The orchard is orcharding...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
The mulberries have already mulberried...come and gone.

The apples are appling...


The pears are pearing...


The wild cherries arr cherrying...


And the black walnuts are walnuting...


No peaches this year ... and no grapes.
You should grow chokeberries, they have some crazy health benefits, but you have to prepare them correctly, like the Native Americans did, they also ground the pits into their jams and apparently that is where the health benefits come from. They also contain trace amounts of cyanide, though,

Blackberrys grow wild everywhere. I try to grow some, and they die every time. Screw growing blackberrys. I can get the neighbor kids to go pick me a basket full in their daddy's pasture.
Envious because the UK lags due to our geography . . But at least we have our own Strawberries and Cherries right now . We do have "hot housed" blackberries and raspberries but I am payng a ghastly premium for the pleasure . £2. for a 200grm punnet . Bastards .
I tried everything me or the guy at the nursery knew to do. Fuck blackberries anyway.

They are more or less a weed around here in southern Virginia, Dixieland USA. Or as we like to call them, those #$*@ing briers.

They only produce on a certain year's growth (can't recall if it is the second or third years growth). After that, you need to whack off the canes that produced, I have several patches of them growing around the margins of my property. We picked a couple three gallons of them and froze them. There are more out there but I will let the critters have them.

Pears will be the only things we get off the fruit trees though. Everything else got bitch slapped by mother nature--got warm early sending the trees into full bloom mood then the frost came back around for several days and whacked the blooms. There are like 1 or 2 plums that made it but they are too high in the interior of the trees to reach. Even our mulberries aren't producing and that is highly unusual.

Tomatoes and potatoes seem to be doing well this year. Have been harvesting both in the last week. The peppers in theory are producing but they are almost all wormy. I have never dealt with worms inside hot peppers before. Didn't even know it could be a thing so not sure what to do about it.

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