Rudy Giuliani's Trial For Damages In Defamation Lawsuit Filed By Two Georgia Workers Set To Begin Today.

Have you heard of the Algorithm before? I do not choose all the reading, Google chooses a hell of a lot of it.

I have a tip for you. Do not do my homework. Mind your own business.
You just got the basics wrong. Again. Go post on the religious sub forum, acknowledge your limitations.
The guy they put in the WH is now one small step above a houseplant in cognitive ability and they are obsessing over what Rudy said three years ago.
The wheels of justice turn very slowly, and now justice is finally catching up to all the perpetrators of the Big Lie.

As for Biden, he has accomplished far more than his predecessor. He even got an infrastructure bill passed with a GOP House!
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I learned when I got sued by a guy alleging defamation of his character that if you are a newspaper, very hard to charge them. As I was a Director for a large organization, my corporation has clauses saying as a Director they pay my bills for legal issues and have insurance that actually covers the costs. I also got an apology in writing from the CEO who allowed this to leak out and said confession is in a lawyers safe in San Francisco.
Yes, the bar for "malice" against a media outlet is very high. And yet Fox News managed to pole vault over that bar, and it cost them dearly.
I think his greedy little adversaries should not even get two cents and pay all his legal fees for this ridiculous money and power grab.
Actually, the court has already determined that Giuliani must pay the legal fees of the women he defamed.

$230,000. And that's on top of whatever the DC jury determines this week.

Fuck around, Rudy, and find out.
The wheels of justice turn very slowly, and now it is finally catching up to all the perpetrators of the Big Lie.

As for Biden, he has accomplished far more than his predecessor. He even got an infrastructure bill passed with a GOP House!
Yeah, nothing like an infrastructure bill to get the vote out. LOL

"over a billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars" Do you think people are not watching?

Damages sought are 'civil equivalent of death penalty,' says attorney​

Joseph Sibley, an attorney for Rudy Giuliani, implored jurors to withhold judgment of his client and consider a "fair and proportionate" monetary penalty when the trial concludes, framing the $43 million sought by Freeman and Moss as a "truly incredible" figure.

"What the plaintiffs' counsel are asking for in this case is the civil equivalent of a death penalty," Sibley told jurors in brief opening remarks.

It's creating a lot of jobs, and Republicans who opposed it are claiming credit for it in their districts! :lol:

Do you think people are not watching?
It ain't going to motivate people to get to vote. Which is why you guys started the DICTATOR nonsense. That fizzled out pretty quickly didn't it?
Yes, the bar for "malice" against a media outlet is very high. And yet Fox News managed to pole vault over that bar, and it cost them dearly.
When I got sued for a million dollars, around 1987, that was a pile of cash. And the dude suing me was a building contractor who built million dollar homes. And had millions of dollars in property to be developed. Actually my case was pretty clear. It was a private disclosure to my Real Estate Board with the report to be only for internal use. It was for political purposes to stop my RE board from donating to the corrupt politician. It was not given to the board to change voting by members nor the public. Again the only purpose was to keep the board from delivering cash to the politician.
One of the agents saw it in a meeting and decided to take his copy to show it to the politician also involved in this sorry tale of a corrupt politician.

A former supporter of the politician, also a Re Broker called me and showed me all the proof in paperwork. Clearly the politician who got his home built by said contractor got votes from the politician in exchange for the building the politicians house. We had so much proof there was no question it was corruption by both of them. The politician could not sue me. He was a public figure. But the contractor was not a public figure. Anyway, I got sued by him for a million dollars. Defamation of his name. Later when we were deposed and they saw my proof, the contractor chickened out and dropped his suit. I got an apology from my own association due to them leaking the document in the first place. The agent who took it off the board premises to the best of my knowledge never got punished. And he should have. And all my legal expenses were paid by the insurance firm that insured my board of Realtors.
The District of Columbia bar recommended Rudy Giuliani be disbarred for his unethical behavior in the Pennsylvania vote count.

Respondent Rudolph W. Giuliani is a member of the Bar of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, admitted on December 2, 1976 and assigned Bar Number 237255.
It's creating a lot of jobs, and Republicans who opposed it are claiming credit for it in their districts! :lol:

Do you think people are not watching?
I have heard nothing at all in Idaho the bill helped us at all. I just looked at the bill and it is precisely what we have paid for several years now. Not a damned dime went to us.

Roads?HA!!!!! I bet I can look at that too and come up empty.

So I googled it.

Biden is bragging that: Idaho received $583.3 million to connect everyone in the state to reliable high-speed internet and, as of today, more than 49,000 Idaho households are already saving on their monthly internet bill due to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.Oct 31, 2023

I am not aware our internet bills are cheaper. We already had plenty of service.
I have heard nothing at all in Idaho the bill helped us at all. I just looked at the bill and it is precisely what we have paid for several years now. Not a damned dime went to us.

Roads?HA!!!!! I bet I can look at that too and come up empty.

So I googled it.

Biden is bragging that: Idaho received $583.3 million to connect everyone in the state to reliable high-speed internet and, as of today, more than 49,000 Idaho households are already saving on their monthly internet bill due to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.Oct 31, 2023

I am not aware our internet bills are cheaper. We already had plenty of service.
Republicans Are Taking Credit for Infrastructure Bill They All Voted Against
"I have a tip for you. .... Mind your own business."

A clue for the cluefull: When posting on a public internet social media site....expect comments.

Good ones, complimentary ones, helpful ones.
Or none of that.

When one jumps into the arena....bring some game.
I think you would be SHOCKED at how much your propagandists keep you in the dark.
Well in the Case of Democrats, they keep their minions totally ignorant. Surely well informed people can't agree with Democrats.

Democrats practice the mushroom theory on their people. First they keep them in the dark and cover them with bullshit.

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