The problem with Washington


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Absolutely exceptional video... both sides of the aisle will be well served to watch this inteview with Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn on MSNBC.

Coburn hits all of the problems right on the head and shows he is willing to solve the problems by critizing republicans AND the Pentagon.

‘I Don’t Think You All Get It’: Fed-Up Sen. Coburn Tangles With MSBNC Panel Over Tea Party & Constitution | Video |

All I know about the Tea party is what I get from the news and videos of their demonstrations. My impression is incredibly negative.

That being said I also know that the leadership of the Tea party may be very different than the grass roots. Those people in congress and the organizing structure of the party were funded primarily by the Koch brothers.

The public face of the Tea Party is one of redneck know nothings. Until they do something about that I will take a pass.

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