The question of the hr. will the terrorists once again hatch a plot in Afghanistan for another 9/11 type attack


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Already we see the terrorists following the taliban man back into Afghanistan....will they now prceed to set up shop and begin to plot a major attack on America .....perhaps even worse than 9/11?

Perhaps such a huge attack that will leave us reeling in death and chaos unable to defend ourselves against predatory nations such as China?

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Well let's see. We just armed the Taliban with the most modern weaponry and equipment ANY terrorist organization has ever had. That will draw ISIS and Al-Qaeda back under the Taliban tent. That will create the largest most well armed terrorist army the world has ever seen. That will spawn the new Caliphate that will expand out from Afghanistan to surrounding M.E. countries. At that point they will have the financial and military resources to launch any sort of attack they want to, including mainland USA.
The original plot was hatched by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, in Saudi Arabia (19 of the hijackers were Saudis). After the plot was carried out, they fled to Pakistan and Afghanistan. As for the military hardware left behind, none of it can reach the United States and would have to settle for nearby embassies. The furthest a Blackhawk helicopter can go in a one-way straight line is 1,381 miles, with the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi is easily in that sphere, IF they can get by the Indian Air Force.

What makes you think it's not already planned by help from within?


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The original plot was hatched by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, in Saudi Arabia (19 of the hijackers were Saudis). After the plot was carried out, they fled to Pakistan and Afghanistan. As for the military hardware left behind, none of it can reach the United States and would have to settle for nearby embassies. The furthest a Blackhawk helicopter can go in a one-way straight line is 1,381 miles, with the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi is easily in that sphere, IF they can get by the Indian Air Force.
Bin Laden was in Afghanistan not Saudia Arabia.

Yes....the islamic terrorists that carried out the attacks were from various muslim nations.

The talk about the military hardware has nothing to do with the ability of islamic terrorists to attack America.

I could tell you exactly how they could committ a catastrophic attack or attacks on America and others probably could also.

Not a good idea to give them ideas if they even need any.
Already we see the terrorists following the taliban man back into Afghanistan....will they now prceed to set up shop and begin to plot a major attack on America .....perhaps even worse than 9/11?

Perhaps such a huge attack that will leave us reeling in death and chaos unable to defend ourselves against predatory nations such as China?

Enough of them are here now, they don't have to plot back east. They can do it ri'chere. And they will. Guaranteed.
Already we see the terrorists following the taliban man back into Afghanistan....will they now prceed to set up shop and begin to plot a major attack on America .....perhaps even worse than 9/11?

Perhaps such a huge attack that will leave us reeling in death and chaos unable to defend ourselves against predatory nations such as China?

I seriously doubt it.. The Taliban is opposed to al Qaeda and an attack on the US would be detrimental to their efforts to pull Afghanistan out of chaos...

But, worry about it if you like. Maybe you can spread more political conflict.
The original plot was hatched by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, in Saudi Arabia (19 of the hijackers were Saudis). After the plot was carried out, they fled to Pakistan and Afghanistan. As for the military hardware left behind, none of it can reach the United States and would have to settle for nearby embassies. The furthest a Blackhawk helicopter can go in a one-way straight line is 1,381 miles, with the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi is easily in that sphere, IF they can get by the Indian Air Force.

The Saudis revoked OBL's citizenship in 1994 and declared AQ a terrorist outfit. He hated the Saudis as much as he hated the US.
If America ceases the bombing then the best guess is that ISIS and other groups that are perceived to be terrorists, just won't care about America any longer.

If not then America should expect revenge in some form.

And the biggest risk is that it could be in the form of a nuclear attack.

Sadly, we now know that America doesn't intend to stop dropping bombs in Afghanistan.
The Saudis revoked OBL's citizenship in 1994 and declared AQ a terrorist outfit. He hated the Saudis as much as he hated the US.
That's the popular story that has been spun by America so far.

What makes up the hidden facts that are supposedly about to be released by Biden?

Will it be a non-release as was the case with the Kennedy assassination?
It almost certainly will be because the American people will buy it almost unanimously.
That's the popular story that has been spun by America so far.

What makes up the hidden facts that are supposedly about to be released by Biden?

Will it be a non-release as was the case with the Kennedy assassination?
It almost certainly will be because the American people will buy it almost unanimously.

Made up by Americans?

I have known that OBL's citizenship was revoked since 1994. You probably didn't follow KSA closely until 9/11.
Already we see the terrorists following the taliban man back into Afghanistan....will they now prceed to set up shop and begin to plot a major attack on America .....perhaps even worse than 9/11?

Perhaps such a huge attack that will leave us reeling in death and chaos unable to defend ourselves against predatory nations such as China?

You mean the CIA?
No. They will plan it here and and implement it here. We have 40 unaccounted for terrorists that Biden has invited in that he kinda lost track of. They'll get the job done!
The Taliban isn't interested in anything outside of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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