 2016. Why wait this long? If he's this guilty, why not charge him the day he got out of office? Why wait until 3 and a half years later when he's running for president and smashing senile potatohead in every poll?
You've got me. I've heard that the wheels of justice can barely beat molasses in January; barely.
You clowns need to get your talking points straight. That has been said numerous times. Although, to be fair, I can hardly expect people with the attention span of gnats to pretend they actually understand much of anything.
In what world does you misunderstanding and misrepresenting “talking points” constitute a need for anybody to straighten anything out?! Haha
Nobody has claimed he used campaign funds.

Michael Cohen pled guilty to campaign finance crimes related to this exact transaction!!!

Yes, they did. Many people have. That's what the accusation is you fuckhead.

Michael Cohen, his former attorney and "fixer," eventually pleaded guilty to campaign finance charges stemming from his involvement with the payments.

If he didn't illegally use campaign funds he used personal funds, WHICH ISN'T A CRIME.

Game. Set. Match.

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Not sure what you've been reading, but might want to put down
your Mad Magazine. Even CNN has acknowledged how the trial isn't
going well for Bragg at all. :eusa_whistle:

well fuck, if a bastion of honesty and professionalism like CNN said it, then it has to be true.

My bad
They are busting trump rght now in court. Trump org employees are testifying about the signed checks.

Live Updates: Former Employee Says Trump Used Personal Account to Repay Hush Money

A longtime Trump Organization employee testified in Donald J. Trump’s criminal trial that Mr. Trump had used his personal bank account to reimburse his longtime fixer for the money that bought a porn star’s silence.

They are showing the copies of the signed checks in court right now.
Why do you take pleasure in the suffering of others?
No, he's running for office NOW. This "hush money" payment so-said happened in 2016. Why wait this long? If he's this guilty, why not charge him the day he got out of office? Why wait until 3 and a half years later when he's running for president and smashing senile potatohead in every poll?
The statute ran on that charge years ago.
They are busting trump rght now in court. Trump org employees are testifying about the signed checks.

Live Updates: Former Employee Says Trump Used Personal Account to Repay Hush Money

A longtime Trump Organization employee testified in Donald J. Trump’s criminal trial that Mr. Trump had used his personal bank account to reimburse his longtime fixer for the money that bought a porn star’s silence.

They are showing the copies of the signed checks in court right now.
where you run off to? they get him yet?


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