Zone1 Reparations are an Economic Issue

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
It's amazing how people refused to see the stimulative effects that reparations would have on the U.S. economy.

Let's say we go with the 350,000 payment to every black American as basis for my example before I post a link to show the negative impact of white racism.

I had 5 people in my family growing up. That would 1.75 million dollars. That's plenty of money to start a family business, or to purchase property. On top of that money would be spent on other things that would be purchased in white communities by people who formerly didn't have the money to spend. That money would remove blacks from the welfare rolls, most of them forevver. These benefits to America are being ignored due to ignorance of economics.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only forthose disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.),as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”-The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

  • There’s a potential economic gain of $135 billion per year if racial disparities in health are eliminated, including $93 billion in excess medical care costs and $42 billion in untapped productivity.
  • Greater opportunity has already led to economic growth. Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Chicago have estimated that more than 25 percent of the growth in productivity from 1960 through 2008 was associated with reducing occupational barriers faced by Blacks and women. Further reducing barriers to opportunity will help drive the level of economic growth possible over the next 50 years.
  • Nine million potential jobs would be created if people of color owned businesses at rates comparable to Whites.
  • State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites. Currently Black men are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of White men, while Hispanic/Latino men are incarcerated at twice the rate of White men.
"To remain competitive in a global economy, we need the full creative and economic potential of all our people. Greater racial equity will not only improve individual lives, it will increase the size of the economic pie for everyone."
—Ani Turner, Lead Author

Reparations is one way, perhaps the best way of eliminating these inequities. Let's not talk stupid because this is a case against government, so what you did't own doesn't matter. Also, lets not repeat the same debunked stuff. Economic inequality won't be stopped by a man living in the house. More blacks are attending and graduating from college. Nobody spent 40 trillion on blacks for welfare. Daniel Moynihans assessment was debunked, and there has never been anything given to blacks to repair the years of free labor. Whites today benefitted from Jim Crow and the system still favors whites. So how about reading the linked information and discussing the pros and cons?

I am sure all these superior IQ folks in this forum are able to do that.
Whites have been given all kinds of stuff. So this is not the end.
No offense. If you all got reparation's you would blow it on rims, tires, guns, grape drink, blunts, gold chains, sneakers, concerts, a Chevy Impala, etc.
You get my drift?
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Why ot? Whites have been given all kinds of things. So try reading the link to discuss what's in it or just stop responding inn this thread.

Why do you sound like a whiny little brat?

The entire idea is ridiculous as hell. A great many people have been wronged throughout time. We don't owe them anything either, because we were not there and have no obligation to people who were not there either. It's just a way for people to get more something for nothing.

And I broke no rules with my comment. You just didn't like it, Karen.
It's amazing how people refused to see the stimulative effects that reparations would have on the U.S. economy.

Let's say we go with the 350,000 payment to every black American as basis for my example before I post a link to show the negative impact of white racism.

I had 5 people in my family growing up. That would 1.75 million dollars. That's plenty of money to start a family business, or to purchase property. On top of that money would be spent on other things that would be purchased in white communities by people who formerly didn't have the money to spend. That money would remove blacks from the welfare rolls, most of them forevver. These benefits to America are being ignored due to ignorance of economics.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only forthose disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.),as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”-The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

  • There’s a potential economic gain of $135 billion per year if racial disparities in health are eliminated, including $93 billion in excess medical care costs and $42 billion in untapped productivity.
  • Greater opportunity has already led to economic growth. Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Chicago have estimated that more than 25 percent of the growth in productivity from 1960 through 2008 was associated with reducing occupational barriers faced by Blacks and women. Further reducing barriers to opportunity will help drive the level of economic growth possible over the next 50 years.
  • Nine million potential jobs would be created if people of color owned businesses at rates comparable to Whites.
  • State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites. Currently Black men are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of White men, while Hispanic/Latino men are incarcerated at twice the rate of White men.
"To remain competitive in a global economy, we need the full creative and economic potential of all our people. Greater racial equity will not only improve individual lives, it will increase the size of the economic pie for everyone."
—Ani Turner, Lead Author

Reparations is one way, perhaps the best way of eliminating these inequities. Let's not talk stupid because this is a case against government, so what you did't own doesn't matter. Also, lets not repeat the same debunked stuff. Economic inequality won't be stopped by a man living in the house. More blacks are attending and graduating from college. Nobody spent 40 trillion on blacks for welfare. Daniel Moynihans assessment was debunked, and there has never been anything given to blacks to repair the years of free labor. Whites today benefitted from Jim Crow and the system still favors whites. So how about reading the linked information and discussing the pros and cons?

I am sure all these superior IQ folks in this forum are able to do that.

It's amazing how people refused to see the stimulative effects that reparations would have on the U.S. economy.

