The Joys of State Run Healthcare

From what I've understood, in the UK he would be diagnosed, then put on a waiting list and would probably die before he received treatment.
You thunk wrong. The seriousness of the ailment is prioritised, so waiting lists vary. Being diagnosed with cancer means treatment within days or over two or three weeks. Just like anything in life, out of a million cases, the odd cock-up happens, but it's not representative.

Healthcare in the UK costs each person (ON AVERAGE) £500 per month in taxation. Healthcare in the US costs each person (ON AVERAGE) $1,000 per month. (I had to capitalise ON AVERAGE) because Yanks struggle. You have some crazy thing called deductibles?, so add hundreds of thousands to your bill if you get ill, and in the UK, we can pay private if we wish. If there's diagnose, treatment, rehabilitation etc.. just privately pay for any one step, or more. And whichever part of all you want to pay, it's about one hundred thousand cheaper than the US.

You are wholeheartedly more than welcome in keeping you're third world health service, and me calling it third world if knocking third world countries.

Just find the one million videos on YouTube where Americans have moved abroad, they can't praise government healthcare enough, and they utterly slag off your shit system.
As for the poor man in Salford this is the terrible price of almost unbroken Tory Governments, at the moment the big scandal is 250 people a week dying because they are stuck in A&E with not enough beds, one poor woman three days on a trolly, fifteen hours or more are common waiting to see a Doctor in A&E it's a total bloody scandal, we have people extracting their own teeth with pliers because of the shortage of Dentists, some people waiting hours for an ambulance to arrive.
and yet we still have Americans going there for medical care and prescription drugs
I saw a doc last night that claimed that insurance companies found it cheaper to fly patients to Mexico rather than provide the drugs themselves.
In the UK we dont even have to go to the pharmacy. They deliver the drugs to our home.
As for the poor man in Salford this is the terrible price of almost unbroken Tory Governments, at the moment the big scandal is 250 people a week dying because they are stuck in A&E with not enough beds, one poor woman three days on a trolly, fifteen hours or more are common waiting to see a Doctor in A&E it's a total bloody scandal, we have people extracting their own teeth with pliers because of the shortage of Dentists, some people waiting hours for an ambulance to arrive.
Tommy can't help, can you?

Why is the UK's health service delivering better results than Germany, yet Germany spend more per GDP on their healthcare?

How much in money do you feel the NHS is underfunded by?
I saw a doc last night that claimed that insurance companies found it cheaper to fly patients to Mexico rather than provide the drugs themselves.
In the UK we dont even have to go to the pharmacy. They deliver the drugs to our home.
Which no doubt you're pissed off about
Tommy can't help, can you?

Why is the UK's health service delivering better results than Germany, yet Germany spend more per GDP on their healthcare?

How much in money do you feel the NHS is underfunded by?
Both have superior metrics to the US.
The joys of US healthcare system....

Last month my daughter was in-between jobs and had a sudden intense pain in her abdomen. Drove herself to urgent care who sent her to the ER. At the ER gets pain meds, MRI and other test. They find she has a kidney stone. Gets more paid meds and meds to help her pass it. 6 hour total at the ER and so far she has received just under 9 grand in bills, and the MRI bill has not arrived yet as it is billed separately.

It is a great system! :oops:
Illegals can’t get ambulances in America?

You Brits are retarded.
Some are, they're called Tommy.

None UK citizens receive an invoice for healthcare.

Enter the mind of Tommy. He hates privatisation, the NHS (has a bit of privatisation) but is essentially nationalised. Tommy thinks the NHS is crap and not working, but he loves nationalisation. So he says it's underfunded, but he doesn't know by how much, yet it receives more funding as a % of GDP than Germany's healthcare, plus the UK's is ranked higher than Germany's.

So yes, he's retarded
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I apparently have a different experience with the VA.

The only complaint I have is the length of time before your appointment. If I call today, I will be lucky to get something in 6 months. Of course they emphasize that if it is an emergency, they will get something immediately.

But the speed at which they get me in and out is amazing. I don't take a book to the doctor's office anymore. I won't be in the waiting room that long.

And the level of care is as good as any around.
The joys of US healthcare system....

Last month my daughter was in-between jobs and had a sudden intense pain in her abdomen. Drove herself to urgent care who sent her to the ER. At the ER gets pain meds, MRI and other test. They find she has a kidney stone. Gets more paid meds and meds to help her pass it. 6 hour total at the ER and so far she has received just under 9 grand in bills, and the MRI bill has not arrived yet as it is billed separately.

It is a great system! :oops:

It is the number one cause of personal bankrupcy in the US.
You can thank the flood of illegal aliens for that. They are driving hospitals nationwide into bankruptcy.
I think that the huge number of unauthorized immigrants is overloading the medical system, resulting in longer waiting times for citizens to get medical attention.

Hopefully, after the November 5 election, some meaningful steps can be taken to let in only a specific number of immigrants that have skills that the nation needs, such as medical personnel.
Those enormous costs make me wonder if they are what the socialist medical system has to bear.

In other words, what is the true cost of medical procedures, socialist or otherwise?

That is a good question. Why does an MRI cost 8 times as much in the US as it does in Switzerland?

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