The Paranormal, the Supernatural, and the Extraterrestrial

Please check all that apply to you:

  • I believe in ghosts and/or angels or other paranormal beings.

    Votes: 30 46.9%
  • I believe in extra terrestrial beings

    Votes: 34 53.1%
  • I have encountered one or more such beings.

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • I have seen a UFO.

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • I have been on board an alien spacecraft.

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • I don’t know but keep an open mind that such things exist.

    Votes: 15 23.4%
  • I don’t know but doubt such things exist.

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • I reject any notions of the paranormal.

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • I reject any notions of extraterrestrial activity.

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • I support government research into extraterrestrial activity.

    Votes: 18 28.1%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Gentle reminder: This thread is in the CDZ

The human race has perhaps always had notions of the paranormal and/or supernatural. We find references in some of the earliest recorded histories in all known cultures. More recently, we have added notions of the extraterrestrial to those things we are curious about.

Adding credibility to the notions is a growing body of people, many who seem to be quite intelligent, normal, and credible, who report encounters with paranormal or extraterrestial craft and/or beings.

This could even qualify as a quasi-political thread as both the paranormal and the extraterrestrial could qualify as threats to human safety and/or national security and for various other reasons. Certainly the government has been operating radio telescopes for some time and continues to research reported UFO sightings, etc. Waste of time? Or are you happy with some of our resources being devoted to that?

So what do you think? Yes? No? Maybe?

Personal experiences, logic, reason, and credible recorded histories are appropriate here.
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Like I've written previously, I'm still drawn on the paranormal i.e - ghosts and poltergeists. But I'm certain we aren't alone in the universe. And that at some point, before the dawn of man up until the present day, we've been either observed or visited by technologically advanced extraterrestrials. Nothing will sway me on that.
I was not able to vote because one category is missing. "I believe there are some things that science has not explained yet."

You can still vote. There was no attempt to define WHAT a ghost or angel or exterrestial being, etc. is, so I don't imagine the names will change once science is able to explain them. :)
This could be a great thread! Anyone listen to George Noory's Coast to Coast late night on the radio?

Home - Coast to Coast AM

Yes, when we were operating our business, I would be out and about keeping on site appointments during the day and then would do paper work or other activities into the wee hours of the morning many nights. Beginning at 11 p.m. mountain time, to keep me company (and awake), we used to get Art Bell that was a fascinating mix of the odd, strange, unexplained. And when Art handed the keys to Coast to Coast to George Noury and the weekend hosts, they brought a much different dimension but often just as interesting.

It is one of those programs you have to take with a huge grain of salt and healthy skepticism--I'm sure the hosts do too--but some of the things they report are fascinating. And unexplainable.
Do I believe in supernatural beings? Yep. Seen evidence of them too much in my life, sometimes it's the Big Man Himself, sometimes it's one of His agents.

Do I believe in UFO's? Again, yep. Saw one when I was around 10 years old living up in Hamilton Montana. I saw a large glowing cigar shaped object that was glowing sort of orangish yellow rise up from the mountains behind my house. I then got my Grandmother and sister over to the window to see it, and it disappeared really quickly towards the north, best guess I can estimate on it's speed was over 500 mph. My Grandmother turned towards me and told me to never speak of it again, or people would think I was nuts.

I also believe that this world is way too large and we haven't really discovered all the things on it, so there are plenty more life forms to discover, maybe even Bigfoot (which I saw living in Vaughn MT when I was 17, walking along the back canal on my Grandfather's property). I knew it had to be at least 7 1/2 to 9 ft tall, because I also knew the grass that lined the canal was around 4 ft tall, and it only came up to it's waist.

As far as the angels being ET's? There is a very good possibility of that, because the religious paintings of the Middle Ages all have some kind of UFO in the painting. Check out Ancient Aliens sometime on the History Channel, it's got stuff that will make you think.
One place of interest in this category is the old historic, St. James Hotel in the Village of Cimarron in Northern New Mexico. It boasts a long history and current hauntings by various spirits who still call the hotel home. It has been researched by many paranormal experts, including the popular Ghost Hunters, and all have declared the activity to be detectable.

I have been there numerous times, and have never witnessed anything out of the ordinary. But I've never booked a room and spent the night either. :)
I believe that there are other beings out there. Just haven't visited us..

