Remember Biden's Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal? Here's the $7B in Equipment He Left Behind.

Remember Biden's Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal?

Here's the $7B in Equipment He Left Behind.

28 Apr 2022 ~~ By Spencer Brown

It's no secret that President Joe Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disaster but — months after the last military flight departed Kabul and left Americans to fend for themselves — Americans now have a better idea of how much equipment Biden's supposedly successful withdrawal left behind.
According to a Department of Defense report that was required by Congress on the withdrawal and, more specifically, what wasn't withdrawn, there's $7.12 billion worth of military equipment now in Taliban hands out of the $18.6 billion worth of equipment given to Afghan forces that the Pentagon doesn't plan to retrieve or destroy.
CNN, which obtained the report, detailed its contents that "will serve to refocus attention on the chaotic and hasty" Biden exit from Afghanistan:

Hmm..., Can anyone identify Biden policies or actions that promote American economic freedom, security, or international interest?
The only exceptions I can find are the Afghanistan pull-out, which was executed with the forethought of an idiot, and finally sending necessary arms to Ukraine, but only after Putin launched his invasion.
Then there's arming the America's enemies is an act of treason. Afghanistan was not just a rout - it was an arms deal.
Add to that:
1) Imprisoning political opponents without due process​
2) Unilaterally and illegally nullifying American immigration law​
3) Abandoning American citizens in a warzone​
4) Arming sworn enemies of the United States to the teeth​
5) Soliciting and accepting bribes from sworn enemies of the United States and various transnational gangsters​
6) Illegally rigging elections​
7) Destroying American energy production.​
8) While sanctioning Russia, still has Russia negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran on behalf of the US, as Iran won't take Biden's calls.​
Coming soon - Biden will reverse his stance and remove Iran's Revolutionary Guard from the US list of terrorist groups at Iran's request in order to appease Iran into signing another worthless, un-ratified, unenforceable nuclear deal.
Each of these treasonous offenses are impeachable.
Thanks to Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie handlers, the Taliban are now the best equipped terrorist group in history.

What is the result? The Taliban are now the best equipped terrorists in the whole world. They now have better equipment than many national armies. What Joke Biden did is endanger millions of people all over the world. I think you can expect a surge of bloody terrorism very soon as soon as the Taliban gets themselves organized and trains their troops on how to use our modern equipment.
Most terrorists use very primitive weapons like AK47s. They make bombs from fuel and fertilizer.

Remember that the goal of Islamic fundies is world conquest.

Remember Biden's Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal?

Here's the $7B in Equipment He Left Behind.

28 Apr 2022 ~~ By Spencer Brown

It's no secret that President Joe Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disaster but — months after the last military flight departed Kabul and left Americans to fend for themselves — Americans now have a better idea of how much equipment Biden's supposedly successful withdrawal left behind.
According to a Department of Defense report that was required by Congress on the withdrawal and, more specifically, what wasn't withdrawn, there's $7.12 billion worth of military equipment now in Taliban hands out of the $18.6 billion worth of equipment given to Afghan forces that the Pentagon doesn't plan to retrieve or destroy.
CNN, which obtained the report, detailed its contents that "will serve to refocus attention on the chaotic and hasty" Biden exit from Afghanistan:

Hmm..., Can anyone identify Biden policies or actions that promote American economic freedom, security, or international interest?
The only exceptions I can find are the Afghanistan pull-out, which was executed with the forethought of an idiot, and finally sending necessary arms to Ukraine, but only after Putin launched his invasion.
Then there's arming the America's enemies is an act of treason. Afghanistan was not just a rout - it was an arms deal.
Add to that:
1) Imprisoning political opponents without due process​
2) Unilaterally and illegally nullifying American immigration law​
3) Abandoning American citizens in a warzone​
4) Arming sworn enemies of the United States to the teeth​
5) Soliciting and accepting bribes from sworn enemies of the United States and various transnational gangsters​
6) Illegally rigging elections​
7) Destroying American energy production.
8) While sanctioning Russia, still has Russia negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran on behalf of the US, as Iran won't take Biden's calls.​
Coming soon - Biden will reverse his stance and remove Iran's Revolutionary Guard from the US list of terrorist groups at Iran's request in order to appease Iran into signing another worthless, un-ratified, unenforceable nuclear deal.
Each of these treasonous offenses are impeachable.
Thanks to Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie handlers, the Taliban are now the best equipped terrorist group in history.

