The battle for control of your mind Brownstone Institute

Thomas Hobbes on all power in the State, none for the obediant people:

Thomas Hobbes’s Philosophy Made Real ⋆ Brownstone Institute

"How many people have noticed that, today – since at least the beginning of the so-called ‘pandemic,’ but probably earlier – governments, or constitutionally speaking, those who occupy the position of the ‘state,’ have acted as if citizens have no rights, and as if the state is beyond any criticism in what government officials do, or decree?

It is as if governments today have taken Thomas Hobbes’s 17th-century absolutist political philosophy, expressed in his famous book, Leviathan (1651), so seriously that they have ignored the alternative line of thinking that insists on a social contract between the people and the sovereign, where both parties are supposed to adhere to the terms of the contract, and not only the people."
Thomas Hobbes on all power in the State, none for the obediant people:

Thomas Hobbes’s Philosophy Made Real ⋆ Brownstone Institute

"How many people have noticed that, today – since at least the beginning of the so-called ‘pandemic,’ but probably earlier – governments, or constitutionally speaking, those who occupy the position of the ‘state,’ have acted as if citizens have no rights, and as if the state is beyond any criticism in what government officials do, or decree?

It is as if governments today have taken Thomas Hobbes’s 17th-century absolutist political philosophy, expressed in his famous book, Leviathan (1651), so seriously that they have ignored the alternative line of thinking that insists on a social contract between the people and the sovereign, where both parties are supposed to adhere to the terms of the contract, and not only the people."

Your post reminds me of Albert Jay Nock's book, Our Enemy The State.

Yes, the Scamdemic showed how the American People and those of the rest of the world mostly, are ruled and government by unelected career bureaucrats like Fauci and others. Democracy has been dead for many years in this country.
Panel Discussions from Brownstone's Third Annual Conference: Rebuild Freedom ⋆ Brownstone Institute

"Our panels covered every facet of how the Covid nightmare has forever changed society. Each session was dedicated to a particular topic: health, science, journalism, academia, law, economics, and ethics.

Our guest speaker for the gala was former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, emeritus professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy, and Brownstone Institute Senior Scholar Ramesh Thakur. Dr. Thakur brilliantly outlined the interconnectedness of the many tyrannies we face, from Covid policies to the religion of wokism.

Our panel discussions and Dr. Thakur’s speech are now available on YouTube and Rumble. Watch the entire conference at NTD or Epoch Times. "
Scientist has his genomic data destroyed!

The Sequencing Data Just Went Missing ⋆ Brownstone Institute

"US-based genomics scientist Kevin McKernan says he has lost an estimated US $200,000 worth of research data after his account on file hosting service MEGA was deleted overnight.

It appears that McKernan’s account was deleted by MEGA in response to an urgent injunction granted to New Zealand’s (NZ) Ministry of Health (MOH) to prevent the sharing of anonymised data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young."
Covid policies destroyed medical ethics:
The Four Pillars of Medical Ethics Were Destroyed in the Covid Response ⋆ Brownstone Institute

"Though it may be difficult to believe in the aftermath of COVID, the medical profession does possess a Code of Ethics. The four fundamental concepts of Medical Ethics – its 4 Pillars – are Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence, and Justice.
These ethical concepts are thoroughly established in the profession of medicine. I learned them as a medical student, much as a young Catholic learns the Apostle’s Creed. As a medical professor, I taught them to my students, and I made sure my students knew them. I believed then (and still do) that physicians must know the ethical tenets of their profession, because if they do not know them, they cannot follow them."
Ideology rules us - a sad group of expert elites knows best - just ask them:

The End of the End of Ideology ⋆ Brownstone Institute

"In 1960, Harvard sociologist Daniel Bell published a book called The End of Ideology. It argued that it was time to put aside all our ridiculous arguments of the past – socialism, fascism, liberalism, anarchism, technocracy, etc. – and just recognize that elites like him have it all under control. They had already established the building blocks of the administrative state so that real experts could be in charge and rule society with a steady hand.

