Songs you love, by a band/performer you don't like.

Difficult to say you don't like Glen Campbell, he was embedded in so much music at the time, including working with the Beach Boys and many others, and a killer guitar player.
But - I don't like country music, especially his type.

But this song brings me waaay back to a small child with this song playing on the radio my mother had on top of the refrigerator.
Randy Travis - Better Class Of Losers
This is going to have some crappy stuff..hmm..

Do I have to say she's better than her dad right now? I reckon so. She is. That's not saying much.

Is it just me, or does she come off as Satan's minion to anyone else?
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I was 20 when this song came out, even though the song is a tribute to Marvin Gaye's death and not a romantic song, this song was on a lot of make out mixes.
BeeGees made a HUUUUGE mistake joining in the Disco craze in the 1970s. Before they went that direction, they made good music and probably would have become a major band long term instead of part of a fad. When Disco died, they never recovered.

This song is from 1967... before they lost their minds.


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