The destruction of the traditional family, the DNC's biggest accomplishment

The Department of Justice released a report to Congress on Thursday that concluded that the analysts who created an internal memo linking traditionalist Catholics to violent extremists “failed to adhere to FBI standards” but showed no evidence of “malicious intent.”

Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s 10-page report found no evidence that anyone ordered either of the unidentified analysts who authored the memo to find a link between racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and members of any religion or political affiliation. The report concluded there was no “underlying policy direction” indicating a link.

“We also found no evidence that Analyst 1 or 2 took investigative steps beyond searching FBI and other databases to obtain information for the [memo],” the report said.

The since-retracted leaked memo, dated Jan. 23, 2023, originated from the bureau’s Richmond, Virginia, office. It claimed that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists will likely become more interested in “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology” within the next 12 to 24 months “in the run-up to the next general election cycle.”

The U.S. bishops, along with many Catholic leaders, condemned the memo after it was leaked to the press. Additionally, lawmakers, some of whom have accused the FBI of targeting traditionalist Catholics, have demanded answers from the Department of Justice as to how, why and through whom the document came to be.

The report, which Horowitz said included only a “limited review” due to time constraints given by Congress, focused on the work of two unnamed analysts who were the main authors behind the memo titled: “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”

Both analysts denied targeting anyone for practicing their faith, with one of them saying suggestions that his motivations included anti-Catholic bias are “patently false.”
Here is more info on that report. Of course, since you are retard this will go over your head but will help set that memo in context.

The Richmond memo was spurred by the department’s investigation of a male resident of Henrico County who, according to the memo, described himself as a “radical traditional Catholic Clerical Fascist,” illegally collected weapons, had a history of making violent threats against liberals, racial minorities and Jews, and seemed to be preparing to launch some kind of domestic terrorist attack.

That man was not identified, but the dates and details of the case are identical to those included in the case file of Xavier Lopez, who was indicted on federal weapons charges last June, pleaded guilty last month and has yet to be sentenced. A call to Mr. Lopez’s lawyer was not immediately returned.

The F.B.I. investigation of Mr. Lopez included scrutinizing his interactions with members of a conservative Catholic congregation, unaffiliated with the local archdiocese, that he attended.

The bureau placed a confidential informant in the congregation to to befriend the man, and to determine if he was trying to recruit other members “to carry out an attack,” the inspector general found. The F.B.I. decided to deploy the informant because it was the only potential opportunity to establish regular contact with Mr. Lopez.

The informant was under strict orders to collect information only about the target, and not about the church or other parishioners, according to the inspector general.
Paid maternity leave? Bad for shareholders.
SNAP benefits for kids? Too much money from taxpayers.

Oh and COVID? No, we won't wear a mask. Only old people die from COVID and they're useless to society.
Why are Democrats so anxious to steal funds? They operate as if they do not need to pay expenses at all. Get a woman pregnant and force a company to pay her because she is pregnant.
Both proven to be lies.

Thus, you reflexxively suck the asses of the liars who pushed the lies.

Satan owns your pus-covered soul
Everything BAD said about Trump you totally believe. Even when his daughter's Diary contradicts you, painting Biden bad, really bad, you scream liar.
It's one of the hallmarks of communism, it's in the Commie Manifesto.
Why are Democrats so anxious to steal funds? They operate as if they do not need to pay expenses at all. Get a woman pregnant and force a company to pay her because she is pregnant.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Which company is forced to pay a woman because she is pregnant?
It doesn't.

You just lie about the diary.

Lying like that makes you a shitty human, and destined for Hell.
READ the diary. THEN shoot off your face. You do not deny you believe every lie told about Trump. My church does not discuss going to Hell.
Americans think pedophiles are evil.

It hurts to see what Democrats do to children.

The average Democrat dudes are cross dressing freaks that perv on children.

Why you support pedophiles you sick fuck?
In leftist marxist Queer Theory if you deny minor children sex with adults you are "oppressing" the children. That's how sick the left is.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Which company is forced to pay a woman because she is pregnant?
I replied to a claim about a company being forced to pay a pregnant woman over her being pregnant. The party did not identify the company.
It’s a shame that some people are more concerned about a family being made up of a male and female than they are about the love, trust and respect the family is built on. A child raised in a loving same sex family is better off than one who has multiple step parents and has never been shown what a committed relationship is.
Sorry your weak ass digs at what is 100% normal won't fly here.
In leftist marxist Queer Theory if you deny minor children sex with adults you are "oppressing" the children. That's how sick the left is.
Men talk about men loving men yet raising presumably a boy who no doubt will to make them happy also be a homosexual.
In leftist marxist Queer Theory if you deny minor children sex with adults you are "oppressing" the children. That's how sick the left is.
This is the kind of stuff that Trump cultists fantasize about all day long.

This perversion is unique to the right. You don't see anyone on the left bringing up pedo stuff. If someone is talking about pedo stuff on this board, you automatically know it's a rightie.
This is the kind of stuff that Trump cultists fantasize about all day long.

This perversion is unique to the right. You don't see anyone on the left bringing up pedo stuff. If someone is talking about pedo stuff on this board, you automatically know it's a rightie.
Why do you support child rapists?
Sorry your weak ass digs at what is 100% normal won't fly here.
Raising kids with multiple step parents and failing to show them what it means to be in a loving committed relationship is 100% normal to you? That’s sad

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