Taking money from productive Americans and giving it to unproductive Americans would have a negative effect on the US economy.

State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites.

Black and brown criminals are very expensive for the state and federal governments

Economic inequality won't be stopped by a man living in the house.

But it will be reduced.
It's amazing how people refused to see the stimulative effects that reparations would have on the U.S. economy.

Taking money from productive Americans and giving it to unproductive Americans would have a negative effect on the US economy.

State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites.

Black and brown criminals are very expensive for the state and federal governments

Economic inequality won't be stopped by a man living in the house.

But it will be reduced.
Money has been taken from productive black, brown, red, and yellow people and given to unproductive whites. This is why we have a 30 trillion dollar deficit.

Now try reading the link
State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites.

Black and brown criminals are very expensive for the state and federal governments
Whites are arrested 3 times more and don't get imprisoned at the rate equivalent to their arrests. And it ain't because whites don't commit violent crimes or felonies.

Sok read the link.
Why do you sound like a whiny little brat?

The entire idea is ridiculous as hell. A great many people have been wronged throughout time. We don't owe them anything either, because we were not there and have no obligation to people who were not there either. It's just a way for people to get more something for nothing.

And I broke no rules with my comment. You just didn't like it, Karen.
The opposition to black reparations is based on sheer racist hatred.Precedents have been set as other groups who have been harmed by thegovernment have received reparations. As for the tired worn out excuse of“why should I pay for something I did not do,” here is an example ofreparations made in modern times for things done by past generations.

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S.government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars.

Your post was not on topic. Now read the link.
No offense. If you all got reparation's you would blow it on rims, tires, guns, grape drink, blunts, gold chains, sneakers, concerts, a Chevy Impala, etc.
You get my drift?
Yeah I do. You're a dumb white racist whose life is as it is because the U.S. government has given whites handouts on at least 8 occasions.

So how about blacks get 8 handouts too?

Now read the link.
It's amazing how people refused to see the stimulative effects that reparations would have on the U.S. economy.

Let's say we go with the 350,000 payment to every black American as basis for my example before I post a link to show the negative impact of white racism.

I had 5 people in my family growing up. That would 1.75 million dollars. That's plenty of money to start a family business, or to purchase property. On top of that money would be spent on other things that would be purchased in white communities by people who formerly didn't have the money to spend. That money would remove blacks from the welfare rolls, most of them forevver. These benefits to America are being ignored due to ignorance of economics.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only forthose disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.),as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”-The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

  • There’s a potential economic gain of $135 billion per year if racial disparities in health are eliminated, including $93 billion in excess medical care costs and $42 billion in untapped productivity.
  • Greater opportunity has already led to economic growth. Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Chicago have estimated that more than 25 percent of the growth in productivity from 1960 through 2008 was associated with reducing occupational barriers faced by Blacks and women. Further reducing barriers to opportunity will help drive the level of economic growth possible over the next 50 years.
  • Nine million potential jobs would be created if people of color owned businesses at rates comparable to Whites.
  • State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites. Currently Black men are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of White men, while Hispanic/Latino men are incarcerated at twice the rate of White men.
"To remain competitive in a global economy, we need the full creative and economic potential of all our people. Greater racial equity will not only improve individual lives, it will increase the size of the economic pie for everyone."
—Ani Turner, Lead Author

Reparations is one way, perhaps the best way of eliminating these inequities. Let's not talk stupid because this is a case against government, so what you did't own doesn't matter. Also, lets not repeat the same debunked stuff. Economic inequality won't be stopped by a man living in the house. More blacks are attending and graduating from college. Nobody spent 40 trillion on blacks for welfare. Daniel Moynihans assessment was debunked, and there has never been anything given to blacks to repair the years of free labor. Whites today benefitted from Jim Crow and the system still favors whites. So how about reading the linked information and discussing the pros and cons?

I am sure all these superior IQ folks in this forum are able to do that.
The vast majority on this forum do not think we owe reparations, will not agree to pay reparations and are tired of your reparation threads. The vast majority of the country sees no need to pay you any reparations and has no intention of going along with it. Get it through your head. It ain't happening. Looks like everybody will just have to make it on their own, the way everybody else that makes it does. Good luck.
It's amazing how people refused to see the stimulative effects that reparations would have on the U.S. economy.

Let's say we go with the 350,000 payment to every black American as basis for my example before I post a link to show the negative impact of white racism.