All ideology aside, if the people themselves cannot have some influence over the system of government that rules them – if our job is merely to listen for and follow instructions over which we have no input – we are truly back to a pre-Enlightenment age. In that case, no one’s ideology really matters. We don’t have that fundamental thing that birthed modern civilization in the first place, namely the basic dignity that comes from a regime that recognizes human rights and responds to democratic control."
I just noticed this thread, the name. . . "Brownstone Institute," caught my eye.

One of the nation's foremost Libertarians founded that place.



I had recently watched a great interview with him. . . with one of those hosts we watched growing up on MTV. Great watch.

A very sober minded, somewhat liberal and rational guy. . . we all know and love. . .

Why 2024 Polling Data CAN'T Be Trusted w/ Brownstone Institute's Jeffrey Tucker – Ask Dr. Drew​

"Jeffrey A. Tucker, founder and president of the Brownstone Institute, warns against placing too much trust in polling data and surveys: "How sure can we really be that the numbers we are given are even based in reality?" ••「 CALL IN & LINKS: Why 2024 Polling Data CAN'T Be Trusted with Brownstone Institute's Jeffrey Tucker – Ask Dr. Drew | Dr. Drew Official Website - 」••

“What if the people who don’t respond to surveys are much different than those who do? What we end up with is data that’s just fuzzier than it used to be..." Tucker quotes an article by Josh Zumbrun in The Wall Street Journal. "This has created an environment in which it’s easy to cherry pick a starting point for data comparisons and come up with nearly any result you would like."

"If all of this is correct, we don’t really know the inflation rate," observes Tucker. "We don’t know the GDP. We don’t know the jobs situation. We don’t know expenditures. We don’t know much of anything we cite as a signal of economic health."
Keep reading:

Jeffrey A. Tucker is Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Liberty or Lockdown, and thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.
Follow him at and Brownstone Institute ⋆ Brownstone Institute"

From link;

". . .This federalist system of consensual competitive competence was the design intended for the “United States of” America.

It was broken by one thing and we could, if we wished, likely unbreak it by removing that one thing.

This thing happened in 1913, just as Wilson and the first round of US fascists (in the classic sense of command and control economy, rights suppression, subjugation to the collective, and “paternalism knows best”) and globalists changed the face of America and the power of the central government forever.

Prior to 1913, US federal debt was minimal. The federal budget was generally less than 2% of GDP.

And then…


“The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote.”

The original words said “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.”

This is a funny one. It’s barely taught in school and to the extent it is, it’s taught as a sort of “liberation” and as “making America a true democracy.” At best, you hear a few stories about “deadlocks” and “not being able to elect a senator because the two houses of a state could not agree.”

So they changed the fundamental nature and function of the US government in a truly radical way that few seem to understand (or even remember).

“Let’s let the people directly elect their Senators instead of having the state legislatures do it” sounds like empowerment. But it’s not. It’s subjugation.

Democracy is unaccountable tyranny of the majority. It’s coercion. It’s two wolves and a sheep voting about what’s for dinner. It was not what our Framers intended. It was, quite literally, the diametric opposite of the Framers’ intention and their genius.

The effect upon the population dynamic of electoral politics was profound. Post-1913, the big cities would always elect the Senate rather than state legislatures that also contained rural representation doing so. Candidates needed only to appeal to big city voting blocs whose populations and interests diverged from and came to dominate those of rural areas. . . . "

Agreed. It should be repealed.

WE definitely would not have such foolish presidential elections then.
The Asch Conformity Experiments demonstrate that most people will repeat absurdities just to fit in with other people. Experts in whatever field are not immune from basic human psychology. Thus we had an endless stream of experts spouting nonsense about masks, vaccines, social distancing, Ivermectin, lockdowns, etc. Of course Asch's experiments also demonstrated that people find courage in others speaking out against the absurdities. That's why it was necessary to silence anyone speaking sense about Covid and the hysterical reaction to it.

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