
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words
Look at the Russian aggression in Europe, the Chinese aggression in the pacific, and a new militant wing of jihad that makes Al-Qaeda and the Talibs look like Mormon missionaries, and you can see how they only exist because of the meat puppet faggot and his deliberate weakening of our military.

At this point there's nothing left for Trump to fuck up. No matter what he does, even if a war develops, it will end up better than what obozo has done.

A prime example here of how progressive policy continues to fail society. After Martin Shkreli purchased the rights to the anti-parasitic drug Daraprim and raised the price from $13.50 per tablet to $750 per tablet, a high school student went out and created the medication for $2 per tablet. The free market flawlessly solving problems as it always does.

But....idiotic progressive top-down, centralized-controlled, centralized-planning communism. Business Insider explains:

But while the drug is still incredibly expensive in the U.S., in most countries, including Australia, it’s available for around $1 or $2 per tablet.

That’s because the drug is out of patent, but Turing Pharmaceuticals controls its distribution in the States through a loophole called the ‘closed distribution model‘.

That means for a competitor – such as the students’ new drug – to be able to be sold on the U.S. open market, it would have to be compared in trials to Shkreli’s product.

High school students make Martin Shkreli’s $750 drug Daraprim for $2
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

Health care costs have been increaing for decades . Boomers are getting older .

What's the GOP plan? Oh, do nothing .
Look at the Russian aggression in Europe, the Chinese aggression in the pacific, and a new militant wing of jihad that makes Al-Qaeda and the Talibs look like Mormon missionaries, and you can see how they only exist because of the meat puppet faggot and his deliberate weakening of our military.

At this point there's nothing left for Trump to fuck up. No matter what he does, even if a war develops, it will end up better than what obozo has done.

The world is as peaceful as it has ever been.

As for the Mid East . We no longer have a parade of dead US soildiers coming back every week. And GASP ! Mid East soldiers are now fighting isis . Who'd a thunk it!

But you want us to go back to the meathead conservative thinking of never ending war in the Mid East . How's that been working ?
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

Health care costs have been increaing for decades . Boomers are getting older .

What's the GOP plan? Oh, do nothing .
Yeah. You'd be amazed at how costs decrease, efficiencies increase, and products/services improve when government stays the frick out of it and allows the free market do what it was designed to do.

By the way - stop making excuses. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the Dumbocrats all knew that the boomers were getting older and still they insisted that the failed Affordable Healthcare Act would cause prices to decrease. Instead, they've skyrocketed to record levels. You're a partisan hack without an honest bone in your body. You sound ridiculous trying to defend this stuff.
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words

Is there some reason you essentially repeat the same rant over and over again? Loon.

"Liberal" policy hasn't failed. Prior to social security more than half of the elderly lived below the poverty line.

Prior to OSHA, workplaces were unsafe.

Prior to Richard Nixon's EPA, your corporate scum could dump their toxins into our air and water with impunity.

Prior to wage and hour laws working people were forced into sweatshops for what were abusive and explorative wages.

Now shut up and post after you've learned something.

After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words

Is there some reason you essentially repeat the same rant over and over again? Loon.

"Liberal" policy hasn't failed. Prior to social security more than half of the elderly lived below the poverty line.

Prior to OSHA, workplaces were unsafe.

Prior to Richard Nixon's EPA, your corporate scum could dump their toxins into our air and water with impunity.

Prior to wage and hour laws working people were forced into sweatshops for what were abusive and explorative wages.

Now shut up and post after you've learned something.

My dear jillian...you're back! Are you as excited about the Donald Trump presidency as the rest of America? As for the rest of what you stated, everything I've said is 100% accurate and backed up with links to indisputable facts.

Here is another sweet pea! Enjoy (can't wait to see you deny this one like you have all of the rest)...

Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015
Look at the Russian aggression in Europe, the Chinese aggression in the pacific, and a new militant wing of jihad that makes Al-Qaeda and the Talibs look like Mormon missionaries, and you can see how they only exist because of the meat puppet faggot and his deliberate weakening of our military.

At this point there's nothing left for Trump to fuck up. No matter what he does, even if a war develops, it will end up better than what obozo has done.

The world is as peaceful as it has ever been. As for the Mid East . We no longer have a parade of dead US soildiers coming back every week. And GASP ! Mid East soldiers are now fighting isis . Who'd a thunk it!

But you want us to go back to the meathead conservative thinking of never ending war in the Mid East . How's that been working ?
Bwahahahah! The Middle East is on fire. Obama bumbled foreign policy horribly. He helped to over throw dictators in Egypt and Libya and has attempted to do the same in Yemen and Syria. As a result, the Muslim Brotherhood now controls Egypt and all of it gave rise to ISIS.

