Remembering the Trump Presidency

Analysts are talking about what Trump will do to the economy if he becomes president again. If you think inflation is bad now, watch what happens if he institutes more hurt with his ideas.
Wasn't it an inflation rate of 3% Biden inherited? What happened with that?

Yeah, the trump presidency these guys are talking about is imaginary.
It keeps Biden awake at night.
Biden hasn't started any damn wars. Trump didn't bring back jobs. Trump didn't wipe ISIS off the map. Obama had pretty much finished them before Trump took office. And he almost started a war with Iran when he had that cabinet member killed. If Trump did what you claim he'd be sitting in office right now.
Total lies.

CIA stooge Biden has us in a proxy war with Russia. We spend more money on that war every year than we ever spent on our own wars in the Middle East.

Obama never defeated ISIS, he never wanted to. In fact Obama was supplying ISIS with arms and money. President Trump eradicated them simply by pulling their funding and they were gone within a year and a half.

The warmongers in Washington wanted President Trump to start a war with Iran, but he didn’t fall for it.
Cheap gas, cheap food, law and order, a vastly more secure border, ahhhh the good old days.
Benedict Donald was riding the Obama wave. 2016 saw the lowest border crossings in 50 year. Crime rates were dropping and Obama's drill baby drill was paying off in a big way.
CIA stooge Biden has us in a proxy war with Russia. We spend more money on that war every year than we ever spent on our own wars in the Middle East.

The U.S. military is about to surpass 20 years since invading Iraq, a war that has cost more than 550,000 lives, and nearly $1.8 trillion, according to a report released Wednesday.

The Joe Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed about $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support

Obama never defeated ISIS, he never wanted to. In fact Obama was supplying ISIS with arms and money.
What a crockpot of lies. In reality it was the Generals plan to coordinate with the Kurds and support them with airpower that took ISIS's hold on land away from them. The General's likely told Trump not to fuck it up.
Trump supporters have bought up Solyndra over the years. But they seem unable to repeat to us the failures of te Trump presidency. According to them, we lived in utopia with everyone living in mansions on streets paved with gold and pots of gold/silver sitting in everybodys front yard. And inside these mansions there were three taps, one for hot water, one for cold water and the other for champagne. But this is the real Trump Presidency.

Foxconn hardly the eighth wonder of the world​

Published 5 years ago on June 7, 2019

It was two year ago when President Trump joined then Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and officials from Foxconn to announce that the foreign company was planning to bring 13,000 jobs to Wisconsin. Trump used the occasion to declare that Wisconsin manufacturing was back, and that Wisconsin’s Foxconn plant would be the “eighth wonder of the world.” For all that splash, there have barely been ripples since. The plant isn’t open. In fact, it isn’t even built. The company is woefully behind on its job creation numbers, with at last report, only 178 workers hired. Not enough to qualify for the state’s offer of job incentives of up to $200,000 per job. The plans for the plant have changed, now much smaller making smaller flat screens. The president of Foxconn is taking a leave to run for President of Taiwan. Foxconn has bought properties in Madison, Eau Claire, Milwaukee and Green Bay. But they sit empty, with no visible activity. It is looking less and less like this deal with ever come to fruition, at least not in line with the original plans. And while job incentives won’t be paid until the company actually hires people, according to the contract, Foxconn could get subsidies for building a largely automated plant. So Wisconsin taxpayers would be subsidizing robots. All of this makes clear the need to revisit the deal, in hopes something can be salvaged. So much for Wisconsin’s Foxconn plant becoming the eighth wonder of the world.

And this is why we should vote for Biden.

Biden announces $3.3B investment from Microsoft for AI data center in Mount Pleasant​

Project is expansion of previous plans from the company to construct data centers on Foxconn land

MAY 8, 2024

During a visit to Wisconsin Wednesday, President Joe Biden praised a planned $3.3 billion investment from Microsoft to build an artificial intelligence data center on land once slated for development by Foxconn in Mount Pleasant.

The plans also include a manufacturing-focused AI Co-Innovation Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as well as a partnership with Gateway Technical College to develop a “Datacenter Academy” that will train 1,000 people by 2030, according to a statement from the White House.

“It’s all part of Microsoft’s broad plan to build an artificial intelligence system right here in Racine and it’s going to be transformative, not just here, but worldwide,” Biden said during a speech near the future site of the data centers Wednesday morning.

Foxconn was never built and the 15,000 jobs never happened. That was the trump administration. Just like infrastructure week never happened. Just like beating the Chinese in the trade war didn't happen. Just like COVID would go away when it got warm didn't happen.
HAHA this thread is hilarious

A former Foxconn executive tries to explain what went wrong in Wisconsin

the guy over the project blamed the democrat governor that took over. :lol:
He also said this :
When we built in Wisconsin and signed the contract, people became a lot less supportive, not because they did not want the investment, but because it became political. Articles came out attacking us so that they may score a point or two, and that was not very helpful.
If after the election, they all died down and everything went back to, “Let’s work together and make it happen,” we would be very happy. That wasn’t really the case then, and we know why. There was another election coming up with the biggest supporter of all, which was President Trump, so we live with that.
The Covid bubble totally skewed the year over year calculations.
Trump handed over inflation at the rate I mentioned. Biden took went off the charts.
There were huge numbers of Americans infected under Benedict before Joe took over on Jan 20, 2021. I believe those numbers started dropping afterwards.
Yes, huge numbers infected but no vaxxed. Makes a difference......especially thanks to Operation Warp Speed.
What did Obama do to encourage drilling?
You have a list?

