Sydney church stabbing: crowds clash with police after bishop stabbed during mass

No we'll just continue down this path due to ignorant fucks like you. Meanwhile, every other first world country is less violent.
We will take this road all day long and you will never take my right to bear arms away from me. Move to Australia and I suggest you stay inside your house else you will get stabbed.
We will take this road all day long and you will never take my right to bear arms away from me. Move to Australia and I suggest you stay inside your house else you will get stabbed.
I hope when you die, it's a prolonged death that is extremely painful.
I carry my gun wherever I go. Backpack, wherever. Once I backpacked and met a grizzly and pulled my peacemaker and that bear ran away.
Of course you have to carry a gun wherever you go. Because you're a pussy.
Of course you have to carry a gun wherever you go. Because you're a pussy.
Oh, so you are capable of battling a grizzly bear. Do share your "skills" you Grizzly Adams wanabe
Oh, so you are capable of battling a grizzly bear. Do share your "skills" you Grizzly Adams wanabe
It's called math you dumb fuck. This is about humans dying from guns, not grizzlies you dumb fuck.
It's called math you dumb fuck. This is about humans dying from guns, not grizzlies you dumb fuck.
It is the right to self defense and you want to take that away. OBTW you are not going to.
Guess what? That's not the first time I've heard that as a solution to America's violence problem. Go fuck yourself.
NO. I don't see any problems BTW. I see problems in Australia.
This is just speculation, and I know that what I'm about to say goes against what the majority on this site believes.... but after hearing about these recent stabbings, a thought that came to mind for me was that this might be a psyop, to sow more discord between Christians and Muslims.

After all, the powers-that-shouldn't-be want people to support their wars, and in order to do that, there's a lot of dishonest shenanigans involved. Remember the "babies pulled out of incubators" story that turned out to be a big fat lie? Unfortunately, that wasn't uncovered until later, after we already went to war in the M.E.

The globalist PTSB behind the wars have a history of creating fear and hatred and pitting groups against each other, which is why at this point people should always question everything.

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