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Should any NON-BIPOC who has ever spoken aloud the "N-WORD" be removed from their jobs?

So you think there are words that blacks can use but whites can't. That sounds like racism to me.

Should blacks be banned from using the word "cracker"?
1. "Racism" refers to the dominant group (which for several more decades will continue to be Caucasian) ridiculing or belittling minority groups.
2. So Caucasians should NOT use the N-word, but if African Americans use the C-word to insult Caucasians, the latter could not care less. They are still the dominate group and can laugh off the C-word with total indifference.

Have a nice day!
Seems this new angle from the left attempting to deplatform JOE ROGAN is that he said THE N WORD while QUOTING others.

Should someone who is NOT a BIPOC be removed from all media if they said the actual "N-word"?

The Constitution gives Americans complete right to use any word they want including the 'n' word if they are crude and hurtful enough to do so. And using that or any other word in private conversations is doubly protected by the First Amendment. Caring and honorable people don't use the word in polite company. At least not any more.

So far as media and everybody else goes, those with that platform to use should be judged by who they have become and not what they might have been years ago.
Why are right wing whites having such a problem with not using that word?

Joe Rogan should not use it. Blacks aren't using in on talk radio or TV.
Seems this new angle from the left attempting to deplatform JOE ROGAN is that he said THE N WORD while QUOTING others.

Should someone who is NOT a BIPOC be removed from all media if they said the actual "N-word"?

beings thinking a word is just the same as saying it alone in a room by yourself,,
anybody that says they have never said ****** is lying their ass off,,

I cant count how many time I have said it either to or in the presence of a black person if not a whole garage full of them,,

and yes I am a lilly white white boy,, from the hood,,

some people need to get over it and act like intelligent people that are not afraid of words,,

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