In a turnaround that has gotten next to no attention and remarkably little criticism, President Obama is now making a legacy record for himself that will put the “permanent reduction of our dependence on oil” in its grave. His administration is instead on a drill-baby-drill course to increase production in every way imaginable on U.S. territory, including offshore areas that were long closed to drilling due to environmental concerns.

What explains this dramatic turnaround?
Trumps well known quote - "We have it totally under control. Its one person coming in from China."

His last year in office the GDP drops to a negative number and the last time this had happen was in 1940 when the US was in a recession.

This is what Trump left Biden

he also left the COVID 19 issue for Biden

Fact check Ukraine war was going on when Trump was president and the US was providing aid

Trump then wanted "LETS MAKE A DEAL"

Find dirt on Biden for me . After all the US provides significant aid to Ukraine

In a turnaround that has gotten next to no attention and remarkably little criticism, President Obama is now making a legacy record for himself that will put the “permanent reduction of our dependence on oil” in its grave. His administration is instead on a drill-baby-drill course to increase production in every way imaginable on U.S. territory, including offshore areas that were long closed to drilling due to environmental concerns.

What explains this dramatic turnaround?

His administration is instead on a drill-baby-drill course to increase production in every way imaginable on U.S. territory,

Production increased, what did he do to encourage that production?
Do you feel fighting against offshore drilling and new pipelines helped production?
Did offshore production increase during his presidency?
What about production on federal leases?
Trumps well known quote - "We have it totally under control. Its one person coming in from China."

His last year in office the GDP drops to a negative number and the last time this had happen was in 1940 when the US was in a recession.

This is what Trump left Biden

he also left the COVID 19 issue for Biden

Fact check Ukraine war was going on when Trump was president and the US was providing aid

Trump then wanted "LETS MAKE A DEAL"

Find dirt on Biden for me . After all the US provides significant aid to Ukraine

His last year in office the GDP drops to a negative number and the last time this had happen was in 1940 when the US was in a recession.

This is what Trump left Biden


+34.8% in Q3 2020, +4.2% in Q4 2020 and +5.2% in Q1 2021.
His administration is instead on a drill-baby-drill course to increase production in every way imaginable on U.S. territory,

Production increased, what did he do to encourage that production?
Do you feel fighting against offshore drilling and new pipelines helped production?
Did offshore production increase during his presidency?
What about production on federal leases?
Here are some of the other measures recently taken by the administration to boost domestic oil production, according to a recent White House factsheet:

* An increase in the sales of leases for oil and gas drilling on federal lands. In 2013, the Bureau of Land Management held 30 such sales – the most in a decade – offering 5.7 million acres for lease by industry.

* An increase in the speed with which permits are being issued for actual drilling on federal lands. What’s called “processing time” has, the White House boasts, been cut from 228 days in 2012 to 194 days in 2013.

* The opening up of an additional 59 million acres for oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, the site of a disastrous BP oil spill in April 2010.

In other words, global warming be damned!

In a turnaround that has gotten next to no attention and remarkably little criticism, President Obama is now making a legacy record for himself that will put the “permanent reduction of our dependence on oil” in its grave.
The stock market
His last year in office the GDP drops to a negative number and the last time this had happen was in 1940 when the US was in a recession.

This is what Trump left Biden

View attachment 944221

+34.8% in Q3 2020, +4.2% in Q4 2020 and +5.2% in Q1 2021.
You would have to know the difference between real GDP and Nominal GDP which would explain the differences. FRED uses nominal.
There were huge numbers of Americans infected under Benedict before Joe took over on Jan 20, 2021. I believe those numbers started dropping afterwards.
And more dropped dead under Biden. You cannot change that fact. You should be asking why Congress and their staff were not subject to the mandate.
His last year in office the GDP drops to a negative number and the last time this had happen was in 1940 when the US was in a recession.

This is what Trump left Biden

View attachment 944221

+34.8% in Q3 2020, +4.2% in Q4 2020 and +5.2% in Q1 2021.
Fred uses nominal GDP and is different from Real GDP . They have clients who want nominal GDP numbers. Thus they are different because nominal just looks at certain things that the clients wants.

You must use real GDP when you are comparing the economic output from one year to the next, or between countries.

Nominal GDP: How To Calculate It and When To Use It

Nominal GDP is the economic output of a country. Nominal GDP does not account for inflation and is best used to compare debt to GDP.

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