The Joys of State Run Healthcare

That is a good question. Why does an MRI cost 8 times as much in the US as it does in Switzerland?

Why do they charge 8 times as much in the US? Because they can. And they can get rich.

Meanwhile, medical bills are the number one reason for personal bankrupcies.
One needs to only observe Canada and the UK to learn what government run healthcare is about.

Neglected Parkinson's patient, 73, calls 999 for help... from his own hospital bed after being denied painkillers because he was 'not a priority'​

The 73-year-old was denied pain relief because of staff shortages and even left lying in his own urine during his horrifying eight-month stay in hospital, he claimed. Other patients nearby were also shouting and screaming for help.

At one point Mr Wild, who also has Parkinson's, told his wife: 'If I am going to die in this hospital, let it be soon.'

A doctor who assessed Mr Wild described him as being 'the most neglected patient I have ever seen'.

single payer would be similar to the public school system.
The tax for it replaces the cost of private schooling, if private schooling were all that is available, the premiums are more than the tax, that is the point. There is no 'increased cost'.
Brits are a gov run hospital system.
Canadian are non profit clinics operating under the gov.
Both of them spend less per capita than we do in America.

AMerica medicare is for profit clinics (including non profits) paid for by 'single payer' idea.

I have medicare and I do not wait very long at all, nor have I ever been neglected. The clinics I use compete in a market place, of which I can choose my doctor and clinic.

Moreover, Canada and Britain are much more stingier with their health care dollars than America is.

Moreover, the issue is much more complicated and deeper than you are making it out to be.

one thing is certain, comparing Canada and Britain to an American style 'single payer' medicare for all idea is not an apples to apples comparison.

But, even in Canada, not everyone agrees with your premise:



single payer would be similar to the public school system.
The tax for it replaces the cost of private schooling, if private schooling were all that is available, the premiums are more than the tax, that is the point. There is no 'increased cost'.
Brits are a gov run hospital system.
Canadian are non profit clinics operating under the gov.
Both of them spend less per capita than we do in America.

AMerica medicare is for profit clinics (including non profits) paid for by 'single payer' idea.

I have medicare and I do not wait very long at all, nor have I ever been neglected. The clinics I use compete in a market place, of which I can choose my doctor and clinic.

Moreover, Canada and Britain are much more stingier with their health care dollars than America is.

Moreover, the issue is much more complicated and deeper than you are making it out to be.

one thing is certain, comparing Canada and Britain to an American style 'single payer' medicare for all idea is not an apples to apples comparison.

But, even in Canada, not everyone agrees with your premise:




1. Canadian care is not 'medicare for all' as it would be in the US, they are a consortium of non profits funded by the gov, where the US is a consortium of private clinics (and university run hospitals.) funded by the gov. Not an apples to apples comparison.
2. Canadians are far more stingier in their health care dollars than the US, so it's not the 'system' is it is resource allocation.
3. The Naval Hospital, a government run hospital, is par none.
4. See below: In other words, I can find headlines to support a viewpoint, too.

The point is, your headlines doesn't prove what you are implying.

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The fact that the Brits bad Canadians ignore is that advances in medicine don’t come from their countries. They come from the USA and other countries that have “for profit” medicine. When you treat medical workers like postal or DMV workers, you get medical “care” at the level those drones provide.
The fact that the Brits bad Canadians ignore is that advances in medicine don’t come from their countries. They come from the USA and other countries that have “for profit” medicine. When you treat medical workers like postal or DMV workers, you get medical “care” at the level those drones provide.
Do your own research. I don't waste time providing links to people who will ignore them, then vilify me of providing them.
Oh I see, make a statement with no link, someone asks for a link, and, "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH TO BACK MY STATEMENT".

If you don't mind, I'll give you a miss, can't be done with Corbynists.
Oh I see, make a statement with no link, someone asks for a link, and, "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH TO BACK MY STATEMENT".

If you don't mind, I'll give you a miss, can't be done with Corbynists.
I have learned the hard way not to waste time with you. I make statements based upon facts, or my life experience and don't care if you accept them or not. You are entitled to your own OPINIONS, but not your own FACTS and your "FACTS" are always wrong.
I have learned the hard way not to waste time with you. I make statements based upon facts, or my life experience and don't care if you accept them or not. You are entitled to your own OPINIONS, but not your own FACTS and your "FACTS" are always wrong.
The reason why you won't add a link is because you are talking crap. You always do, you always spout hot air statements.

You said "The fact that the Brits bad Canadians ignore is that advances in medicine don’t come from their countries".

Yet if you paid attention to COVID, then you would have known -

If you don't know the subject, then shut up.
Healthcare is not a "Right". Like Housing , food , and clothing ,it is a Personal Responsibility. Most people who say they Can't afford HC all Drive ,have computers , Cable , and other "Necessities".
The reason why you won't add a link is because you are talking crap. You always do, you always spout hot air statements.

You said "The fact that the Brits bad Canadians ignore is that advances in medicine don’t come from their countries".

Yet if you paid attention to COVID, then you would have known -

If you don't know the subject, then shut up.
Yeah, Astrozenica’s research for the Covid vaccine was funded by the US government under Operation Warpspeed. And Astrozenica’s vaccine was flawed and caused blood clotting. So my point stands, the one UK company produced an inferior product. It wouldn’t been produced on the open market.
Yeah, Astrozenica’s research for the Covid vaccine was funded by the US government under Operation Warpspeed. And Astrozenica’s vaccine was flawed and caused blood clotting. So my point stands, the one UK company produced an inferior product. It wouldn’t been produced on the open market.
Your point is bullshit. Funding a vaccine is irrelevant. AstraZeneca is not American, try again kiddo. A non American pharma doing business with the US is, sadly for you, not American.

You haven't given a link to back your lie, because you can't. AstraZeneca, and even Glaxo proves you're full of crap.
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AZrailwhale what the problem America has, it has to invest in other county's health companies because it couldn't create it's own. For example, if you take Boots The Chemist. I worked for them for a number of years, founded in Nottingham. They merged with AllianceUnichem and then Walgreens bought 45%. And as you know, Walgreens can't even produce toffee, it just distributes.

The American healthcare system is like Microsoft, it can't do the job, it buys companies to do the job.
AZrailwhale what the problem America has, it has to invest in other county's health companies because it couldn't create it's own. For example, if you take Boots The Chemist. I worked for them for a number of years, founded in Nottingham. They merged with AllianceUnichem and then Walgreens bought 45%. And as you know, Walgreens can't even produce toffee, it just distributes.

The American healthcare system is like Microsoft, it can't do the job, it buys companies to do the job.

Something l noticed when l was hospitalised for emergency surgery in the US was….the number of people they employ for minor issues, whereas one person would do all those tasks here in Europe. For example, there was one guy tasked with finding veins, and that’s all. Someone else would do the blood work and infusions. All this must cost money.
I have learned the hard way not to waste time with you. I make statements based upon facts, or my life experience and don't care if you accept them or not. You are entitled to your own OPINIONS, but not your own FACTS and your "FACTS" are always wrong.

yet you are offering nothing but opinions. Your claimed facts are nothing but opinions until such time as you support them.

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