The Reality of Transgenderism


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

As every rational person figured out a few years ago, the exploding transgender phenomenon is more a matter of neurotic young and teen girls trying to find a way to draw attention to themselves than a long-hidden fact of life that has finally come to the surface. Of course there are boys and men involved as well, but as with homosexuality vs lesbianism, it is a whole different phenomenon for males.

As you look at the headline from the article, ponder whether the word, "mostly" should be removed for the sake of accuracy. In short, "It's a fad." Period.

People of Good Will recognize that it is not a harmless fad. The young people who undergo pharmaceutical and surgical treatments to patronize their delusions (a) will never have a child, (b) will never (again) have an orgasm, and (c) will never have an intimate sexual relationship, for which orgasm is an intrinsic part.

The solution, I am sad to say, is a two-fold LEGAL one. First, State legislatures must criminalize taking these steps on minors, even with the consent of the parents, and second, tort law must facilitate lawsuits against both parents and practitioners who perform these "affirming" treatments, awarding money damages to adults whose lives have been severely compromised by adults' willingness to patronize their obviously-neurotic childhood delusions. Then, when malpractice insurers start to get beat down with the lawsuits, they will demand that their clients stop doing it.

As every rational person figured out a few years ago, the exploding transgender phenomenon is more a matter of neurotic young and teen girls trying to find a way to draw attention to themselves than a long-hidden fact of life that has finally come to the surface. Of course there are boys and men involved as well, but as with homosexuality vs lesbianism, it is a whole different phenomenon for males.

As you look at the headline from the article, ponder whether the word, "mostly" should be removed for the sake of accuracy. In short, "It's a fad." Period.

People of Good Will recognize that it is not a harmless fad. The young people who undergo pharmaceutical and surgical treatments to patronize their delusions (a) will never have a child, (b) will never (again) have an orgasm, and (c) will never have an intimate sexual relationship, for which orgasm is an intrinsic part.

The solution, I am sad to say, is a two-fold LEGAL one. First, State legislatures must criminalize taking these steps on minors, even with the consent of the parents, and second, tort law must facilitate lawsuits against both parents and practitioners who perform these "affirming" treatments, awarding money damages to adults whose lives have been severely compromised by adults' willingness to patronize their obviously-neurotic childhood delusions. Then, when malpractice insurers start to get beat down with the lawsuits, they will demand that their clients stop doing it.

My line is drugs and surgery. If Mommy and Daddy want to pretend Bart is Bertha by dress up, we shouldn't stop them. However the schools shouldn't have to play along with the cosplay, and the resulting therapy is on the parents.

As every rational person figured out a few years ago, the exploding transgender phenomenon is more a matter of neurotic young and teen girls trying to find a way to draw attention to themselves than a long-hidden fact of life that has finally come to the surface. Of course there are boys and men involved as well, but as with homosexuality vs lesbianism, it is a whole different phenomenon for males.

As you look at the headline from the article, ponder whether the word, "mostly" should be removed for the sake of accuracy. In short, "It's a fad." Period.

People of Good Will recognize that it is not a harmless fad. The young people who undergo pharmaceutical and surgical treatments to patronize their delusions (a) will never have a child, (b) will never (again) have an orgasm, and (c) will never have an intimate sexual relationship, for which orgasm is an intrinsic part.

The solution, I am sad to say, is a two-fold LEGAL one. First, State legislatures must criminalize taking these steps on minors, even with the consent of the parents, and second, tort law must facilitate lawsuits against both parents and practitioners who perform these "affirming" treatments, awarding money damages to adults whose lives have been severely compromised by adults' willingness to patronize their obviously-neurotic childhood delusions. Then, when malpractice insurers start to get beat down with the lawsuits, they will demand that their clients stop doing it.

I agree with you on lawsuits against medical practitioners, but not sure about the parents.

Many of these children/teens reinvent their childhood to match the "symptoms" trans activists promote. Parents are often taken off guard when they take their kids to get help and what the kid tells therapist doesn't match reality. All most all therapist comply with the trans agenda in many cases out of fear of being targeted.

The goal of the trans activist is to separate the child/teen from the parents.

When the child/teen wakes up to reality in many cases they will look for the easiest person to blame and in many cases that will be the parents.
I agree with you on lawsuits against medical practitioners, but not sure about the parents.

Many of these children/teens reinvent their childhood to match the "symptoms" trans activists promote. Parents are often taken off guard when they take their kids to get help and what the kid tells therapist doesn't match reality. All most all therapist comply with the trans agenda in many cases out of fear of being targeted.

