'Rubbing America's Nose In It'

Which Biden decided to do anyway. And Milley was right.
Biden was not President in 2020 and the decision to reduced troop strength to 2,500 was already made and in place when he took office. At that point there were not even plans to meet the May 1st deadline, when the truce ran out,
Which Biden tossed in the round file.
Hahaha the Neo-GOP knows nothing. After further discussions with the military, Trumpyberra flip flopped and gave an order two days later to keep the 2,500 troop necessary to support the ongoing fight our allies the Afghans were still fighting. In other word the Generals told him what a shitshow that would be and demanded he rethink that.
You've successfully missed making a valid point.

One point you did make and failed to address was the Trump agreement, which you pointed out, wasn't being met by the Taliban.

Biden had the power to stop the withdrawal until those conditions were met.

Why didn't he?
You've successfully missed making a valid point.

One point you did make and failed to address was the Trump agreement, which you pointed out, wasn't being met by the Taliban.

Biden had the power to stop the withdrawal until those conditions were met.

Why didn't he?
He really couldn't stop the troop reductions Trump made in 2020 but he could have re-deployed 10 thousand troops, or more needed to enforce the Trump Conditions Trump failed to enforce I guess. How many thousands of American causalities' would it take to fix Benedict Donald's treachery? I donno......I'm glad Joe didn't find out. I'm sad for the Afghanis but I'm glad we're out of where we never should have been nation building..... The truce ending would have put the remaining troops at risk of being attacked too.
No, I did not lie. The Traitor did call the Men and Women who gave their lives for our country suckers and losers. The video of the Traitor's bald spot speaks for itself.
please go away,, I can only deal with so much stupid today and I am all filled up,,,
What should have happened is that when we go to war, we go to win. We haven't re-learned that lesson since world war two. That was the last win we had right ? Grenada was a joke. Vietnam was a humongous debacle (loss), Korea was a draw because of China coming in to help stop us on the road to hell. At least we got South Korea separated on the demilitarized line. Our nation has gotten weak, and is getting weaker and weaker due to internal culture's getting stupid and more stupid as we go... The signs of the time's are getting stronger and stronger.

The flaw this lie filled rant is simple. Mr. Biden was NOT in office in 2020. The Traitor was. The Traitor reduced troops in Afghanistan by 80%. You can ignore the truth, but that does not change that truth.
This bizarre Biden CIA puppet knows that COVID yellow journalism has lost its luster in the media, and it's time for new terrorism, new ice cream jokes.

Now that the islamic countries are coming together and the decline of America is accelerated, insider tranny terrorism is exactly what's called for in the nazi dem media to keep chronic the chaos. They went from quasi-violent gays without mutilations, to flaming crotch-clown world terrorists jonesing for recognition, CIA-sponsored cocaine, and the silver screen.
He really couldn't stop the troop reductions Trump made in 2020 but he could have re-deployed 10 thousand troops, or more needed to enforce the Trump Conditions Trump failed to enforce I guess.
He had the Trump agreement yet failed to enforce it, instead modified it against his generals advice....and ended up showing the world the US can't be relied upon, due to Biden's actions.
Trump cultists, good luck with your "THE USA NEEDS TO BE BACK IN THE QUAGMIRE!" strategy.
How's Ukraine working out...... :auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 770044
After all of America's blood, sweat, sacrifice, and money spentJoe Biden's Legacy In Afghanistan is arming and financing the Tailban / Terrorists.

Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden surrendered nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.


In fact,Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

The Taliban later released video of the weapons Joe Biden left behind and the room full of stacks of $100

Way to go, Joe!

View attachment 770051

Propaganda bullshit.

Who called the Taliban very tough fighters and disastrously cut the Afghanistan government out of his withdrawal talks which kneecapped Biden?

He had the Trump agreement yet failed to enforce it, instead modified it against his generals advice....and ended up showing the world the US can't be relied upon, due to Biden's actions.

How's Ukraine working out...... :auiqs.jpg:
Bullshit delldude.

The former 1-term fuckup reduced troop levels to disaster levels with his agreement with the Taliban.

He had the Trump agreement yet failed to enforce it
Way to blame Biden for Trumps fuck ups. SOP for the Trumpsters. The implementation phase was 135 days from the signing Feb 29th 2020. Trump failed to hold the Taliban to the their agreement and removed all of our leverage to enforce those conditions. In fact he reduced our forces so much that we had to redeploy thousands just to complete the evacuation.

instead modified it against his generals advice.
The evacuation plan was the Generals including modifying the truce.
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Extremely well, which is why the fascist surrender-monkey RussiaSuckers are in such a panic. If they don't rescue Russia, it may be the end of the Republican party.
Maybe the tax payers are tired of footing the bill for another war? The repo's aren't the only party tiring of footing the bill when we have many, many problems here at home.

Like you said:
And here we are again.....
Trump failed to hold the Taliban to the their agreement and removed all of our leverage to enforce those conditions.
The Taliban didn't mess with US or Allied forces. He held them to that. That was the agreement. The other deal was between Taliban and Afghan government which Taliban, with commanders which were Al-Qaeda, made attacks which broke off talks with Afghan gov't ,four or so times.
The evacuation plan was the Generals including modifying the truce.
Oh really?

Contradicting Biden, top generals say they recommended a small force stay in Afghanistan​

Biden has received fierce criticism over his administration’s handling of the withdrawal and failure to predict the Taliban’s quick return to power.

Contradicting Biden, top generals say they recommended a small force stay in Afghanistan
You're kidding, right?

From your citation:

India asserts Afghanistan’s ‘national sovereignty’ as peace talks with Taliban start in Qatar​

The long-awaited intra-Afghan dialogue between Kabul & Taliban is aimed at establishing a power-sharing deal that will help end decades of war in the country.

Only an American hating lowlife would cheer the enemy doing such a thing. So I'm not surprised you're happy about our enemy's publicity stunt.
Why? Our enemies are LAUGHING at us. Let us see. Now China has brokered a deal between Saudi and Iran. Now Brazil is dealing with China instead of the USA. Good Job ,Jow. FJB!
The Taliban didn't mess with US or Allied forces. He held them to that. That was the agreement. The other deal was between Taliban and Afghan government which Taliban, with commanders which were Al-Qaeda, made attacks which broke off talks with Afghan gov't ,four or so times.
Do you just keep making stuff up or did someone lie to you.

"A comprehensive and sustainable peace agreement will include four parts: 1) guarantees to prevent the use of Afghan soil by any international terrorist groups or individuals against the security of the United States and its allies, 2) a timeline for the withdrawal of all U.S. and Coalition forces from Afghanistan, 3) a political settlement resulting from intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations between the Taliban and an inclusive negotiating team of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and 4) a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire. These four parts are interrelated and interdependent"
Oh really?

Contradicting Biden, top generals say they recommended a small force stay in Afghanistan​

They never had an acceptable answer for what was going to happen to that small force left behind after the truce ran out. That was also before Biden made the decision to fully withdraw in April. Once that decision was made they were tasked with coming up with the detailed plan.

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