Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Do you know that Americans in cities get fire protection by hired workers, but that around 70 percent or so must put out their own fires?

Of the more than one-million firefighters in the US, 65% of them are volunteers, according to data from the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC). Of the more than 29,000 fire departments across the country, almost 19,000 of them are run completely by volunteers.Jan 25, 2024
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58 percent of Republicans in Florida are for the pro-choice amendnent.

Some of them will not vote for Trump because they know he put three more Catholics on the Supreme Court and then six Catholics overturned Roe v Wade
Biden is also a Catholic as was John Kennedy, When did Kennedy go against his church?
It’s up to the women who make that decision. I expect mist stand up to Catholic guilt shaming pretty well. The pregnancy of strangers is none of my business because I only contributed to two and both times wonderful women became the result. A third is a stepdaughter , the youngest I helped raise from the age of six.

My youngest is giving me my seventh grandchild, which is wonderful because now I’m retired and I spend my five days a week our new granddaughter you see I have volunteered to do daycare so mommy and daddy can work a good life for her.

My granddaughter is now 10 months old. I’ve been with her for the day. She was born except weekends. The greatest joy and experience of my life.

So I am very busy Saint Zaangslewa And I do not have any particular reason to do the Catholic thing of shaming people I do not know What they do cause no harm to anyone living in this world and just starting out like my new granddaughter is.

Oh my daughters are pro-choice and I don’t want them after. I’m gone to have their rights and liberty and freedom taken away by an all two powerful Catholic Church when I have members such as yourself.

The good news is most American. Catholics are not like you.
If your daughters, because of their wishes, not to have children, hired a person to execute her children that you care for as well, is that legal and fine with you since it is her choice?
If your daughters, because of their wishes, not to have children, hired a person to execute her children that you care for as well, is that legal and fine with you since it is her choice?
The insides of her body are none of my business. And none of yours. And certainly not state jurisdiction.
Where in the FUCK did you get that out of what I said? What part of "insides of her body" confused you? Strawman someone else, shithead.
My case is simple. Kids that are hers come as both born and still in her. I asked you a question. If you don't have an answer, simply say that.
In order for the pro abortion folks to defend their position, they are absolutely obligated to deny that the preborn human baby inside the mother’s womb is a human “life.”

Lots of liberal quibbles and related disinformation flows from that necessity.
In order for the pro abortion folks to defend their position, they are absolutely obligated to deny that the preborn human baby inside the mother’s womb is a human “life.”
Nope. They just have to deny that it's a legal person with political rights. Which its not.

But in order for the twat police to enforce your will on women they have to pretend that the state owns our bodies.

Again, nope.
Nope. They just have to deny that it's a legal person with political rights. Which its not.
No. They have to deny that it’s a human life. To do that, as you just tried, you pretend that there is a distinction between a human life and a human “person.”

As I said, a lot of disinformation flows from your quandary. As you just proved.
|Conception 9 months Moment of birth|

Now draw a line, all you pro-abortionists, where you claim is the
precise time when you approve of murdering this growing human being
any time to the left of your line, but not to the right of your line.

Then try to justify your logic however you wish.
You can't and you won't, because it is a life from the moment of conception, half father and half mother. "Before you were conceived in the womb I knew you." - Nature's God, as He is called in our Declaration of Independence.

Many men are in prison for murdering unborn babies. This is absolute proof of the rights of the unborn human beings. Not one woman is in prison for the same crime. This is an unconscionable double standard of American law.
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If your daughters, because of their wishes, not to have children, hired a person to execute her children that you care for as well, is that legal and fine with you since it is her choice?

Absolutely not. When I am caring for my grandaughter who is taking a nap right now it means she has met a live birth requirement by successful separation from her birthmother. If my daughter intentionally harmed this baby she should be arrested tried and convicted and punished according to the law.

I’ve been with mom dad and baby five days a week since she was born 11 months ago / The love and care this baby receives is heartwarming every single moment I am with them. Every grandpa should be so lucky.

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