The Gun Control Debate will continue until we find solutions that make sense for people on both sides of the issue.

See what I mean when you I say you are an intellectually limited 2 dimensional thinker?

Tell you what why don't you find any post of mine were I ever said I voted for Trump and prove your assertion that I am lying and then get back to me.

Trump is not a 2A supporter and I have actually proven that to you.

I don't need any proof about you. Through your own actions you prove that you are a MAGAt and MAGAts lie, lie, fabricate and more. Nothing you can say now will change the general classification of you.

Once again, please stop lying proving that your AR-15 is more dear to your heart than our children.
I don't need any proof about you. Through your own actions you prove that you are a MAGAt and MAGAts lie, lie, fabricate and more. Nothing you can say now will change the general classification of you.

Once again, please stop lying proving that your AR-15 is more dear to your heart than our children.
Wrong wrong and wrong again.

I have had nothing to do with the corrupt duopoly in over 30 tears now.

I do not vote for republicans or democrats. I vote alternate party or not at all.

And once again I do not own an AR 15 .

All I care about are individual rights. The fact that some one commits a crime with a gun has absolutely nothing to do with me or the guns I own.

And like I said your children are not my children, other people's children are not your children.

So now that we have established that you have no intelligent rebuttals or indeed anything intelligent to say at all we know why you revert to childish name calling.
Wrong wrong and wrong again.

I have had nothing to do with the corrupt duopoly in over 30 tears now.

I do not vote for republicans or democrats. I vote alternate party or not at all.

And once again I do not own an AR 15 .

All I care about are individual rights. The fact that some one commits a crime with a gun has absolutely nothing to do with me or the guns I own.

And like I said your children are not my children, other people's children are not your children.

So now that we have established that you have no intelligent rebuttals or indeed anything intelligent to say at all we know why you revert to childish name calling.

Deny, Deny, Deny. Typical MAGAt. You are just too busy repeating he same lies over and over. I think we have had enough. Say goodnight, gracie.
I don't need any proof about you. Through your own actions you prove that you are a MAGAt and MAGAts lie, lie, fabricate and more. Nothing you can say now will change the general classification of you.

Once again, please stop lying proving that your AR-15 is more dear to your heart than our children.

Since you want children to be murdered in unprotected schools......why do you believe that? I think you guys need dead children....murdered in schools, in order to emotionally stampede uninformed people into giving you power and money.....

that is a vile thing for you to do.....
Deny, Deny, Deny. Typical MAGAt. You are just too busy repeating he same lies over and over. I think we have had enough. Say goodnight, gracie.
You have NOTHING but name calling appeals to emotion and irrational fear.
Our country also has had somewhat of a violent past, if you think of the Wild West, the Civil War,

When you consider the past, and present, of most of the places that Americans call their "old country" ... our past is practically pacifist.

Violence and chaos in the rest of the world is why many of our families ended up here in the first place.
When you consider the past, and present, of most of the places that Americans call their "old country" ... our past is practically pacifist.

Violence and chaos in the rest of the world is why many of our families ended up here in the first place.

Just look up the various wars of succession in Europe to get an idea of how often they were fighting.

Then go to the "X years" wars.
When you consider the past, and present, of most of the places that Americans call their "old country" ... our past is practically pacifist.

Violence and chaos in the rest of the world is why many of our families ended up here in the first place.

The Wild West wasn't nearly as wild as the penney dreadful's depicted. And it lasted less than 10 years. Even the "Gun that won the West" came out in the middle 1870s (the colt peacemaker) and the rifle that won the west didn't really get into large circulation until the 1880s. By 1900, the "Wild
Wild West" no longer existed. It wasn't the gun that ended the era, it was the Telephone.
Just look up the various wars of succession in Europe to get an idea of how often they were fighting.

Then go to the "X years" wars.

In the past 2,000 years, up to the present day, the longest continuous period of peace was 30 years.

European's bloody history makes us look like Ghandi.
When you consider the past, and present, of most of the places that Americans call their "old country" ... our past is practically pacifist.

Violence and chaos in the rest of the world is why many of our families ended up here in the first place.
/---/ The other reason is that serfs from Europe came here to become land rich. They went from nothing to thousands of acres over night. There was no one to work the land. Their solution, was slavery.
Mandatory background checks, including gun shows and private trade should be standard. I would also look into mental health screenings, classes, tests, etc If we need to take a class and a test to drive a car, we should require something similar to possess a firearm. I (and I'm assuming most people) would want the peace of mind knowing that if someone legally owns a gun, they are: A. Mentally stable. and: B. They know how to safely use it.

My 2 cents.

Background checks are absolutely worthless. Just look at how many people that have passed background checks have committed crimes with firearms. In addition, it is against the Bill of Rights to assume somebody is guilty and they have to prove they are innocent before being allowed to enjoy a right. Not only that but if you have to get government permission for a right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights then the BOR is not worth the paper it is written on.

There are no qualifications in the Second Amendment to have the the right to keep and bear arms, like taking a class or paying a fee or whatever the stupid Liberals come up with. In fact it is very specific to say that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

The last thing Americans need is for Liberals to decide on the qualification to keep and bear arms because they will always be oppressive. We can't trust the dishonest sonofabitches. We see that oppression in most of these Communists states in the form of crazy requirements, taxes and even outright bans. It took the Supreme Court to put an end to a lot of this bat shit crazy Liberal oppression and infringement.
Gun control laws would not prevent bad people from getting guns.
/---/ The other reason is that serfs from Europe came here to become land rich. They went from nothing to thousands of acres over night. There was no one to work the land. Their solution, was slavery.
The slaveowners weren’t serfs. They were mostly monied people from England, who weren’t well enough connected to get patents of nobility. Almost no Eastern Europeans came to the colonies. The vast majority of immigrants were Irish, Scots, Welsh and English. Many of the British’s Hessian mercenaries decided to stay after the Revolutionary War ended.
The slaveowners weren’t serfs. They were mostly monied people from England, who weren’t well enough connected to get patents of nobility. Almost no Eastern Europeans came to the colonies. The vast majority of immigrants were Irish, Scots, Welsh and English. Many of the British’s Hessian mercenaries decided to stay after the Revolutionary War ended.
/——/ I’ve read differently. Perhaps it’s a combination of both.
/——/ I’ve read differently. Perhaps it’s a combination of both.
Maybe, but it costs money to buy a slave, on top of the food, clothing, shelter, tools, farm animals, and everything else an individual would need to operate a farm. I'm thinking that most serfs were not able to do that. Eventually maybe they did acquire the finances, but I suspect not many though.
Maybe, but it costs money to buy a slave, on top of the food, clothing, shelter, tools, farm animals, and everything else an individual would need to operate a farm. I'm thinking that most serfs were not able to do that. Eventually maybe they did acquire the finances, but I suspect not many though.
Not many….They were blocked from owning anything like real estate that allowed them accumulate wealth from one generation to another. No wonder even successive generations could not afford to live on their own. Where do you build a home if you can’t own , borrow or reside anywhere but on the land owned by your” master”.
Gun control laws would not prevent bad people from getting guns.

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