The future is very bright for the United States

The "fool". Bwahahaha!! Record low unemployment. Record market highs. Lower taxes. Increased wages across the US
So, you are saying Trump controlled the economy.

First of all, that is pure nonsense. However, you must take the good with the bad. According to you, Trump is responsible for the 2020 recession during which unemployment went through the roof.
So, you are saying Trump controlled the economy.
No. I’m saying President Trump eliminating Barack Obama’s egregiously unconstitutional Executive Orders that were controlling the economy, is what facilitated unprecedented prosperity in America during his administration.
According to you, Trump is responsible for the 2020 recession during which unemployment went through the roof.
Sweetie…President Trump didn’t shut down the entire economy. The Dumbocrats did (because the US was experiencing unprecedented prosperity under Trump). Gavin Newsome (D) shut down all of California. Andrew Cuomo (D) shut down all of New York. And so on. And so on. And so on. Right down the line.
The future is so bright for the United States. The Dumbocrat Party is just a total dumpster fire - infected by extremists like Ilhan Omar and Ocasio-Cortez.
The Democrat Party has gotten so extreme and disturbing, that many in the party have reached their breaking point and are now trying to wrestle it back from the marxists/fascists/etc. So many have walked away from that party thanks to anti-American extremists like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib.
Yet again, Bill Maher just excoriates the Dumbocrat Party. You know you’ve become extreme extremists when Bill Maher is on your side and yet continues to hammer away at you.

The Dumbocrat Party continues to send more and more people to the right. We thank them. #WalkAway.
The left's embracement of extremism mixed with their complete and total inability to "read the room" has positioned conservatism to be the dominant political ideology for decades to come. No rational, informed person wants Critical Race Theory. Not one.
As a parent who has neighbors home schooling I can see there is no difference in the child except in beatings and lack of compassion.
Unfortunately for you though, you've proven time and time again that you're incapable of "seeing". Even when we post indisputable facts that prove you were wrong, you still continue on with the false narrative.

So I'd bet everything I own that your neighbors children are better educated and better adjusted than anyone else in your community. I would also bet everything I own that you know it but as usual, can't being yourself to admit it.
The winning continues. Just as President Trump promised. As the left continues to become more and more over the ledge extremist, more and more people are moving to the right.
Unfortunately for you though, you've proven time and time again that you're incapable of "seeing". Even when we post indisputable facts that prove you were wrong, you still continue on with the false narrative.

So I'd bet everything I own that your neighbors children are better educated and better adjusted than anyone else in your community. I would also bet everything I own that you know it but as usual, can't being yourself to admit it.
So where do I go to get my winnings?
So where do I go to get my winnings?

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