Shellenberger: Brazil’s Spiral into CCP-Like Tyranny Should Scare Americans


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It's what the left does. What they always do. Today, that means the Democratic Party in the USA.

As Brazil rapidly descends into authoritarianism, courting the favor of the world’s worst dictatorship (Chinese Communists), meanwhile, journalist Michael Shellenberger warns Americans that we, too, are heading down Brazil’s path.

From allegedly aiming to criminalize “lying” to threatening to arrest those who exposed the country’s increasingly tyrannical judiciary, Brazil’s government under President Lula is trying to turn itself into a perfect Orwellian dystopia. That’s exactly why Shellenberger, who wrote the Twitter Files that exposed the corruption, is so concerned. Brazil might be more rapid in crushing rights and freedoms, but the US government is also blatantly violating rights while pandering to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Regarding Brazil, we Americans can say only, “There, but for the grace of God and an upcoming election, go I.”

Shellenberger posted on Twitter/X April 13, “Yesterday, Brazil’s President Lula da Silva called for criminalizing lying. Given that everybody lies, Lula is proposing to give the government the power to arrest anyone he wants.” I would personally modify his statement slightly by saying that, if Shellenberger’s accusation is correct, Lula, who is not the least interested in the truth, has only to label any fact or opinion he dislikes as a lie to weaponize government.

“Thousands of Workers Party activists took to X yesterday to demand that I be arrested for things I said during my testimony before the Brazilian Senate. And today, the head of X in Brazil announced they have quit out of fear for their safety,” Shellenberger continued. He wrote “I fear neither the devil nor de Moraes, the Supreme Court justice rapidly turning himself into Brazil’s dictator,” but he is afraid for Brazil. Since Brazil is such an important South American country, too, and partnered with such major global powers as China, its Orwellian slide affects more than just its own citizens.

During the rise of Communism and fascism in Europe, many Jews and other persecuted people could flee to the United States. Where will we flee if the United States continues down the road to totalitarianism? Not Europe. Not Brazil. Is any country safe in a world where every movement, transaction, and thought is being monitored?

Shellenberger has an excellent, though terrifying, point. One could escape the Old World by fleeing to the New World in previous ages. That will soon no longer be true. Just ask the Jan. 6 political prisoners, tortured and denied not only rights but basic necessities in jail. Ask the pro-lifers and Trump allies prosecuted by the Biden administration.

“A significant share of the Left wants to incarcerate their political enemies,” Shellenberger mourned. “The Brazilian government appears to view ‘1984’ not as a dystopia to avoid but rather as a guide to a better future.” He added, “Just this week, top Brazilian government representatives were in China talking about how China, one of the most totalitarian nations in the world, is a model for Brazil.” Both Brazil and China are key members of BRICS, which has set itself up as an ambitious anti-American coalition.


According to Shellenberger, “The most terrifying part of all of this is the marriage of psychopathic government leaders like Lula and de Moraes with totalitarian activists and voters… Young adults raised on social media are today more intolerant than the students in China’s Cultural Revolution in China who denounced their teachers and sent them off to work camps to be tortured.” The majority of citizens might still be sane, but an insane minority supported by the government can be disastrous.

“At the same time, people with a mentality no different from the people who ran the Stasi and the Gestapo are in charge of intelligence agencies in Europe and the United States,” Shellenberger accused, explaining why Brazil’s crisis is personally relevant to Americans.

Shellenberger brought up warrantless FISA surveillance by U.S. intelligence. “Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives renewed legislation that gives the US government the right to spy on Americans suspected of collaborating with foreign governments. The result will be McCarthyism on steroids.”

Shellenberger’s label of McCarthyism is unfair since the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right; in fact, he was more right than he knew. Marxists have indeed infiltrated and taken over the U.S. government and institutions as McCarthy warned so many decades ago. That is precisely why we are facing the current anti-constitutional crisis. Like in China or the Soviet Union, the modern American Marxist believes any breach of rights, any loss of freedom, any lie is justifiable in service of his own ideology.

As Shellenberger urged, “We must act.” This election is one of the most important in our history, and everyone needs to be involved in telling the truth and getting out the vote. We also need lots of people to take positions and run organizations on the local levels, in order to renew our politics and society from the ground up. You can also support and subscribe to honest journalism like PJ Media. Do we want Brazil and China to be our future? Or will we defy the odds as Americans have done so many times before?


Unfortunately, both extremes are guilty of this. I tend to believe, global power players are behind them all.

Javier Milei was/is some super star of the right, but IMO, he is just as authoritarian. . . and connected to these sort of criminals as well.

Global corporations are the ones in charge.

It's what the left does. What they always do. Today, that means the Democratic Party in the USA.

