The Biden administration invites in illegal aliens infected with one of America’s greatest killers


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Biden administration invites in illegal aliens infected with one of America’s greatest killers

18 Jul 2023 ~~ Andrea Widburg

Much as leftists insist that border controls are all about racism, the reality is that one of the prime reasons to have border controls is to protect against deadly diseases. That’s especially true when people from countries with poor health care cross our borders illegally. (Legal border crossers, of course, must prove their good health.) We’re being reminded of the practical benefit of border controls as news emerges that the Biden administration is welcoming in illegal immigrants with tuberculosis, once the deadliest disease in America.
Looking back at American history, you’d think that leftists would be exquisitely sensitive to the risks of diseases coming to America from unchecked immigration. After all, current estimates are that 90% of the indigenous people in the New World died following their first contact with European explorers because they lacked immunity to diseases common in Europe.
By the end of the 17th century, although people didn’t yet understand germ theory, they had figured out that it was wise, when a ship came in from foreign shores, to require the ship to remain in quarantine for a short while to ensure that no one on board was actively ill. In Charleston, South Carolina, quarantining ships in the harbor was mandated from 1698 to 1949 to prevent infectious diseases from overwhelming the city.
Of course, immigration control or not, some diseases are endemic, and nothing will stop their spread through society. One of those diseases is tuberculosis. When I grew up, we were routinely tested for TB at school (my kids, incidentally, were not). However, in the old days, TB was a disease that could lie hidden and dormant for years before bursting into flower. Quarantines wouldn’t stop it, and TB got around.
Fortunately, TB proved to be very vulnerable to antibiotics, and the disease faded from popular consciousness. That’s why most people probably missed that, beginning in 1943, and with accelerated speed during the AIDS era when TB reared up again, TB was becoming drug resistant. So far, obviously, it hasn’t returned to plague status, but we should always be mindful of the fact that this deadly disease is just waiting for the chance to return.
That’s why it should concern all of us that the Biden administration’s open, broken border policy has resulted in thousands of children with TB being released across America:
The government is releasing thousands of illegal immigrant children with latent tuberculosis infections into American communities without assurances of treatment.
Nearly 2,500 children with latent infections were released into 44 states over the past year, according to a court-ordered report on how the Health and Human Services Department is treating the children.
Once again, the Democrats’ lawless policies are bringing death and destruction to the American people. Be afraid; be very afraid.

I have previously posted on the subject of diseases imported into America by the illegal aliens entering America, notably the rise of measles, Tuberculosis, polio, Typhus and other exotic diseases such as Niles, Sika, dengue fever etc.
The real fact is that thousands of border invaders were welcomed with open arms by the Biden criminal cabal without medical checks during the Covid crisis.
To my knowledge, none of the invaders were required to get the mRNA shots nor examined by medical professionals.
It is as it always has been with these evil power hungry creatures. The ends justifies the means. If thousands of American children get resistant TB or die from drug poisoning so be it. As long as we bring in enough Democrat votes to never lose power again.
In the past, Democrat and Republican presidents alike required immigrants to pass a medical check. Fail the check, and back you go. It was simple common sense.
But now it’s not common sense. It’s racism.
We will pay greatly for this idiotic change of view.
The cost to taxpayers allowing Sloppy Joe to import future voters is really staggering.

Healthcare for the illegals is estimated at $23.1 Billion. Diseases once thought eradicated are being imported by Sloppy Joe.

The cost to taxpayers allowing Sloppy Joe to import future voters is really staggering.

Healthcare for the illegals is estimated at $23.1 Billion. Diseases once thought eradicated are being imported by Sloppy Joe.

Not to mention murder ,Rape ,and WELFARE.
Well, Kamala Harris, did mention "population reduction" in a speech about pollution reduction. Most say that it was a gaffe in her speech, but who knows, maybe she let slip something going on behind the scenes.

Illegal Immigrant Children With Tuberculosis Released Across US​

21 Jul 2023 ~~ By Zachary Steiber

Thousands of young illegal immigrants with tuberculosis were released from U.S. government custody across one year, officials have revealed in a new report.
The illegal immigrants, all under 18 years of age, were released to family members or other responsible adults despite having latent tuberculosis infection, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a recent disclosure.
The dates of each release were not clear. HHS officials notified state officials from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023, of the tuberculosis-positive youth over a web-based system operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Aurora Miranda-Maese, an HHS official, told a court in the report.
The CDC, which is part of HHS, declined to comment. HHS did not respond to requests for comment.
The Washington Times first reported on the report, which runs 35 pages and covers other aspects of managing illegal immigrant youth who are transferred to HHS by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security after crossing the border.
Ms. Miranda-Maese said that each minor must undergo a medical examination within two business days of entering HHS custody. The examination helps officials assess the minors’ health, enables them to administer vaccines, and allows them to detect communicable diseases such as tuberculosis.
A person with latent tuberculosis infection, or an infection without symptoms, requires three to nine months of treatment to prevent potential progression to active disease, according to HHS officials. Without treatment, 5 to 10 percent of infected people will develop active tuberculosis, or tuberculosis disease, according to the CDC.
The CDC says that people with the disease are infectious, can transmit the disease to others, and can die if not treated. If tuberculosis becomes active, that is “a threat to both the individual’s and the public’s health,” according to Ms. Miranda-Maese.

