Terrorist attack on March 22 at Crocus City Hall


Feb 16, 2024
Ukraine under the rule of the Nazi regime turned into an openly terrorist state. The whole world knows that the Ukrainian Banderaites have been terrorizing the people of Donbass for 10 years. It is also obvious that there was a Ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.
Therefore, it is very important to determine who the beneficiaries of this most serious criminal act are.
Everything is clear with the performers here: these underdeveloped bastards have been caught, investigative actions are being carried out with them. Moreover, it is obvious that, despite multiple statements about their affiliation with IS/ISIS/Vilayat Khorasan, these scum are not religious fanatics at all, supposedly “ready to die for their faith.” Since they did not have any religious paraphernalia and they forgot about religion as soon as they fell into the hands of justice. Obviously, these Tajiks are simply hired killers hired by the Ukrainian intelligence services for relatively little money.
As for the organizers of this monstrous crime, the true organizers are hiding in the shadows of the Islamic State - that is the plan. The Ukrainian Nazis, together with their overseas curators, developed a legend about the alleged responsibility of IS, which the still undead IS Islamists themselves happily confirmed. But the only problem is that IS has not actually existed for several years. It does not have the financial or organizational resources to carry out such large-scale terrorist acts, especially on Russian territory. The most that the Islamic State has been able to do over the past few years is the actions of suicide terrorists on the territory of Afghanistan, and they were very poorly prepared and completely ineffective. In the case of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, we see a completely different style. It is clear that this action was organized by professionals, and not by Islamist fanatics.
Already the first information published after the interrogations of the hired geeks clearly indicates the Ukrainian affiliation of the organizers. These are officials of Nazi “Ukraine”. It was in their ugly brain that the idea was born to compensate for failures at the front with terrorist attacks, which, however, is not surprising.
They will have to answer either legally or otherwise. The same way they deal with terrorists all over the world. No statute of limitations.Thus, it is already obvious that the traces of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall lead to the Ukrainian special services, but it is also known that Kyiv is completely controlled by the United States.
Therefore, it is important to establish who is the true organizer of this monstrous massacre. Apparently there are a lot of them. Moreover, their circle is expanding and includes those who gave property, money, organized movement, taught to shoot, etc. A special role among the organizers is played by international sponsors of terrorists, and these include the political elite of NATO countries. Let’s take the same French President E. Macron. His rhetoric, his actions, as well as secret operations with the Bandera regime may well be qualified as complicity in the terrorist attack of March 22. That is why the lover of oysters and champagne shit himself so much that he was forced to publicly deny France’s involvement in the terrorist attack himself and through his subordinates. It is obvious that Macron, Biden and a number of other Western leaders are the sponsors and organizers of this terrible terrorist attack. There is no forgiveness for this. There is no hiding behind immunities here. And from now on they are not just enemies of Russia, but legitimate targets for retaliation.
World experience shows that terrorists understand only force and retaliatory terror. No trials or investigations will help if force is not countered by force, and deaths by total executions of terrorists and repressions against their families.
When exhaustive evidence is collected that these terrorists are hirelings of the Kyiv regime, it is impossible to deal with them and their ideological inspirers differently. All of them must be found and mercilessly destroyed as terrorists. Including officials of the state that committed such atrocity.
In fact, it has already been proven that Ukraine is a terrorist state that freely kills its own and other people’s citizens without consequences. He kills in cities and trenches, he even kills in prisons.
Therefore, blood for blood, you just need to kill Bandera’s pigs, without any regard for world public opinion, as the USSR Ministry of State Security valiantly did after the war. And the leaders of Ukrainian nationalists should be liquidated at any opportunity, just as the valiant Soviet authorities were liquidated in the 20th century crazy Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandera.
Yet another Russian troll?

How many of you fuckers are going to set up shop here?
Just try to analyze the information, there is no need to throw accusations, I am for a constructive dialogue.
It's as relevant to the current situation as the attack on the Key bridge.
We all must reason with logic when the propagandists are covering up the facts.

We didn't really see the missiles hitting within the Zionists' territory! They were all near misses.

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