senator Ted Budd called the infrastructure law 'a liberal Trojan horse for a socialist agenda.'

In our nation communities run from minorities must accept responsibility for being inept and corrupted also from their complaints. They do not. Water is a basic service. The infrastructure existed in those communities affected before they took over. Also grandstanding exists also. The quality of water is questioned, and it could look dirty from the rust in the pipes from it sitting in them for periods of time and not flushed from the city water dept. or fire department at the hydrants.
It's hard to tell with the way you post, but I believe you've missed the point yet again.
LOL and the other 98% of the so called infrastructure bill that ARE pure liberal agenda? Yeah you got nothing on that. :itsok:
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, has awarded funding to over 40,000 projects. The IIJA has provided funding for projects that include:
  • Roads: $110 billion, including $40 billion for bridge repairs and replacement
  • Public transit: $39 billion to modernize transit and improve accessibility
  • Railways: $66 billion for Amtrak, including maintenance, upgrades to tracks, and high-speed rail
  • Power grids: $73 billion for upgrades, including new transmission lines for renewable energy
  • Water infrastructure: $55 billion
  • Resiliency: $46 billion
  • Ports and waterways: $17 billion
  • Safety: $11 billion for highway, pedestrian, and pipeline safety
  • Environment: $21 billion for cleaning up brownfield sites, abandoned mines, and old oil and gas wells
Pot, meet kettle.
‘There is no evidence for Trump’s claim that jails “throughout the world” are being emptied out so that prisoners can travel to the US as migrants, nor for his claim that foreign leaders are also emptying out mental health facilities for this purpose. Last year, Trump’s campaign was unable to provide any evidence for his narrower claim at the time that South American countries in particular were emptying their mental health facilities to somehow dump patients upon the US.’

Republicans are also liars and demagogues.
‘There is no evidence for Trump’s claim that jails “throughout the world” are being emptied out so that prisoners can travel to the US as migrants, nor for his claim that foreign leaders are also emptying out mental health facilities for this purpose. Last year, Trump’s campaign was unable to provide any evidence for his narrower claim at the time that South American countries in particular were emptying their mental health facilities to somehow dump patients upon the US.’

Republicans are also liars and demagogues.
Blow it out your ass, drive-by fuckface demagogue.
‘There is no evidence for Trump’s claim that jails “throughout the world” are being emptied out so that prisoners can travel to the US as migrants, nor for his claim that foreign leaders are also emptying out mental health facilities for this purpose. Last year, Trump’s campaign was unable to provide any evidence for his narrower claim at the time that South American countries in particular were emptying their mental health facilities to somehow dump patients upon the US.’

Republicans are also liars and demagogues.
you are a hypocrite jones......
I'm an advocate for choice, not abortion. And no babies have been killed.

Conservatives OTOH, wanna starve children and see them die of preventable childhood diseases.
Emphasis mine.

Just like granny off the cliff.
All you subverted zombies are LEFT with (pun intended) is tired conjecture and hyperbole.
LOL and the other 98% of the so called infrastructure bill that ARE pure liberal agenda? Yeah you got nothing on that. :itsok:

It's all "pure liberal agenda," lord knows conservatives don't give a shit about any of this stuff.


That's why it took Biden to get it done.
It's all "pure liberal agenda," lord knows conservatives don't give a shit about any of this stuff.


That's why it took Biden to get it done.
Prove the money was actually spent on this. The last time Obama spent nearly $1 trillion on this most of the money went in Dem pockets and wasn't spent on infrastructure.

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