As Brazil rapidly descends into authoritarianism, courting the favor of the world’s worst dictatorship (Chinese Communists), meanwhile, journalist Michael Shellenberger warns Americans that we, too, are heading down Brazil’s path.
From allegedly aiming to criminalize “lying” to threatening to arrest those who exposed the country’s increasingly tyrannical judiciary, Brazil’s government under President Lula is trying to turn itself into a perfect Orwellian dystopia. That’s exactly why Shellenberger, who wrote the Twitter Files that exposed the corruption, is so concerned. Brazil might be more rapid in crushing rights and freedoms, but the US government is also blatantly violating rights while pandering to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Regarding Brazil, we Americans can say only, “There, but for the grace of God and an upcoming election, go I.”
Shellenberger posted on Twitter/X April 13, “Yesterday, Brazil’s President Lula da Silva called for criminalizing lying. Given that everybody lies, Lula is proposing to give the government the power to arrest anyone he wants.” I would personally modify his statement slightly by saying that, if Shellenberger’s accusation is correct, Lula, who is not the least interested in the truth, has only to label any fact or opinion he dislikes as a lie to weaponize government.
“Thousands of Workers Party activists took to X yesterday to demand that I be arrested for things I said during my testimony before the Brazilian Senate. And today, the head of X in Brazil announced they have quit out of fear for their safety,” Shellenberger continued. He wrote “I fear neither the devil nor de Moraes, the Supreme Court justice rapidly turning himself into Brazil’s dictator,” but he is afraid for Brazil. Since Brazil is such an important South American country, too, and partnered with such major global powers as China, its Orwellian slide affects more than just its own citizens.
Shellenberger has an excellent, though terrifying, point. One could escape the Old World by fleeing to the New World in previous ages. That will soon no longer be true. Just ask the Jan. 6 political prisoners, tortured and denied not only rights but basic necessities in jail. Ask the pro-lifers and Trump allies prosecuted by the Biden administration.
“A significant share of the Left wants to incarcerate their political enemies,” Shellenberger mourned. “The Brazilian government appears to view ‘1984’ not as a dystopia to avoid but rather as a guide to a better future.” He added, “Just this week, top Brazilian government representatives were in China talking about how China, one of the most totalitarian nations in the world, is a model for Brazil.” Both Brazil and China are key members of BRICS, which has set itself up as an ambitious anti-American coalition.
According to Shellenberger, “The most terrifying part of all of this is the marriage of psychopathic government leaders like Lula and de Moraes with totalitarian activists and voters… Young adults raised on social media are today more intolerant than the students in China’s Cultural Revolution in China who denounced their teachers and sent them off to work camps to be tortured.” The majority of citizens might still be sane, but an insane minority supported by the government can be disastrous.
“At the same time, people with a mentality no different from the people who ran the Stasi and the Gestapo are in charge of intelligence agencies in Europe and the United States,” Shellenberger accused, explaining why Brazil’s crisis is personally relevant to Americans.
Shellenberger brought up warrantless FISA surveillance by U.S. intelligence. “Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives renewed legislation that gives the US government the right to spy on Americans suspected of collaborating with foreign governments. The result will be McCarthyism on steroids.”
Shellenberger’s label of McCarthyism is unfair since the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right; in fact, he was more right than he knew. Marxists have indeed infiltrated and taken over the U.S. government and institutions as McCarthy warned so many decades ago. That is precisely why we are facing the current anti-constitutional crisis. Like in China or the Soviet Union, the modern American Marxist believes any breach of rights, any loss of freedom, any lie is justifiable in service of his own ideology.
As Shellenberger urged, “We must act.” This election is one of the most important in our history, and everyone needs to be involved in telling the truth and getting out the vote. We also need lots of people to take positions and run organizations on the local levels, in order to renew our politics and society from the ground up. You can also support and subscribe to honest journalism like PJ Media. Do we want Brazil and China to be our future? Or will we defy the odds as Americans have done so many times before?

It doesn’t scare Democrats. In fact they love it, and hope they can do the same here in America.

Edit: Oops, you said “Americans” should be concerned. Most Dems aren’t real Americans.
It doesn’t scare Democrats. In fact they love it, and hope they can do the same here in America.

Edit: Oops, you said “Americans” should be concerned. Most Dems aren’t real Americans.
The folks that control both parties don't care.

Trump? Biden? Makes not a lick of difference to them.

They just care about getting folks to hate eachother so much, and destroyhing the national economy so much. . . chaos is the key.

Anything to distract folks from what is going on, that will be will give them all the excuse they need.

They just want power and control. An authoritarian on the right, will do as well as one on the left. They just want an excuse for mass murder and to crack skulls.

