So going forward can we expect prosecution to be a new political strategy?

Prosecute her, but irrelevant to the thread.

That means appointed by Trump.

Here you go. Itsfascinating.
So I read all of that, Zinc and I fail to see where any of those takes away the authority of a President to set classification. Did I miss it? If so...where?
I was a Legal Studies major in college. I'm quite aware how Grand Juries work. Do you understand how they're chosen and how seating a Grand Jury from a heavily liberal or conservative district will almost always result in either a heavily liberal or conservative Grand Jury?
Do you understand that if a person doesn't want a
You guys on the left like CNN, right Mike?
"CNN —

President Donald Trump said in October 2019 that being president is costing him money. Lots of it.

“Whether I lost $2 billion, $5 billion or less, it doesn’t make any difference,” Trump said. “I don’t care. I’m doing this for the country. I’m doing it for the people.”

Well, he definitely cares. And now we know – thanks to the new Forbes 400 list released Tuesday – how much less rich Trump is today than when he ran for and won the presidency in 2016.

In 2016, Trump was worth $3.7 billion, according to Forbes. That dropped to $3.1 billion in 2017 and held there for 2018 and 2019. But this year Trump’s net worth dropped to $2.5 billion. That $600 million decline led Trump to drop from the 275th richest person in America in 2019 to the 352nd richest in 2020 – a drop of 77 spots. (It took a net worth of $2.1 billion to make the top 400.)"

No matter how hard they try to tell themselves that the legal shenanigans taking place surrounding Trump are of his own making not even the Democrats actually believe that.

Deep down they know that most of what is taking place is political antipathy weaponized and organized by the DNC.

It follows then that as the genie has been let out of the bottle we will see more of this behavior going forward as it demonstrates itself to be a very handy tool for taking out opponents.

The Harry Reid effect. Blow up all the bridges to prevent your opponent from works great! It works great until you need to cross back over that is.


Yes, I'd say so. And dems will use any weapons available to destroy the reps.

reps dems deer.jpg
I'm not sure where you're going with the Democrats you've referenced. Menendez, Blago and Weiner were all so blatantly guilty of long established laws I don't know how even a jury that was completely Democratic in make up wouldn't return a vote that sufficient guilt was proven.
You never answered the question. You said that the voter “roles” determine who gets indicted. Please tell us how the democrats I mentioned (US senators and governors) got indicted if that is the case.
Dude, Joe Biden was stealing classified documents from Skiffs all the way back to when he was a Senator! He's got ZERO defense on that!

The materials that Trump had at Mar A Lago were boxed up and shipped there from the White House BEFORE Biden was sworn in and the transition took place! Trump as the ultimate authority on classification of materials could have taken anything he wanted.
And when the NA wanted them back...what did your blob do?
Do you understand that if a person doesn't want a

I provided proof that Trump left office worth FAR less than when he entered...which was what you demanded. Rather than address THAT instead just spammed more liberal sites "claiming" that Trump cashed in on his Presidency without showing where that took place.
And when the NA wanted them back...what did your blob do?
He contested that request. No different than when Bill Clinton contested a demand that he turn over tapes he'd recorded while in office. So remind me again, Candy? Did the FBI send a Swat team to the Clinton house?
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You never answered the question. You said that the voter “roles” determine who gets indicted. Please tell us how the democrats I mentioned (US senators and governors) got indicted if that is the case.
Menendez? He had a house full of gold bars and wads of cash, Candy! You think it proves the system isn't biased against Trump because Menendez was SO crooked he might as well have taken out a billboard ad saying that he was on the take? Menendez was being gone after by Democrats just as much as Republicans. He's THAT sleazy!
He contested that request.
No he lied about what was returned and hid the documents.
No different than when Bill Clinton contested a demand that he turn over tapes he'd recorded while in office. So remind me again, Candy? Did the FBI send a Swat team to the Clinton house?
Was this the same Clinton who sat for a taped interview with investigators? Did your blob do that?

So remind me again...did the DOJ demand a 1 on 1 interview with your blob?
Menendez? He had a house full of gold bars and wads of cash, Candy! You think it proves the system isn't biased against Trump because Menendez was SO crooked he might as well have taken out a billboard ad saying that he was on the take?
No. I think it destroys your crazy assed stance that voter “roles” determine who is indicted. Now doesn’t it?
Menendez was being gone after by Democrats just as much as Republicans. He's THAT sleazy!
True. And he was investigated and indicted.

Something you say never happens.

So which is it?
No. I think it destroys your crazy assed stance that voter “roles” determine who is indicted. Now doesn’t it?

True. And he was investigated and indicted.