By the way - more troops died under Barack Obama in Afghanistan than under George W. Bush. Oops. Could you be any less informed about reality? Partisan hack.
Look at the Russian aggression in Europe, the Chinese aggression in the pacific, and a new militant wing of jihad that makes Al-Qaeda and the Talibs look like Mormon missionaries, and you can see how they only exist because of the meat puppet faggot and his deliberate weakening of our military.

At this point there's nothing left for Trump to fuck up. No matter what he does, even if a war develops, it will end up better than what obozo has done.

The world is as peaceful as it has ever been. As for the Mid East . We no longer have a parade of dead US soildiers coming back every week. And GASP ! Mid East soldiers are now fighting isis . Who'd a thunk it!

But you want us to go back to the meathead conservative thinking of never ending war in the Mid East . How's that been working ?
Bwahahahah! The Middle East is on fire. Obama bumbled foreign policy horribly. He helped to over throw dictators in Egypt and Libya and has attempted to do the same in Yemen and Syria. As a result, the Muslim Brotherhood now controls Egypt and all of it gave rise to ISIS.

By the way - more troops died under Barack Obama in Afghanistan than under George W. Bush. Oops. Could you be any less informed about reality? Partisan hack.

Would that be the Muslim brotherhood who was democratically elected in Egypt ?

Are you defending Qudaffi . A guy who's own people overthough ? You righties hate Castro and Cuba , but cry for the dear departed Qudaffi .

Other than some civil war hot spots the world is pretty peaceful . Even Israel and Palestine have been quiet .

How many troops dead in Obamas last year ? Vs Bush's last year ?
Nancy Pelosi: the poster child for liberal failure

We have to pass the bill to see what's in it. My favorite Nancy Pelosi episode...Nancy claimed the Catholic Church had only been opposed to abortion in the last 50 years. The Vatican corrected Nancy informing her they had been against abortion for 1,800 years. Nancy Pelosi then said the Vatican was wrong. :laugh:
Would that be the Muslim brotherhood who was democratically elected in Egypt?
So are you now admitting that the world is not "as peaceful as it has ever been"? Are you admitting that you either lied or where completely uninformed about the current state of the Middle East? :dunno:

We need to be very clear here Timmy.
Would that be the Muslim brotherhood who was democratically elected in Egypt?
Really? You know for a fact that Al Qaeda didn't interfere? You know for a fact that the Taliban didn't rig the election? You know for a fact that the Muslim Brotherhood didn't engage in voter fraud (like progressives do here in the U.S.)? And you know that how? :dunno:
Nancy Pelosi: the poster child for liberal failure

We have to pass the bill to see what's in it. My favorite Nancy Pelosi episode...Nancy claimed the Catholic Church had only been opposed to abortion in the last 50 years. The Vatican corrected Nancy informing her they had been against abortion for 1,800 years. Nancy Pelosi then said the Vatican was wrong. :laugh:
i would love to meet those 500 Million people who couldnt find a job in the USA during 2010/2009
Are you defending Qudaffi . A guy who's own people overthough ? You righties hate Castro and Cuba , but cry for the dear departed Qudaffi.
Well unlike you progressives, conservatives both study and learn from history.

Muammar Gaddafi was a really bad guy who was a terrorist in the 1980's. Then Ronald Reagan did what conservatives do best - he kicked his ass. Reagan killed his two children. Gaddafi realized "don't mess with the U.S.". After 9/11, he was still so scared of the U.S. more than 20 years later that he turned over his entire nuclear arsenal to us and cooperated in every capacity we required. He was, in essence, our ally.

In addition to that, he kept radical muslims (like the Muslim Brotherhood) suppressed in his region. That's exactly what the U.S. needed since we were fighting radical islam and they had declared a "jihad" against us. Removing Muammar Gaddafi was a major blow to our national security.

Finally, to address your point on Fidel Castro, unlike Gaddafi, he was our enemy. He has never turned over weapons systems to the U.S. nor has he cooperated with us on anything. More importantly, unlike Gaddafi who was oppressing muslim terrorists, Castro was oppressing harmless, decent Cubans. There is a monumental distinction there and for you not to see that before making that comment makes people wonder about your ability to think.
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words

This is hilariously wrongheaded.

It was PRECISELY America's INVOLVEMENT in overseas conflicts that invited al qaeda to attack us. Specifically, Bin Laden was emboldened by the 91 Gulf War.

Twenty Years Later, First Iraq War Still Resonates

the first Gulf War did lead to further confrontations — and its reverberations are still felt today. ... [It became] a cause celebre for Osama bin Laden and one of the factors that led to al-Qaida's attacks against the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001. Bin Laden was incensed that "filthy, infidel crusaders," as he called American troops, were based in his homeland of Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's two holiest sites.

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