Should Pro-Palestinian Protests Be Banned In America ?

Lol…Gaza Health Ministry is actually considered to be quite reliable in its methodology for counting deaths. If anything, it is an undercount now given how the health system has completely collapsed and many bodies are unretrievable under the rubble..
Gaza Ministry of Health is Hamas, with ZERO CREDIBILITY. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

As much as I'm against the anti-Israel movement in the United States .. they should not be banned. Free speech can often be offensive and / or unsavory, which is the beauty of the First Amendment; however, once violence takes place, which is a reoccurring pattern we are seeing, each violent anti-Israel gathering should be terminated.

I hope they keep it up .. it's not helping ol' joe!
Yes, the US has FREEDOM of SPEECH...up to a point, so once the line is crossed interest of violating campus rules and activities, when threats and violence ensues, the Freedom is lost
Already stated it. Can you read ? The Constitution's Supremacy Clause.
Article 6, Clause 2.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

This shows Islam (the largest supremacism in the world) as 100% in violation of the Constitutuion, as are many of the Koran's tenets in violation of US laws >>

  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
Thats not citing the laws. Events in a book do not make for crimes RussoBot.
Your infringements on them could be their infringements on you, well, if you were in this country.
Thats not citing the laws. Events in a book do not make for crimes RussoBot.
Your infringements on them could be their infringements on you, well, if you were in this country.
Do you have any idea what you're talking about.? Islam is the largest supremacism on earth. Article 6, Clause 2 of the Constitution outlaws all supremacisms (other than the Constitution itself, of course)

Islam also contain many things that are illegal under US laws
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
I'm not going to repeat this for you again. Either get it now, or forever go being an idiot.
Fuck you! If you can't state your point, I have no intention of reading it
I stated it over and over again in this thread. If you weren't the lazy bum that you are, you'd read my posts like I suggested, and learn.

Now go wash your mouth out with soap, and come back and report to me. :badgrin:
Gaza Ministry of Health is Hamas, with ZERO CREDIBILITY. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

View attachment 946561
So Coyote is claiming that the Gaza Ministry of Health is not Hamas ? This must be the latest tall tale on CNN/MSMBC.

Amazing the stuff they dump on their DUPEs. Even more amazing, is that they get them to believe it. :rolleyes:
Do you have any idea what you're talking about.? Islam is the largest supremacism on earth. Article 6, Clause 2 of the Constitution outlaws all supremacisms (other than the Constitution itself, of course)

Islam also contain many things that are illegal under US laws
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
I'm not going to repeat this for you again. Either get it now, or forever go being an idiot.
I know you're not from the US, but outside of Putinland, we don't speech for entire groups of people based upon the religious book they read. Else we would have to ban Christianity and Judaism as well. Now that I think of it, that really does sound like Putinland.
I know you're not from the US, but outside of Putinland, we don't speech for entire groups of people based upon the religious book they read. Else we would have to ban Christianity and Judaism as well. Now that I think of it, that really does sound like Putinland.
I was born in New York City, and have been a US citizen for 78 years.

Christianity and Judaism are not supremacisms.
They have not rampaged all over the world ordering people to join them or be killed.
They have not killed 270 Million people around the globe.
They haven't been knocking down tall buildings, and excecuting soldiers in army forts.
I was born in New York City, and have been a US citizen for 78 years.
Then you are remarkably ignorant of simple things, like the Constitution, history, any semblance of the Bill of Rights.

Christianity and Judaism are not supremacisms.
Don't tell that to all of the Americas.

They have not rampaged all over the world ordering people to join them or be killed.
Again the Americas would like to have a chat. Also Europe.

They have not killed 270 Million people around the globe.
The Americas and Europe would like a chat.

They haven't been knocking down tall buildings, and excecuting soldiers in army forts.
The Americas and Europe would like to have a word.
A minor note, the 30 Years war wiped our more than a quarter of the population of North/Central Europe. Makes the Nazis look like bikers in comparison.

France and the German states were forcably converted. As was the Spanish Peninsula, Central Europe, the Poland/Baltics and Prussia.
Plus those two continents.
It also puts cops back on the street, and stops wasting money on raghead lunatics. They're free speech isn't accomplishing anything. Americans hate the guts out them. I hope Israel kills every last Hamas dirtbag.

As for the Palestinians, they voted for Hamas, and they are more guilty that the thousands of Germans who got carpet bombed in World War 2.
I recall seeing them dancing and cheering after 9/11.

Confiscate the tents, and give them to homeless people. Burn the Keffiyets.
You're a fool...and a liar. No one was dancing and cheering after 9/11.
In Europe, various countries (France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, etc) have banned pro-Palestinian protests. In the US, however, pro-Palestinian protests are sweeping the country on college campuses, and now spreading into public parks. These protests now include vandalism to statues and other public monuments, as well as spray painting anti-American slogans on both public & private buildings.

The more these illegalities are being tolerated, they more they grow larger. Very large numbers of police have been sent to deal with these protests, thereby reducing police protection for taxpayers. How many people are being crime victimized now due to reduced police presence ?

Is it time to follow the path of the Europeans, and ban these things alltogether ? Might not be a bad idea to ban the wearing of keffiyehs too, a traditional Palestinian scarf, now being associated with Hamas, and commonly being worn by pro-Palestinian protesters.

I think it's important that we be able to see who the Hamas supporters are. It will make justice quicker and more accurate when the time comes.

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