The goal of the trans activist is to separate the child/teen from the parents.

When the child/teen wakes up to reality in many cases they will look for the easiest person to blame and in many cases that will be the parents.

It isn't just one specific reason for this. There are plenty of obvious examples of Munchausen by proxy from some parents.

They get attention for their kids being trans.
We are becoming a nation of freaks and perverts.

There always was that undercurrent, the problem is most times society realizes you need to keep it as just that, and undercurrent.

Society need normies to keep it running, if everyone is the counterculture, we lose the culture.

And then we go the way of the Western Roman Empire.
The normies are now the counterculture.

And that doesn't work for a stable society.

The counterculture always has an air of narcissism and lack of responsibility about it, not exactly the people you want building bridges and running things.
Nearly all cultural Marxists, whether they know it or not.

Culture is just the new sword the Marxists are using because economics has been shown to be not usable by them as a "shining example" of the glories of socialism.

As every rational person figured out a few years ago, the exploding transgender phenomenon is more a matter of neurotic young and teen girls trying to find a way to draw attention to themselves than a long-hidden fact of life that has finally come to the surface. Of course there are boys and men involved as well, but as with homosexuality vs lesbianism, it is a whole different phenomenon for males.

As you look at the headline from the article, ponder whether the word, "mostly" should be removed for the sake of accuracy. In short, "It's a fad." Period.

People of Good Will recognize that it is not a harmless fad. The young people who undergo pharmaceutical and surgical treatments to patronize their delusions (a) will never have a child, (b) will never (again) have an orgasm, and (c) will never have an intimate sexual relationship, for which orgasm is an intrinsic part.

The solution, I am sad to say, is a two-fold LEGAL one. First, State legislatures must criminalize taking these steps on minors, even with the consent of the parents, and second, tort law must facilitate lawsuits against both parents and practitioners who perform these "affirming" treatments, awarding money damages to adults whose lives have been severely compromised by adults' willingness to patronize their obviously-neurotic childhood delusions. Then, when malpractice insurers start to get beat down with the lawsuits, they will demand that their clients stop doing it.
Article gave but a mere cursory oh-by-the-way mention of the "education" system, where a lot of this freakery is being incubated.

As was discovered during the remote learning stages of the WuFlu debacle, teachers are actively aiding and abetting much of the mental dysfunction, of all flavors, that's infecting the brains of our yoots today.
Culture is just the new sword the Marxists are using because economics has been shown to be not usable by them as a "shining example" of the glories of socialism.
Not new....They've been wielding that sword for decades, while also being behind the "will you lay off the culture crap" wing of the GOP at the same time.

It's axiomatic: politics is downstream from culture.
Not new....They've been wielding that sword for decades, while also being behind the "will you lay off the culture crap" wing of the GOP at the same time.

It's axiomatic: politics is downstream from culture.

I had a history professor that said everything comes from economics.

People think economics is just money, but money is just a medium of trade. economics is how society holds together and people fit into it.

That being said I am not a winner take all culture warrior. Stay away from the kids, don't force acceptance on me, and play nice and you can keep up your counterculture crap all you want.

Lines have to be drawn, and we have to make sure we don't over-react to their inability to compromise.

Draw the line and hold it.
I had a history professor that said everything comes from economics.

People think economics is just money, but money is just a medium of trade. economics is how society holds together and people fit into it.
There are reasons that even elementary macro isn't a compulsory class in HS.
Lines have to be drawn, and we have to make sure we don't over-react to their inability to compromise.

Draw the line and hold it.
Better to turn the lack of compromise back on them, and burn them to the ground....Foolhardy compromise has put us where we are.
There are reasons that even elementary macro isn't a compulsory class in HS.

Better to turn the lack of compromise back on them, and burn them to the ground....Foolhardy compromise has put us where we are.

Not compromise, line drawing.

And on the Trans thing I have a feeling there are plenty of LG "normies" that are disgusted by the trans shit.

We won't get them on our side with lumping them in with the freaks.
Not compromise, line drawing.

And on the Trans thing I have a feeling there are plenty of LG "normies" that are disgusted by the trans shit.

We won't get them on our side with lumping them in with the freaks.
Drawing a line sets the premise of a point of demarcation where there is no compromise.

We're long past the point of pushback....Institutions need to be burned to the ground and rebuilt.

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