Stonewall Jackson is back


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Mod Edit: Deleted photo. Violates clean start

For the first time in United States history, a district that changed the name of schools honoring Confederate generals voted to restore the names years later.

The Shenandoah County School Board held a public hearing on Thursday at Peter Muhlenberg Middle School to discuss restoring the names of Mountain View High School and Honey Run Elementary School to Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School..................................................................................
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Yeah, this has been an ongoing thing for years in my AO.....The school thing was happening in the next county over from me.

Of course we had a chorus of NOtVA transplants (mostly housefraus) trying to get the many Confederate notables streets and place names changed in my town back during the "St. Floyd" era.

Our town put a screeching halt to it by telling the transplants if they would pay for the cost of name changes as far as signage and the administrative costs to change town maps, changes to the EMS/Fire/Police responce system, etc. they would consider it but the money would have to be provided in a trust up-front if they got enough town residents to sign up.

It was in the many thousands of dollars. It was the last we heard of it.....Like all such people they don't want to put in the work, much less pay for anything themselves. ;)

The irony is many lived in a newer subdivision that looked like it was plucked from NOtVA and dropped into my town.....Every street there is named after a Confederate notable.
Our town put a screeching halt to it by telling the transplants if they would pay for the cost of name changes as far as signage and the administrative costs to change town maps, changes to the EMS/Fire/Police responce system, etc. they would consider it but the money would have to be provided in a trust up-front if they got enough town residents to sign up.

If the taxpayers paid to put up those racist monuments, school names and street names…..they can pay to take them down
For the first time in United States history, a district that changed the name of schools honoring Confederate generals voted to restore the names years later.

The Shenandoah County School Board held a public hearing on Thursday at Peter Muhlenberg Middle School to discuss restoring the names of Mountain View High School and Honey Run Elementary School to Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School..................................................................................

Since naming schools after enemies of our country is so in vogue right now I have petitioned our local high school. I think it should be named Hideki Tojo High School and the sports teams could be called the Kamikazes.
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Columbia U. is named after a genocidal maniac, why aren't they changing their name? Until the libs live by their own code, they should be told just to go copulate themselves.
Yes, and Democrats TODAY condemn those actions
Republicans TODAY fight to maintain that racist heritage
But when it mattered, they wanted to keep the black man down.

You know, like when most Americans were working on The Civil Rights Movement?

It wasn't all just black people, you know. If it had been, it never would have been successful.

Why? Because just not enough of them. Americans wanted the equality. Blacks have been here from the beginning.

And not as slaves either, ShitLordo. Not all blacks were slaves, and very few whites were slaveowners.
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Since naming schools after enemies of our country is so in vogue right now I have petitioned our local high school. I think it should be named Hideki Tojo High School and the sports teams could be called the Kamikazes.
I like it!


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