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Taliban leader vows to start stoning and flogging Afghan women again: report

So why aren't the Trump cultists here moving to Afghanistan, a society that embodies everything they desire? Just change the name of the deity, and there's zero difference in their beliefs.

And DearLeaderTrump did surrender to the Taliban, after all. That means his followers are supposed to follow his example.

Trump cultists, even if you don't want to formally become a Muslim, you can still live among them as a Dhimmi. You just have to submit to authority, and submission is what you do best.

The best news? Trump cultists can finally get some use out of the frilly pink burqa that secretly hangs in the closet of every conservative male. When alone, they'll put it on and dance, while dreaming of pleasing their future islamomaster. The Trump cultists wonder if he will be cruel, and they dearly hope that he is.
Well ya know, they're going to do what they're going to do in their own country. That ain't none of my business. :dunno:
Taliban leader vows to start stoning and flogging Afghan women again: report
“With this announcement by the Taliban leader, a new chapter of private punishments has begun and Afghan women are experiencing the depths of loneliness,” a human rights official said.

Remote : Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:42:29 -0400
Local : 2024-03-29(Friday) 00 : 42 : 29
Found via World Headlines on nicer.app

what's it gonna take to send the entire Taliban to the slaughterhouse??

If you go around the world looking for monsters you will find them. If you think the Taliban is uniquely evil, or cruel to their populace, I have some sad news for you.
well then, you're lucky i do have friends in the US, with varying skincolors even.
otherwise you'd be on your own in wars that you drove the world into.
we, the Dutch aren't nearly as uni-polar and isolationist as you Americans are.

i wonder if you have the balls to tell me what you just told me if i were face to face with you.
i'd walk away without comment never to return to save your sorry imcompetent a$$ when your greed gets you into trouble.
Remind me how much have the Dutch done to stop all the bad things happening around the world? Is it little or nothing? I always forget.
No he micromanaged the utter wipeout of them to point of their women & children fleeing the Caliphate to safer environs like the UK & Holland & France & Cyprus
What stupid lies. Cultists will tell themselves ANYTHING to maintain the messiah status of the orange slob.
do Western feminist women still sing the praise of the taliban and the burqa, as they used to?
Remind me how much have the Dutch done to stop all the bad things happening around the world? Is it little or nothing? I always forget.
If you go around the world looking for monsters you will find them. If you think the Taliban is uniquely evil, or cruel to their populace, I have some sad news for you.
the Taliban is a risk (imho) because when they win, they start to realisticly consider strikes against foreign targets.
Pock e stan ( So Many Times That the Pakis attacked them back )

It's clear you dont know the history of the region. But who cares if Afghanistan is in a cross border dispute with Pakistan? Pakistan has been in a border dispute with India for decades, should we invade and occupy India? The Taliban wasn't exporting their BS prior to our involvement in Afghanistan and I dont think they are now either. The entire problem with our war in Afghanistan is that we got involved in telling another people how they should be governed not that we went after Bin Laden. Had we just done that, and left when Bin Laden escaped to Pakistan we would have saved countless lives and money and been in a better situation now.
It's clear you dont know the history of the region. But who cares if Afghanistan is in a cross border dispute with Pakistan? Pakistan has been in a border dispute with India for decades, should we invade and occupy India? The Taliban wasn't exporting their BS prior to our involvement in Afghanistan and I dont think they are now either. The entire problem with our war in Afghanistan is that we got involved in telling another people how they should be governed not that we went after Bin Laden. Had we just done that, and left when Bin Laden escaped to Pakistan we would have saved countless lives and money and been in a better situation now.
They attack Kurdish Areas
We blew that by giving up Bagram AFB and not keeping 2700 Troops in Country as a stability force .

Why should we ever have been involved in that? What exactly is in our national interest being involved in Afghanistan in any way? Why should any tax dollars be used or our personnel be placed at risk for Afghanistan? Do you think the Taliban is somehow uniquely evil or bad? Do you think they are the only government who mistreats their populace? Think they are the only country who has some conflict with a neighbor? What's the argument other than we were there for a long time and spent a bunch of money trying to convince a population who didn't want to hear it that their form of governance was all wrong and that they should listen to us because we are just smarter and more civilized than their backward thinking asses?
Why should we ever have been involved in that? What exactly is in our national interest being involved in Afghanistan in any way? Why should any tax dollars be used or our personnel be placed at risk for Afghanistan? Do you think the Taliban is somehow uniquely evil or bad? Do you think they are the only government who mistreats their populace? Think they are the only country who has some conflict with a neighbor? What's the argument other than we were there for a long time and spent a bunch of money trying to convince a population who didn't want to hear it that their form of governance was all wrong and that they should listen to us because we are just smarter and more civilized than their backward thinking asses?
911 Comes to mind

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