Retired military leaders issue warning about trump's immunity claim.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

trump is asking to be King. The military leaders realize that if he gives an order to break the law, and they follow it, if he is given immunity, they are not immune. The USSC should not have even heard it. They are giving him a get out of jail card.

trump is asking to be King. The military leaders realize that if he gives an order to break the law, and they follow it, if he is given immunity, they are not immune. The USSC should not have even heard it. They are giving him a get out of jail card.
NICE!!! That means Trump is going to all kinds of illegal fucked up shit. I guess his retribution will be even worse than previously expected. That really sucks for you guys. :dunno:
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We've seen this movie before and it's got a rating of "Caution: gaslighting shit, don't get any on you".

We get it..... the party that likes to fuck kids wants to continue to rape children with impunity and President Trump ain't gonna put up with it.

Did I miss anything? (that's rhetorical)

fbi lgbtq.jpg

trump is asking to be King. The military leaders realize that if he gives an order to break the law, and they follow it, if he is given immunity, they are not immune. The USSC should not have even heard it. They are giving him a get out of jail card.

Is Jordan Rubin a Zionist Fascist like you?
So, just like the 50+ intel people who said the Hunter Biden laptop wasn't real.
‘…in their amicus brief filed Monday, the retired military leaders wrote that Trump’s theory “has the potential to severely undermine the Commander-in-Chief’s legal and moral authority to lead the military forces, as it would signal that they but not he must obey the rule of law.”’ ibid

Another example of Trump’s reckless disregard for the consequences of his desperate, reprehensible efforts to avoid being brought to justice.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a former or current president was absolutely immune from suit regarding acts within the "outer perimeter" of his duties, citing the president's "unique status under the Constitution" in Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982). If a former president can be prosecuted for what they did as a sitting president, future American presidents will be subject to prosecutions and lawsuits after leaving office.

South Korea is notorious for prosecuting and jailing former presidents, which is done by their vengeful successors. South Korea's presidents have routinely been jailed after the end of their terms. Frequently investigations have felt politically motivated. Certainly, the targeted political camp has argued that, and the charges usually turn on contested definitions of corruption and abuse of office.

WTF would unidentified retired military leaders know about presidential immunity?
They need to know what is legal and what is not..when given a presidential order...especially when dealing with a man that has no respect for the rule of law. Go back and turn FOX news back on. The speak the lies you want to hear.

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