I had 5 people in my family growing up. That would 1.75 million dollars. That's plenty of money to start a family business, or to purchase property. On top of that money would be spent on other things that would be purchased in white communities by people who formerly didn't have the money to spend. That money would remove blacks from the welfare rolls, most of them forevver. These benefits to America are being ignored due to ignorance of economics.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only forthose disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.),as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”-The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

  • There’s a potential economic gain of $135 billion per year if racial disparities in health are eliminated, including $93 billion in excess medical care costs and $42 billion in untapped productivity.
  • Greater opportunity has already led to economic growth. Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Chicago have estimated that more than 25 percent of the growth in productivity from 1960 through 2008 was associated with reducing occupational barriers faced by Blacks and women. Further reducing barriers to opportunity will help drive the level of economic growth possible over the next 50 years.
  • Nine million potential jobs would be created if people of color owned businesses at rates comparable to Whites.
  • State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites. Currently Black men are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of White men, while Hispanic/Latino men are incarcerated at twice the rate of White men.
"To remain competitive in a global economy, we need the full creative and economic potential of all our people. Greater racial equity will not only improve individual lives, it will increase the size of the economic pie for everyone."
—Ani Turner, Lead Author

Reparations is one way, perhaps the best way of eliminating these inequities. Let's not talk stupid because this is a case against government, so what you did't own doesn't matter. Also, lets not repeat the same debunked stuff. Economic inequality won't be stopped by a man living in the house. More blacks are attending and graduating from college. Nobody spent 40 trillion on blacks for welfare. Daniel Moynihans assessment was debunked, and there has never been anything given to blacks to repair the years of free labor. Whites today benefitted from Jim Crow and the system still favors whites. So how about reading the linked information and discussing the pros and cons?

I am sure all these superior IQ folks in this forum are able to do that.
Where's the money coming from, Lucky the leprechaun's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?...Ever heard of opportunity costs?

It's amazing how people refused to see the stimulative effects that reparations would have on the U.S. economy.

Let's say we go with the 350,000 payment to every black American as basis for my example before I post a link to show the negative impact of white racism.

I had 5 people in my family growing up. That would 1.75 million dollars. That's plenty of money to start a family business, or to purchase property. On top of that money would be spent on other things that would be purchased in white communities by people who formerly didn't have the money to spend. That money would remove blacks from the welfare rolls, most of them forevver. These benefits to America are being ignored due to ignorance of economics.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only forthose disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.),as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”-The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

  • There’s a potential economic gain of $135 billion per year if racial disparities in health are eliminated, including $93 billion in excess medical care costs and $42 billion in untapped productivity.
  • Greater opportunity has already led to economic growth. Researchers at Stanford University and the University of Chicago have estimated that more than 25 percent of the growth in productivity from 1960 through 2008 was associated with reducing occupational barriers faced by Blacks and women. Further reducing barriers to opportunity will help drive the level of economic growth possible over the next 50 years.
  • Nine million potential jobs would be created if people of color owned businesses at rates comparable to Whites.
  • State and federal prison costs would be cut $30 billion annually if Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos were incarcerated at the rate of Whites. Currently Black men are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of White men, while Hispanic/Latino men are incarcerated at twice the rate of White men.
"To remain competitive in a global economy, we need the full creative and economic potential of all our people. Greater racial equity will not only improve individual lives, it will increase the size of the economic pie for everyone."
—Ani Turner, Lead Author

Reparations is one way, perhaps the best way of eliminating these inequities. Let's not talk stupid because this is a case against government, so what you did't own doesn't matter. Also, lets not repeat the same debunked stuff. Economic inequality won't be stopped by a man living in the house. More blacks are attending and graduating from college. Nobody spent 40 trillion on blacks for welfare. Daniel Moynihans assessment was debunked, and there has never been anything given to blacks to repair the years of free labor. Whites today benefitted from Jim Crow and the system still favors whites. So how about reading the linked information and discussing the pros and cons?

I am sure all these superior IQ folks in this forum are able to do that.
Southerner descendents whose ancestors never took up arms to fight and had their property destroyed during the civil war need reparations.
The vast majority on this forum do not think we owe reparations, will not agree to pay reparations and are tired of your reparation threads. The vast majority of the country sees no need to pay you any reparations and has no intention of going along with it. Get it through your head. It ain't happening. Looks like everybody will just have to make it on their own, the way everybody else that makes it does. Good luck.

The opinions of a bunch of whites ignorant of their own history does not faze me. Get that through your head. And your --- didn't show up in threads by whites telling them you are tired. That's because you agreed with the racism they posted.

Whites didn't make it on their own. That includes you. This history of this country shows that on at least 8 occasions whites have been given handouts from the government to get ahead. The government does owe us the same reparations they have given others. You need to shut up and study history. Your opinion and the opinion of similarly ignorant whites is not the be all and end all. In fact, it is the ignorance of whites like you that has this nation in a 32 trillion dollar dollar hole. Stop lying to yourself about how everybody else made it on their own because that didn't happen.

So how about blacks get 8 handouts too?

Now read the link.
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