I'm sure Pinochet felt and used teh same rhetoric.
Wrong. Trump scares the hell out of them, because he tells them to go pound sand when they tell him to go to war. That’s why they installed Biden. Makes all the difference in the world to them.
I remember in 2020, Trump said the establishment was going to rig the elections. I remember Trump said that COVID was being exaggerated, but he let a bunch of bureaucrats call the shots and run rough shod over his authority.

That made him look like an incompetent weak old man, or a neophyte to the political game. w/e.

Trump is an impotent, incompetent leader. :rolleyes:

He says one thing, acts like he knows what is going on, but then finds himself in a bullshit position.

A competent leader? Doesn't do that.

I KNOW, all of the stuff he claimed was true, and yet? HE DID NOTHING. And here he is, instead of being in office, and having done something about it, he let it all happen. He is a failure. And now they have him in court, around the clock.

Don? Scares no one. He isn't holding any cards at all, except the love of morons who don't know shit about how the system really works.

He is either;

A) A failure


B) A Manchurian candidate.

Either way? He sure as hell ain't fit to be an American president.

An American President MUST be responsible, and Trump? He never is.




. . I have heard entirely too many excuses, either from Trump, or apologists for Trump. Sorry.
Wrong. Trump scares the hell out of them, because he tells them to go pound sand when they tell him to go to war. That’s why they installed Biden. Makes all the difference in the world to them.

No President in memory hewed to the Constitution more than Trump did.

Or gave as much access to the media.

And look at what they are doing to him.
I remember in 2020, Trump said the establishment was going to rig the elections. I remember Trump said that COVID was being exaggerated, but he let a bunch of bureaucrats call the shots and run rough shod over his authority.

That made him look like an incompetent weak old man, or a neophyte to the political game. w/e.

Trump is an impotent, incompetent leader. :rolleyes:

He says one thing, acts like he knows what is going on, but then finds himself in a bullshit position.

A competent leader? Doesn't do that.

I KNOW, all of the stuff he claimed was true, and yet? HE DID NOTHING. And here he is, instead of being in office, and having done something about it, he let it all happen. He is a failure. And now they have him in court, around the clock.

Don? Scares no one. He isn't holding any cards at all, except the love of morons who don't know shit about how the system really works.

He is either;

A) A failure


B) A Manchurian candidate.

Either way? He sure as hell ain't fit to be an American president.

An American President MUST be responsible, and Trump? He never is.




. . I have heard entirely too many excuses, either from Trump, or apologists for Trump. Sorry.

Trump had ZERO control over what Governors and Mayors did with lockdowns. A few weeks into lockdowns he said we need to reopen, but the Democrats opposed him at every step while offering no solutions other than spending money. And few Republicans backed him as well.
It doesn’t scare Democrats. In fact they love it, and hope they can do the same here in America.

Edit: Oops, you said “Americans” should be concerned. Most Dems aren’t real Americans.
the near threat of authoritarianism certainly does have mavy of us up and fighting. we will not allow trump to take this country by force.
It's what the left does. What they always do. Today, that means the Democratic Party in the USA.

