The worst candidates ever


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I've followed politics for 40 years and these 2 old duffers are the worst pair of candidates I've ever seen.

Donald Trump is facing nearly 100 criminal charges in 4 different jurisdictions, for which he'll be found guilty on at least some of them before the election. This, plus his morbid obesity, makes me wonder how much longer he'll last.

Joe Biden, once a successful attorney and Senator is now a doddering old duffer in the middle stages of senility. He stutters, stumbles, and is clearly too old for the job.

As a left leaning Independent, I could see myself voting for Nikki Haley or Asa Hutchinson as well as some of the moderate Democrats, but this is the 1st election I might just sit out. :dunno:
I've followed politics for 40 years and these 2 old duffers are the worst pair of candidates I've ever seen.

Donald Trump is facing nearly 100 criminal charges in 4 different jurisdictions, for which he'll be found guilty on at least some of them before the election. This, plus his morbid obesity, makes me wonder how much longer he'll last.

Joe Biden, once a successful attorney and Senator is now a doddering old duffer in the middle stages of senility. He stutters, stumbles, and is clearly too old for the job.

As a left leaning Independent, I could see myself voting for Nikki Haley or Asa Hutchinson as well as some of the moderate Democrats, but this is the 1st election I might just sit out. :dunno:
Good. Dont show your support for people you dont like. Thats stupid.
You can always write in. At least you will be doing your part.
I've followed politics for 40 years and these 2 old duffers are the worst pair of candidates I've ever seen.

Donald Trump is facing nearly 100 criminal charges in 4 different jurisdictions, for which he'll be found guilty on at least some of them before the election. This, plus his morbid obesity, makes me wonder how much longer he'll last.

Joe Biden, once a successful attorney and Senator is now a doddering old duffer in the middle stages of senility. He stutters, stumbles, and is clearly too old for the job.

As a left leaning Independent, I could see myself voting for Nikki Haley or Asa Hutchinson as well as some of the moderate Democrats, but this is the 1st election I might just sit out. :dunno:
I really hate spineless fucktards who whine about their country, and then do nothing to try to change it, by sitting out the election. President Trump from day one, "Made America Great Again", even with the establishment (Swamp Creatures) all set to destroy him with lie after lie with Russian Collusion and Mean Tweets. Several impeachments later, Joe Biden Campain working with China, released upon the US the Kung Flu which enabled Joe to use his "Most extensive voter fraud organization" to steal the 2020 election thus making America last, while bringing in 100s of thousand of diseased illegals every year. Then when it is a given that President Trump is going to win again the Stalinists of the Marxist Party, have to find a crime so they can do everything in their power to stop President Trump and the US citizens from Taking Back America and Making it Great Again. If they can do this to President Trump, then they can do it to you, you stupid dumbasses...That is what 3rd world counties do....

I've followed politics for 40 years and these 2 old duffers are the worst pair of candidates I've ever seen.

Donald Trump is facing nearly 100 criminal charges in 4 different jurisdictions, for which he'll be found guilty on at least some of them before the election. This, plus his morbid obesity, makes me wonder how much longer he'll last.

Joe Biden, once a successful attorney and Senator is now a doddering old duffer in the middle stages of senility. He stutters, stumbles, and is clearly too old for the job.

As a left leaning Independent, I could see myself voting for Nikki Haley or Asa Hutchinson as well as some of the moderate Democrats, but this is the 1st election I might just sit out. :dunno:
Joe Biden has been battling a stutter his entire life.

You didn’t know that?
I really hate spineless fucktards who whine about their country, and then do nothing to try to change it, by sitting out the election. President Trump from day one, "Made America Great Again", even with the establishment (Swamp Creatures) all set to destroy him with lie after lie with Russian Collusion and Mean Tweets. Several impeachments later, Joe Biden Campain working with China, released upon the US the Kung Flu which enabled Joe to use his "Most extensive voter fraud organization" to steal the 2020 election thus making America last, while bringing in 100s of thousand of diseased illegals every year. Then when it is a given that President Trump is going to win again the Stalinists of the Marxist Party, have to find a crime so they can do everything in their power to stop President Trump and the US citizens from Taking Back America and Making it Great Again. If they can do this to President Trump, then they can do it to you, you stupid dumbasses...That is what 3rd world counties do....

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Oh just stop.

No one is going to “do it to you” unless you pull the stunts he has.

If you steal government docs and try to usurp elections… then yeah… you’ll face trial.

Otherwise? It’s right wing victimhood and cynical as hell
I've followed politics for 40 years and these 2 old duffers are the worst pair of candidates I've ever seen.

Donald Trump is facing nearly 100 criminal charges in 4 different jurisdictions, for which he'll be found guilty on at least some of them before the election. This, plus his morbid obesity, makes me wonder how much longer he'll last.

Joe Biden, once a successful attorney and Senator is now a doddering old duffer in the middle stages of senility. He stutters, stumbles, and is clearly too old for the job.

As a left leaning Independent, I could see myself voting for Nikki Haley or Asa Hutchinson as well as some of the moderate Democrats, but this is the 1st election I might just sit out. :dunno:
Successful attorney? lol....Now that's a hoot...Of His career in the private sector, it could be noted that Biden was a part time buffoon at best...

I've followed politics for 40 years and these 2 old duffers are the worst pair of candidates I've ever seen.

Donald Trump is facing nearly 100 criminal charges in 4 different jurisdictions, for which he'll be found guilty on at least some of them before the election. This, plus his morbid obesity, makes me wonder how much longer he'll last.