Something you say never happens.

So which is it?
Tell me how this works in your little fantasy world, Candy! You've got a district like Washington DC that is 90% Democrat voters and the Grand Jury will be randomly drawn from THAT but in "Candyland" you don't think that's going to give you a biased jury pool?
Tell me how this works in your little fantasy world, Candy! You've got a district like Washington DC that is 90% Democrat voters and the Grand Jury will be randomly drawn from THAT but in "Candyland" you don't think that's going to give you a biased jury pool?
IF the bias was as great as you think it was (and I use the term “think” in it’s broadest definition), no democrat would ever get indicted. Instead, it’s almost a routine occurrence for politicians of all political stripes to face justice at some point.

You won’t answer how the supposed “bias” keeps democrats safe when folks like Menendez and Blago (and many others) face justice quite often.
Tell me how this works in your little fantasy world, Candy! You've got a district like Washington DC that is 90% Democrat voters and the Grand Jury will be randomly drawn from THAT but in "Candyland" you don't think that's going to give you a biased jury pool?
They don't care....
IF the bias was as great as you think it was (and I use the term “think” in it’s broadest definition), no democrat would ever get indicted. Instead, it’s almost a routine occurrence for politicians of all political stripes to face justice at some point.

You won’t answer how the supposed “bias” keeps democrats safe when folks like Menendez and Blago (and many others) face justice quite often.
Well let's examine the record...shall we?

Hillary Clinton runs the State Department through secret servers hidden in her home...lies to Congress when she says she's turned over all materials related to Benghazi...pays to have those servers professionally "bleached" to destroy the evidence of what she'd been doing...took hammers to her Blackberries to destroy the evidence contained there...and is Hillary indicted? Ah, NO! She's deemed too "inexperienced" with how Washington works to know she was breaking the law! That amazing decision is reached days after Bill Clinton has a secret meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix with AG Lynch! Justice? Is that what you call that?

Joe Biden steals classified documents from various SCIFS when he was a Senator...continued to take them when he was Vice President...showed them to his ghost writer (who has since erased all of his taped interviews with Biden!)...stored them in his garage...stored them in an office that he shared with individuals connected to the CCP! So was Joe indicted for his actions? Ah, NO! He's deemed too old and senile to know what he's done! Justice? Is that what passes for justice in Candyland?
IF the bias was as great as you think it was (and I use the term “think” in it’s broadest definition), no democrat would ever get indicted. Instead, it’s almost a routine occurrence for politicians of all political stripes to face justice at some point.

You won’t answer how the supposed “bias” keeps democrats safe when folks like Menendez and Blago (and many others) face justice quite often.
And I'm amused by your claim that Menendez has faced justice! The truth is that they had him on corruption charges in an earlier case and he got off because of a....WAIT FOR IT!!!...a hung jury!
Beauty part is that if someone tries to help Trump, or even publicly objects to his treatment, they can just prosecute them to.

That will put the fear into the consenquences of the act of dissent, we have been missing in the United States since we got rid of King George.
Well let's examine the record...shall we?

Hillary Clinton runs the State Department through secret servers hidden in her home...lies to Congress when she says she's turned over all materials related to Benghazi...pays to have those servers professionally "bleached" to destroy the evidence of what she'd been doing...took hammers to her Blackberries to destroy the evidence contained there...and is Hillary indicted? Ah, NO! She's deemed too "inexperienced" with how Washington works to know she was breaking the law! That amazing decision is reached days after Bill Clinton has a secret meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix with AG Lynch! Justice? Is that what you call that?

Joe Biden steals classified documents from various SCIFS when he was a Senator...continued to take them when he was Vice President...showed them to his ghost writer (who has since erased all of his taped interviews with Biden!)...stored them in his garage...stored them in an office that he shared with individuals connected to the CCP! So was Joe indicted for his actions? Ah, NO! He's deemed too old and senile to know what he's done! Justice? Is that what passes for justice in Candyland?
You'd have to talk to Comey about that--the guy who was the employee of Trump for many months.

As for Biden, the he returned the classified documents when asked. Your blob? He didn't.

If you examine the record, you'd find that your blob isn't being tried for having the documents, he's being tried for lying to investigators.
And I'm amused by your claim that Menendez has faced justice! The truth is that they had him on corruption charges in an earlier case and he got off because of a....WAIT FOR IT!!!...a hung jury!

Well, the vapid are easily amused. Your lie was that because of voter "roles", democrats don't get indicted, charged, etc... Menendez has, so has Blago and many other democrats.

What you said was not truthful. Now run along sonny. I'm through with you.

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