As Brazil rapidly descends into authoritarianism, courting the favor of the world’s worst dictatorship (Chinese Communists), meanwhile, journalist Michael Shellenberger warns Americans that we, too, are heading down Brazil’s path.
From allegedly aiming to criminalize “lying” to threatening to arrest those who exposed the country’s increasingly tyrannical judiciary, Brazil’s government under President Lula is trying to turn itself into a perfect Orwellian dystopia. That’s exactly why Shellenberger, who wrote the Twitter Files that exposed the corruption, is so concerned. Brazil might be more rapid in crushing rights and freedoms, but the US government is also blatantly violating rights while pandering to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Regarding Brazil, we Americans can say only, “There, but for the grace of God and an upcoming election, go I.”
Shellenberger posted on Twitter/X April 13, “Yesterday, Brazil’s President Lula da Silva called for criminalizing lying. Given that everybody lies, Lula is proposing to give the government the power to arrest anyone he wants.” I would personally modify his statement slightly by saying that, if Shellenberger’s accusation is correct, Lula, who is not the least interested in the truth, has only to label any fact or opinion he dislikes as a lie to weaponize government.
“Thousands of Workers Party activists took to X yesterday to demand that I be arrested for things I said during my testimony before the Brazilian Senate. And today, the head of X in Brazil announced they have quit out of fear for their safety,” Shellenberger continued. He wrote “I fear neither the devil nor de Moraes, the Supreme Court justice rapidly turning himself into Brazil’s dictator,” but he is afraid for Brazil. Since Brazil is such an important South American country, too, and partnered with such major global powers as China, its Orwellian slide affects more than just its own citizens.
Shellenberger has an excellent, though terrifying, point. One could escape the Old World by fleeing to the New World in previous ages. That will soon no longer be true. Just ask the Jan. 6 political prisoners, tortured and denied not only rights but basic necessities in jail. Ask the pro-lifers and Trump allies prosecuted by the Biden administration.
“A significant share of the Left wants to incarcerate their political enemies,” Shellenberger mourned. “The Brazilian government appears to view ‘1984’ not as a dystopia to avoid but rather as a guide to a better future.” He added, “Just this week, top Brazilian government representatives were in China talking about how China, one of the most totalitarian nations in the world, is a model for Brazil.” Both Brazil and China are key members of BRICS, which has set itself up as an ambitious anti-American coalition.
According to Shellenberger, “The most terrifying part of all of this is the marriage of psychopathic government leaders like Lula and de Moraes with totalitarian activists and voters… Young adults raised on social media are today more intolerant than the students in China’s Cultural Revolution in China who denounced their teachers and sent them off to work camps to be tortured.” The majority of citizens might still be sane, but an insane minority supported by the government can be disastrous.
“At the same time, people with a mentality no different from the people who ran the Stasi and the Gestapo are in charge of intelligence agencies in Europe and the United States,” Shellenberger accused, explaining why Brazil’s crisis is personally relevant to Americans.
Shellenberger brought up warrantless FISA surveillance by U.S. intelligence. “Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives renewed legislation that gives the US government the right to spy on Americans suspected of collaborating with foreign governments. The result will be McCarthyism on steroids.”
Shellenberger’s label of McCarthyism is unfair since the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right; in fact, he was more right than he knew. Marxists have indeed infiltrated and taken over the U.S. government and institutions as McCarthy warned so many decades ago. That is precisely why we are facing the current anti-constitutional crisis. Like in China or the Soviet Union, the modern American Marxist believes any breach of rights, any loss of freedom, any lie is justifiable in service of his own ideology.
As Shellenberger urged, “We must act.” This election is one of the most important in our history, and everyone needs to be involved in telling the truth and getting out the vote. We also need lots of people to take positions and run organizations on the local levels, in order to renew our politics and society from the ground up. You can also support and subscribe to honest journalism like PJ Media. Do we want Brazil and China to be our future? Or will we defy the odds as Americans have done so many times before?

Still butthurt over losing your fascist…
what has flynn been recruiting and training the christian warriors for? trump's 4th of july parade?
the absurd thing to argue, is that mr biden is a commie dictator who allows his enemies to walk free and say anything they please as they recruit and train regiments of proud boys for a violent ovrerthrow of the government..
I remember in 2020, Trump said the establishment was going to rig the elections. I remember Trump said that COVID was being exaggerated, but he let a bunch of bureaucrats call the shots and run rough shod over his authority.

That made him look like an incompetent weak old man, or a neophyte to the political game. w/e.

Trump is an impotent, incompetent leader. :rolleyes:

He says one thing, acts like he knows what is going on, but then finds himself in a bullshit position.

A competent leader? Doesn't do that.

I KNOW, all of the stuff he claimed was true, and yet? HE DID NOTHING. And here he is, instead of being in office, and having done something about it, he let it all happen. He is a failure. And now they have him in court, around the clock.

Don? Scares no one. He isn't holding any cards at all, except the love of morons who don't know shit about how the system really works.

He is either;

A) A failure


B) A Manchurian candidate.

Either way? He sure as hell ain't fit to be an American president.

An American President MUST be responsible, and Trump? He never is.




. . I have heard entirely too many excuses, either from Trump, or apologists for Trump. Sorry.
That's because he didn't know the game.

He does now.
That's because he didn't know the game.

He does now.
What makes you believe he did not "know how politics worked then, but does now?"

Or is this just something you want to believe? Is this just a narrative you tell yourself to make yourself feel better?

Do you have some evidence of this? Any proof? :dunno:

I remember in 2020, Trump said the establishment was going to rig the elections. I remember Trump said that COVID was being exaggerated, but he let a bunch of bureaucrats call the shots and run rough shod over his authority.

That made him look like an incompetent weak old man, or a neophyte to the political game. w/e.

Trump is an impotent, incompetent leader. :rolleyes:

He says one thing, acts like he knows what is going on, but then finds himself in a bullshit position.

A competent leader? Doesn't do that.

I KNOW, all of the stuff he claimed was true, and yet? HE DID NOTHING. And here he is, instead of being in office, and having done something about it, he let it all happen. He is a failure. And now they have him in court, around the clock.

Don? Scares no one. He isn't holding any cards at all, except the love of morons who don't know shit about how the system really works.

He is either;

A) A failure


B) A Manchurian candidate.

Either way? He sure as hell ain't fit to be an American president.

An American President MUST be responsible, and Trump? He never is.




. . I have heard entirely too many excuses, either from Trump, or apologists for Trump. Sorry.
checking the source on that last quote. it is neither napoleon I (the real bonaparte) or napoleon iii a later ruler of france, it says right there napoleon Hill

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