Joe Biden, once a successful attorney and Senator is now a doddering old duffer in the middle stages of senility. He stutters, stumbles, and is clearly too old for the job.

As a left leaning Independent, I could see myself voting for Nikki Haley or Asa Hutchinson as well as some of the moderate Democrats, but this is the 1st election I might just sit out. :dunno:
Oh come on billdo.....Poopeypants has always been a scumbag making his living off bilking the people.
Trump at least recognizes you jackboot brownshirts for what you are and is trying to rid the country of your evil. Back to your basement.
(A) Mr. Biden has been rejected by America's voters several times, when he was in fact better known to the nation's voters than he was in 2020. He is dimwitted, obviously sleazy, and like a lot of politicians, a self-absorbed jackass with a totally unjustified high opinion of himself (and that's ignoring his obvious mental decline). This has been manifestly true for his entire career. NOBODY wants Joe Biden to be President, now or in the future. He got a large pile of votes in 2020 due to voters' revulsion at Donald Trump and blind Leftist straight-ticket voting. More importantly, like his Democrat predecessor Barry Soetoro, his "failures" have not been due to incompetence; he is actually TRYING and SUCCEEDING in doing things that are visibly and vitally harming the country. Things like opening our borders, hamstringing the exploitation of our greatest natural resource - carbon-based fuels - and facilitating the Nazification of our Federal Justice system.

(B). Mr. Trump is a self-absorbed jackass that nobody actually likes. He is sophomoric in his rhetoric and quick reactions to life's little tribulations. While he lacked any Government experience, he learned over his short tenure how to deal with the Deep State, and was bringing it under control when he was removed from office.

But here's the thing. Despite a virtual "full court press" fighting his every move, he got more accomplished in his three short years (Covid year excluded) than any President since FDR.

IMO, the worst election in modern times was HRC and Trump. There is no question that more people voted AGAINST these two candidates than could possibly have voted FOR either of them, combined. We just got lucky with Trump, when he turned out to be far better than anyone could have expected.
Ron DeSantis would be my choice regardless.

He is an excellent administrator, he takes no shit whatsoever from scum-of-the-Earth dimocrap FILTH and he has a good team already in place.

He put the child-molesting Disney in its place. And they are the biggest media conglomerate on the planet, by far. They thought they could roll over DeSantis and he told them -- "Go for it, bitches". They did. They lost. They are still losing to him. Florida is still winning. Too much, IMO. Way, way WAY too much. I am so sick and tired of hearing New Yawk and New Joisey accents... Wish they'd go back home and take their cellulite with them. Instead, they move here and bring their nasty habits with them. Some of them try to fit in, to not be such asshole New Yawkers and they succeed for the most part. Others are too old and too stupid to be anything but what they are. I digress..... again

DeSantis kicked ass on the communist Teachers Unions, giving Florida the best Education system in the Country, he handled two of the most devastating hurricanes in human history without breaking a sweat....

He is the whole package but with one (1) major flaw.......

He has no personality. No pizzazz. Compared to Trump, he's yesterday's breakfast. Boring.

People, being what they are will vote for someone other than the best available. I'm okay with that as long as it is not a dimocorap scumbag. Which; they all are. ALL dimocraps are scumbags. I'd vote for anything, anybody besides a dimocrap.

I swear to you, I'd vote for a socialist, a communist, a liberturdian, Union Party -- Anything besides a dimocrap scumbag. Even if it had two horns and a tail. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING, is better than a dimocrap. They are truly the scum of the earth
Ron DeSantis would be my choice regardless.

He is an excellent administrator, he takes no shit whatsoever from scum-of-the-Earth dimocrap FILTH and he has a good team already in place.

He put the child-molesting Disney in its place. And they are the biggest media conglomerate on the planet, by far. They thought they could roll over DeSantis and he told them -- "Go for it, bitches". They did. They lost. They are still losing to him. Florida is still winning. Too much, IMO. Way, way WAY too much. I am so sick and tired of hearing New Yawk and New Joisey accents... Wish they'd go back home and take their cellulite with them. Instead, they move here and bring their nasty habits with them. Some of them try to fit in, to not be such asshole New Yawkers and they succeed for the most part. Others are too old and too stupid to be anything but what they are. I digress..... again

DeSantis kicked ass on the communist Teachers Unions, giving Florida the best Education system in the Country, he handled two of the most devastating hurricanes in human history without breaking a sweat....

He is the whole package but with one (1) major flaw.......

He has no personality. No pizzazz. Compared to Trump, he's yesterday's breakfast. Boring.

People, being what they are will vote for someone other than the best available. I'm okay with that as long as it is not a dimocorap scumbag. Which; they all are. ALL dimocraps are scumbags. I'd vote for anything, anybody besides a dimocrap.

I swear to you, I'd vote for a socialist, a communist, a liberturdian, Union Party -- Anything besides a dimocrap scumbag. Even if it had two horns and a tail. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING, is better than a dimocrap. They are truly the scum of the earth
He’s a cynical right wing politico using you just like Trump did.

He hates (or says he does) the people you hate
Oh just stop.

No one is going to “do it to you” unless you pull the stunts he has.

If you steal government docs and try to usurp elections… then yeah… you’ll face trial.

Otherwise? It’s right wing victimhood and cynical as hell
/——-/ As a Senator and VP, Biden stole classified documents and he got a free pass.

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