Zone1 The Destruction of America 2024


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

Unlike Hamas and his Palestinian people they are all on one accord as they uplift the standards and doctrine of Islam. They seem to now favor the destruction of both America and Jerusalem.

The Palestinians have the full support of the political left in America as the left are a people who have no God and no Savior. When God gets discarded from a city (a body) demons are allowed to overtake that city (body). We see the demons taking their god of Islam and through the support of the political left they indirectly support Islamic destructive and murderous ideology.

We are living in a prophetic time of America's demise; as a house divided against itself cannot stand. God's morality in righteousness is not political, nor is it a democracy. God formed America after the foundation of ancient Israel. A one for all, and all for one in which man must transform and come under the jurisdiction of God's ordained realm of moral righteousness. It is not to be debated, voted on, nor changed.

Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

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