Placement With Sponsors

HHS deals with unaccompanied minors or children who arrive at the border without a responsible adult.
The number of unaccompanied minors has ballooned in recent years, prompting the agency to ramp up the number of beds it has for the children.
To try to avoid overcrowding, HHS has tried to quickly move children to sponsors, or adults who are family members or otherwise interested in hosting the kids.
Minors do not typically receive treatment while in HHS custody because most are released before one month elapses, she said, opening up the possibility of problems such as the development of drug-resistant tuberculosis if treatment is initiated and discontinued before completion.

Ongoing Problem

Illegal immigrants for years have been crossing the border with diseases like tuberculosis, sparking concerns.
“A lot of these aliens coming in are carrying contagious health conditions, things like chicken pox, scabies, tuberculosis, lice,” Aaron Hull, the chief for the Border Patrol’s El Paso, Texas sector, said in a 2019 interview on Fox News.
According to federal law, immigrants are not allowed to be admitted into the United States unless they present documentation of vaccination against “vaccine-preventable diseases,” including tetanus, polio, and measles. Tuberculosis is not included.
Many of the immigrants have not received any vaccines, Kevin McAleenan, at the time the commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told Congress in 2019.
“Many individuals we encounter may have never seen a doctor, received immunizations, or lived in sanitary conditions,” he said. “Close quarters on trains and buses can hasten the spread of communicable diseases.”

America sould be scared, very scared.
Biological warfare by any other name would sound as....”inclusive”.
Over sixty years ago I was required to assist in caring for patients crippled with TB.
I saw the ravages of the diseases on patients as young as two years of age. sr
At tat time time te standard treatment was Para Amino Salicylic acid, Isoniazid (INH) and Streptomycin.
Today P.A.S. and INH are still used as part of the treatment but the anti-biotic has been upgraded to the drugs Myambutol and or Rifampin.
Despite these advances in medicine children and adult illegal's have been allowed to enter America by this Democrat administration to infect Americans. This is unconscionable and an atrocity foisted on the citizens of America..
See also:

Illegal Immigrant Children With Tuberculosis Released Across US​

21 Jul 2023 ~~ By Zachary Steiber

Thousands of young illegal immigrants with tuberculosis were released from U.S. government custody across one year, officials have revealed in a new report.
The illegal immigrants, all under 18 years of age, were released to family members or other responsible adults despite having latent tuberculosis infection, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a recent disclosure.
The dates of each release were not clear. HHS officials notified state officials from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023, of the tuberculosis-positive youth over a web-based system operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Aurora Miranda-Maese, an HHS official, told a court in the report.
The CDC, which is part of HHS, declined to comment. HHS did not respond to requests for comment.
The Washington Times first reported on the report, which runs 35 pages and covers other aspects of managing illegal immigrant youth who are transferred to HHS by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security after crossing the border.
Ms. Miranda-Maese said that each minor must undergo a medical examination within two business days of entering HHS custody. The examination helps officials assess the minors’ health, enables them to administer vaccines, and allows them to detect communicable diseases such as tuberculosis.
A person with latent tuberculosis infection, or an infection without symptoms, requires three to nine months of treatment to prevent potential progression to active disease, according to HHS officials. Without treatment, 5 to 10 percent of infected people will develop active tuberculosis, or tuberculosis disease, according to the CDC.
The CDC says that people with the disease are infectious, can transmit the disease to others, and can die if not treated. If tuberculosis becomes active, that is “a threat to both the individual’s and the public’s health,” according to Ms. Miranda-Maese.

Placement With Sponsors

HHS deals with unaccompanied minors or children who arrive at the border without a responsible adult.
The number of unaccompanied minors has ballooned in recent years, prompting the agency to ramp up the number of beds it has for the children.
To try to avoid overcrowding, HHS has tried to quickly move children to sponsors, or adults who are family members or otherwise interested in hosting the kids.
Minors do not typically receive treatment while in HHS custody because most are released before one month elapses, she said, opening up the possibility of problems such as the development of drug-resistant tuberculosis if treatment is initiated and discontinued before completion.

Ongoing Problem

Illegal immigrants for years have been crossing the border with diseases like tuberculosis, sparking concerns.
“A lot of these aliens coming in are carrying contagious health conditions, things like chicken pox, scabies, tuberculosis, lice,” Aaron Hull, the chief for the Border Patrol’s El Paso, Texas sector, said in a 2019 interview on Fox News.
According to federal law, immigrants are not allowed to be admitted into the United States unless they present documentation of vaccination against “vaccine-preventable diseases,” including tetanus, polio, and measles. Tuberculosis is not included.
Many of the immigrants have not received any vaccines, Kevin McAleenan, at the time the commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told Congress in 2019.
“Many individuals we encounter may have never seen a doctor, received immunizations, or lived in sanitary conditions,” he said. “Close quarters on trains and buses can hasten the spread of communicable diseases.”