As for the paranormal - no way, no how....

Telepathy could be considered "paranormal", and yes, it does exist.

You can prove this to yourself quite easily by the way, just go to some place where there are people with their backs to you and stare at the back of their head. Within 30 seconds, they will feel you staring at them and turn around and look at you.

Also explains why you can feel people staring at you when you're walking down the street, even though you're not looking at them.
I voted that i believe in extraterrestrial beings.

To think WE are the only ones in this entire universe is a bit arrogant.

I've never seen anything "abnormal". But 2 of my kids have, in a house we used to live in. They are not the kind to exaggerate or make things like that up. Of course i didn't know because i'd never seen anything. But one evening my daughter was in her room upstairs, we were watching tv downstairs and all of a sudden there a was big "bang" from something was thrown really hard and hit the wall or something. Actually, when we went upstairs my daughter said that it was something hitting her door....but there was nothing around to explain it! Her and my one son both saw my mother after she died. I just don't know....i do have an open mind, and i am also a Christian. I know we're not to be involved in demonic things....but i don't know what to think about my kids seeing my mom. I believe them...but how???
Someone's been living in New Mexico too long...

And it ain't me...

Aw come on, get into the spirit of it HJ. But yeah, I've lived a lot of years in New Mexico and, because of having a fairly unique occupation as occupations go, I have had opportunity to go lots of out of the way places in New Mexico and have talked to lots of folks who tell me they have seen some amazing things.

You simply can't have any interest in the unexplained at all and not have your interest peaked by some of that stuff.
Someone's been living in New Mexico too long...

And it ain't me...

Aw come on, get into the spirit of it HJ. But yeah, I've lived a lot of years in New Mexico and, because of having a fairly unique occupation as occupations go, I have had opportunity to go lots of out of the way places in New Mexico and have talked to lots of folks who tell me they have seen some amazing things.

You simply can't have any interest in the unexplained at all and not have your interest peaked by some of that stuff.

I don't go in for the paranormal, but I think it rather arrogant for us to believe we are the only intelligent (and that is debateable...) beings in the universe.
I've never seen anything "abnormal". But 2 of my kids have, in a house we used to live in. They are not the kind to exaggerate or make things like that up. Of course i didn't know because i'd never seen anything. But one evening my daughter was in her room upstairs, we were watching tv downstairs and all of a sudden there a was big "bang" from something was thrown really hard and hit the wall or something. Actually, when we went upstairs my daughter said that it was something hitting her door....but there was nothing around to explain it! Her and my one son both saw my mother after she died. I just don't know....i do have an open mind, and i am also a Christian. I know we're not to be involved in demonic things....but i don't know what to think about my kids seeing my mom. I believe them...but how???

I am also a Christian and I don't think curiosity about the paranormal to be at all unChrsitianlike. We are commanded not to play around with or court demons, but I don't think there is any admonition not to know what they are or are not. :)

As for what your children saw, my instinct is to believe them. I have spoken with far too many people who have had visitations from the dearly departed. Maybe a dream. Maybe real. Who knows, but all found the experience to be not at all unpleasant and for many oddly comforting.
I've never seen anything "abnormal". But 2 of my kids have, in a house we used to live in. They are not the kind to exaggerate or make things like that up. Of course i didn't know because i'd never seen anything. But one evening my daughter was in her room upstairs, we were watching tv downstairs and all of a sudden there a was big "bang" from something was thrown really hard and hit the wall or something. Actually, when we went upstairs my daughter said that it was something hitting her door....but there was nothing around to explain it! Her and my one son both saw my mother after she died. I just don't know....i do have an open mind, and i am also a Christian. I know we're not to be involved in demonic things....but i don't know what to think about my kids seeing my mom. I believe them...but how???

I am also a Christian and I don't think curiosity about the paranormal to be at all unChrsitianlike. We are commanded not to play around with or court demons, but I don't think there is any admonition not to know what they are or are not. :)

As for what your children saw, my instinct is to believe them. I have spoken with far too many people who have had visitations from the dearly departed. Maybe a dream. Maybe real. Who knows, but all found the experience to be not at all unpleasant and for many oddly comforting.

If you are "commanded not to play around with or court demons," what the hell are you doing at USMB?

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