The politics of the decline of the nuclear family is going to be the downfall of the US.40% of kids in US born to single mom. 7% worldwide.2% in China


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

We are raising messed up kids. Welfare is a failure.

When everyone is finished destroying the US, make sure you guys move your woke movement to China and India.

2% and 3% birth rates to single moms In China and India.

The cultural war by the left in the US will destroy it. The Russians started this in the 1950s, and they are winning.

40% of children born to single moms in the US, 2% in China?

Tik Tok needs to be banned immediately. It is Chinese spy ware.

We are raising messed up kids. Welfare is a failure.

When everyone is finished destroying the US, make sure you guys move your woke movement to China and India.

2% and 3% birth rates to single moms In China and India.

The cultural war by the left in the US will destroy it. The Russians started this in the 1950s, and they are winning.

40% of children born to single moms in the US, 2% in China?

Tik Tok needs to be banned immediately. It is Chinese spy ware.
You get the first prize for being the ignorant ass who has shit in your own American nest!

And another honourable mention for bringing up China's success!
The Radical Left has been relentlessly attacking mainstream people and families for generations.
The Feminist have told women that they don't need a man and that they will be happy being single and childless for life.
But many women are happy being wives and being mothers.
A growing g number of women are childless. Big whoop. The very last reason to have kids is for the country. Have them if you want them yes. If not, we applaud that too. Does it matter? Nope it doesnt

We are raising messed up kids. Welfare is a failure.

When everyone is finished destroying the US, make sure you guys move your woke movement to China and India.

2% and 3% birth rates to single moms In China and India.

The cultural war by the left in the US will destroy it. The Russians started this in the 1950s, and they are winning.

40% of children born to single moms in the US, 2% in China?

Tik Tok needs to be banned immediately. It is Chinese spy ware.
It isn't 1950 anymore, times have changed.

I see nothing wrong with single mom mothers. The idea that the mother has to be married or with a man is old fashion and ridiculous. That is old fashion thinking, it is plain silly.

My wife's sister was a single mother to 7 kids from 3 different fathers. One kid died shortly after child birth. Her current boyfriend is father of one of her kids and he had 5 other kids from several women himself. Kids were raised good.

In reality people mess around with many different partners and have kids with many different partners. It really is no big deal. She has another sister who gave up a kid to adoption because she had sex with a guy she met at a party one night and got pregnant and she never saw the guy again. they weren't either dating or in a relationship. It was just like a drinking party where men and women meet to have casual sex for one night and never see each other ever again in their lives. And honestly I see nothing wrong with this or this lifestyle to be honest.
Kids on antidepressants is up like 40% since 2019.

We are doing a hell of a job.

Like I said, when you woke fucks destroy the US, make damn sure you move on to China and India.

No diversity there! FUCKING RACISTS!
It isn't 1950 anymore, times have changed.

I see nothing wrong with single mom mothers. The idea that the mother has to be married or with a man is old fashion and ridiculous. That is old fashion thinking, it is plain silly.

My wife's sister was a single mother to 7 kids from 3 different fathers. One kid died shortly after child birth. Her current boyfriend is father of one of her kids and he had 5 other kids from several women himself. Kids were raised good.

In reality people mess around with many different partners and have kids with many different partners. It really is no big deal. She has another sister who gave up a kid to adoption because she had sex with a guy she met at a party one night and got pregnant and she never saw the guy again. they weren't either dating or in a relationship. It was just like a drinking party where men and women meet to have casual sex for one night and never see each other ever again in their lives. And honestly I see nothing wrong with this or this lifestyle to be honest.
Stop kidding yourself. Children of single parents and broken families have more problems than those of nuclear families.
There is a dating crisis going on nowadays.
Men aren't asking women out for dates very much anymore.

Here are some interesting videos.

Say what you want to dismiss this stat, but you are really misguided if you think we have a healthy nation with screens raising our kids.

Chinese Tik Tok is the opposite of US Tik Tok. The Chinese cultivate the content.

The economic future belongs to China and India if we do not wake up.

Maybe you guys need another booster.
It isn't 1950 anymore, times have changed.

I see nothing wrong with single mom mothers. The idea that the mother has to be married or with a man is old fashion and ridiculous. That is old fashion thinking, it is plain silly.

My wife's sister was a single mother to 7 kids from 3 different fathers. One kid died shortly after child birth. Her current boyfriend is father of one of her kids and he had 5 other kids from several women himself. Kids were raised good.

In reality people mess around with many different partners and have kids with many different partners. It really is no big deal. She has another sister who gave up a kid to adoption because she had sex with a guy she met at a party one night and got pregnant and she never saw the guy again. they weren't either dating or in a relationship. It was just like a drinking party where men and women meet to have casual sex for one night and never see each other ever again in their lives. And honestly I see nothing wrong with this or this lifestyle to be honest.
That’s outdated 1970’s think.
The data is clear and incontrovertible that depleted family structure is at the root of social demise. It’s been repeating itself for multiple generations beginning in the 1960’s.
Most acutely among boys without fathers in the self-segregating, so-called black community. Three out of four black births out of wedlock. Black males lacking fathers commit most crime. Very simple cause and effect.
Where did you get this stat, it is not in your link

They were discussing it on the PBD podcast this morning and I found the only link I could to the stat.

My link is 3 years old, I think.

My link still says we are #1 on earth.
Stop kidding yourself. Children of single parents and broken families have more problems than those of nuclear families.
Not our family. We have great family get togethers. A lot of family members who were single mothers are had kids from multiple men. In our family we have
family members who had ids grew up to be college grads and good jobs.

I knew a stripper I was a regular for at a night club who was a single mom. Her kid grew up to be a great kid. She went on to become a nurse after he career as a stripper and her kid went to college. I kept in contact with her, how she was doing for like 10 years after I knew her as a stripper. We were casual friends afterwards and just talked. I asked how her kid was, college and then later her career as a nurse. Single moms can be great parents and they can raise great kids.
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When you say single mothers can do as well as married mothers you are saying men as fathers are irrelevant to a child's development.

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