America sould be scared, very scared.
Biological warfare by any other name would sound as....”inclusive”.
Over sixty years ago I was required to assist in caring for patients crippled with TB.
I saw the ravages of the diseases on patients as young as two years of age. sr
At tat time time te standard treatment was Para Amino Salicylic acid, Isoniazid (INH) and Streptomycin.
Today P.A.S. and INH are still used as part of the treatment but the anti-biotic has been upgraded to the drugs Myambutol and or Rifampin.
Despite these advances in medicine children and adult illegal's have been allowed to enter America by this Democrat administration to infect Americans. This is unconscionable and an atrocity foisted on the citizens of America..
See also:
The last article seems to be discussing LEGAL immigrants and legal refugees, not asylum seekers.....???

These people/immigrants discussed in this report.... have their medical records and who treated them for TB in their own country, and what medicines for treatment they have already received etc before coming here....between 2013-2016.
The last article seems to be discussing LEGAL immigrants and legal refugees, not asylum seekers.....???

These people/immigrants discussed in this report.... have their medical records and who treated them for TB in their own country, and what medicines for treatment they have already received etc before coming here....between 2013-2016.
It`s obvious that you have a reading comprehension deficit. Here`s the leading paragraphs.
`` Thousands of young illegal immigrants with tuberculosis were released from U.S. government custody across one year, officials have revealed in a new report.
The illegal immigrants, all under 18 years of age, were released to family members or other responsible adults despite having latent tuberculosis infection, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a recent disclosure``.
Nowhere does the article claim that these illegal's are/were treated for the disease.
In addition to the above, I previously posted that along with TB, Poliomyelitis and other disease's, some exotic , are once again being detected in America after they were terminated or controlled.
Since 2021 none of the illegal alien children have be treated for these diseases as admitted by the CDC the Biden administration as opened American citizens to diseases once under control..

Last edited:

The Biden administration invites in illegal aliens infected with one of America’s greatest killers

18 Jul 2023 ~~ Andrea Widburg

Much as leftists insist that border controls are all about racism, the reality is that one of the prime reasons to have border controls is to protect against deadly diseases. That’s especially true when people from countries with poor health care cross our borders illegally. (Legal border crossers, of course, must prove their good health.) We’re being reminded of the practical benefit of border controls as news emerges that the Biden administration is welcoming in illegal immigrants with tuberculosis, once the deadliest disease in America.
Looking back at American history, you’d think that leftists would be exquisitely sensitive to the risks of diseases coming to America from unchecked immigration. After all, current estimates are that 90% of the indigenous people in the New World died following their first contact with European explorers because they lacked immunity to diseases common in Europe.
By the end of the 17th century, although people didn’t yet understand germ theory, they had figured out that it was wise, when a ship came in from foreign shores, to require the ship to remain in quarantine for a short while to ensure that no one on board was actively ill. In Charleston, South Carolina, quarantining ships in the harbor was mandated from 1698 to 1949 to prevent infectious diseases from overwhelming the city.
Of course, immigration control or not, some diseases are endemic, and nothing will stop their spread through society. One of those diseases is tuberculosis. When I grew up, we were routinely tested for TB at school (my kids, incidentally, were not). However, in the old days, TB was a disease that could lie hidden and dormant for years before bursting into flower. Quarantines wouldn’t stop it, and TB got around.
Fortunately, TB proved to be very vulnerable to antibiotics, and the disease faded from popular consciousness. That’s why most people probably missed that, beginning in 1943, and with accelerated speed during the AIDS era when TB reared up again, TB was becoming drug resistant. So far, obviously, it hasn’t returned to plague status, but we should always be mindful of the fact that this deadly disease is just waiting for the chance to return.
That’s why it should concern all of us that the Biden administration’s open, broken border policy has resulted in thousands of children with TB being released across America:
The government is releasing thousands of illegal immigrant children with latent tuberculosis infections into American communities without assurances of treatment.
Nearly 2,500 children with latent infections were released into 44 states over the past year, according to a court-ordered report on how the Health and Human Services Department is treating the children.
Once again, the Democrats’ lawless policies are bringing death and destruction to the American people. Be afraid; be very afraid.

I have previously posted on the subject of diseases imported into America by the illegal aliens entering America, notably the rise of measles, Tuberculosis, polio, Typhus and other exotic diseases such as Niles, Sika, dengue fever etc.
The real fact is that thousands of border invaders were welcomed with open arms by the Biden criminal cabal without medical checks during the Covid crisis.
To my knowledge, none of the invaders were required to get the mRNA shots nor examined by medical professionals.
It is as it always has been with these evil power hungry creatures. The ends justifies the means. If thousands of American children get resistant TB or die from drug poisoning so be it. As long as we bring in enough Democrat votes to never lose power again.
In the past, Democrat and Republican presidents alike required immigrants to pass a medical check. Fail the check, and back you go. It was simple common sense.
But now it’s not common sense. It’s racism.
We will pay greatly for this idiotic change of view.

This isn't 1698.

The immunization of children in South and Central America has fallen from 90% to 75%.

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