So Am I the A@@hole here?

Whats wrong with eating fruit? I love fruit but as a truck driver fresh fruit is very hard to come by. And if you buy it before you leave out from the house it only lasts a day or two bouncing around in the truck before you have a fruit smoothie whether you wanted one or not.

All these Keto carnivore morons think that eating fruits is unhealthy.

I actually had one guy try to tell me that since fructose bypasses the insulin response and is processed by the liver directly that it's just like drinking alcohol.

Seriously where do these people get this shit?
The guy was obviously a waste of good air. Maybe you could have toned down your comment but I understand how hard it can be.

Yeah I felt a little bad but not so bad as to apologize.
Exactly my point.

And you know if this guy would have kept his pie hole shut I would have probably encouraged him in his exercising because I know a lot of people who are always struggling to get in shape and lose weight and I know how much good exercise can do for the mind and body.

But he just had to make some snide idiotic comment
Take yourself a nice rest on the fainting couch. You feel better after a good fainting.
Take yourself a nice rest on the fainting couch. You feel better after a good fainting.
The fat ass with t he big mouth probably fainted in less than a mile.

I went home took a cold shower and feel great.
Exactly my point.

And you know if this guy would have kept his pie hole shut I would have probably encouraged him in his exercising because I know a lot of people who are always struggling to get in shape and lose weight and I know how much good exercise can do for the mind and body.

But he just had to make some snide idiotic comment
Reminds me of an encounter I had some years back.

Was returning some unopened pails of adhesive to the Homeboy Depot, and won the parking place lottery getting a spot at the front near the door (I'm usually particularly lucky getting good parking spots).

As I'm loading up the cart to make my return, some smarmy little jackass walked by me making some snotty comment about parking in a handicapped spot...I promptly pointed to ADA row and at the asphalt under my car, noting that there was no painted symbol nor placard denoting it as such...He was with his wife, who turned about three shades of red from embarrassment and dragged him away before I could really get in his face over it.

Some people's kids!
The fat ass with t he big mouth probably fainted in less than a mile.

I went home took a cold shower and feel great.
You give people too much power over your emotions. You run into a-holes all the time. Learn to roll with it.
You give people too much power over your emotions. You run into a-holes all the time. Learn to roll with it.

I wasn't emotional. In fact I was calm as a Hindu cow when I was talking to this guy I never raised my voice or got angry.

You are just assuming I was angry
I park way out from the entrance at stores. I don't want tards dinging my doors and putting little dents in my rides.

Not all fruits are sugar bombs; some are good, like blueberries, for instance, or seedless tomatoes. Olives and avocadoes are fruits, as is rhubarb.

For those who claim to 'go natural', keep in mind most foods are only around part of the year, and shouldn't be eaten all year long. Fruits were good for fattening up for the lean winter months, as were most sweet tasting stuff. Same with grains. Some foods, like oats, are good all year round. Walnuts are also good for fats. Keto diets really stress out your body; they might good for certain medical conditions, but that's about it. Mediterranean diets seem to the best combos so far.
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So this morning I was out very early with my 2 dogs and we did a 5 mile loop around a pretty little lake near me. I was wearing a 40 lb pack because I like to do push ups and pull ups with it on as I walk.

Anyway I was sitting on a bench after my walk just to cool down while my dogs swam a little and I was eating my breakfast of some delicious fresh fruit ( cantaloupe, cherries and a couple nectarines) and some guy walks by and says "You might as well be eating candy bars"

Now normally I would ignore idiots like this but today I didn't feel like biting my tongue. This guy was at least 40 lbs over fat and was huffing and puffing after walking the 100 yards from the parking lot to where I was sitting.

I'm 5' 10" and about 175 lbs at less than 10% body fat and just did 5 miles with a 40 lb pack and did 100 push ups and 30 pull ups along the way

I said "Oh you're one of those idiots who thinks eating 3 Big Macs without the buns is healthy huh?"

And he got all pissed off at me when I said he needed to lose 40 lbs and I said here have something healthy for breakfast instead of a pound of bacon.

He waddled off swearing at me between all his huffing and puffing from his short walk and as I walked back to my car I asked if he wanted me to call an ambulance for him because it looks like he was having heart trouble.

"Fuck off" would have been my response. But then you would have been an asshole.
Yes, his off-color joke about candy bars was a bit odd and maybe badly expressed, but it might have been nothing more, just good intentions badly put, but you replied by calling him an idiot.

Only idiots compare healthy fresh fruit to candy bars, though.

And why does some obviously fat and out of shape person feel the need top criticize my food choices? Shouldn't I be questioning his?

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