How stupid. Trump removed 12,000 US troops and freed 5000 prisoners by September of 2020. He didn't take any equipment. There weren't enough troops to secure the highway from Kabul to Bagram AFB.
How stupid. Trump removed 12,000 US troops and freed 5000 prisoners by September of 2020. He didn't take any equipment. There weren't enough troops to secure the highway from Kabul to Bagram AFB.

Trump left enough troops and assets in place to hammer the living fuck out of the Taliban if he needed to, and the Taliban knew that.

And as for the the 5,000 prisoner release, haven't we already been through this enough times? That was one of the stipulations the Taliban demanded, before the withdrawal plan was to proceed any further. In fact, the Afghan Army dragged their heel on the prisoner release for awhile, which held up the whole process.

And Bagram air base was secure, until Biden pulled everyone out in the middle of the night without telling the Afghan forces.

You just can't get it through your pea-sized brain, that Trump's Afghan withdrawal plan would have worked flawlessly. I understand that, seeing how you hate the man for beating Hillary Clinton. But let's try to be a little more truthful in the future, ok? We're not stupid. We have access to the same information you have and frankly, lying about things just makes you look cheap.
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Trump left enough troops and assets in place to hammer the living fuck out of the Taliban if he needed to, and the Taliban knew that.

And as for the the 5,000 prisoners release, haven't we already been through this enough times? That was one of the stipulations the Taliban demanded, before the withdrawal plan was to proceed any further. In fact, the Afghan Army dragged their heel on the prisoner release for awhile, which held up the whole process.

And Bagram air base was secure, until Biden pulled everyone out in the middle of the night without telling the Afghan forces.

There weren't enough troops to deal with the Taliban much less secure the highway to Bagram AFB.

Remember Biden's Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal?

Here's the $7B in Equipment He Left Behind.

28 Apr 2022 ~~ By Spencer Brown

It's no secret that President Joe Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disaster but — months after the last military flight departed Kabul and left Americans to fend for themselves — Americans now have a better idea of how much equipment Biden's supposedly successful withdrawal left behind.
According to a Department of Defense report that was required by Congress on the withdrawal and, more specifically, what wasn't withdrawn, there's $7.12 billion worth of military equipment now in Taliban hands out of the $18.6 billion worth of equipment given to Afghan forces that the Pentagon doesn't plan to retrieve or destroy.
CNN, which obtained the report, detailed its contents that "will serve to refocus attention on the chaotic and hasty" Biden exit from Afghanistan:

Hmm..., Can anyone identify Biden policies or actions that promote American economic freedom, security, or international interest?
The only exceptions I can find are the Afghanistan pull-out, which was executed with the forethought of an idiot, and finally sending necessary arms to Ukraine, but only after Putin launched his invasion.
Then there's arming the America's enemies is an act of treason. Afghanistan was not just a rout - it was an arms deal.
Add to that:
1) Imprisoning political opponents without due process​
2) Unilaterally and illegally nullifying American immigration law​
3) Abandoning American citizens in a warzone​
4) Arming sworn enemies of the United States to the teeth​
5) Soliciting and accepting bribes from sworn enemies of the United States and various transnational gangsters​
6) Illegally rigging elections​
7) Destroying American energy production.
8) While sanctioning Russia, still has Russia negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran on behalf of the US, as Iran won't take Biden's calls.​
Coming soon - Biden will reverse his stance and remove Iran's Revolutionary Guard from the US list of terrorist groups at Iran's request in order to appease Iran into signing another worthless, un-ratified, unenforceable nuclear deal.
Each of these treasonous offenses are impeachable.
Thanks to Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie handlers, the Taliban are now the best equipped terrorist group in history.

Trump gave the Taliban carte blanche in February 2020.
Trump made no provision to evacuate equipment when we left

Trump negotiated with the Taliban with the assumption the Afghan Army would protect us. He left 2500 active troops to cover our withdrawal

The Afghan Army made no attempt to fight the Taliban leaving Biden with few options

Biden did manage to evacuate 125,000 people safely

People are more valuable than equipment
So sez the man escalating the war in Ukraine
Does anyone have any suggestions on how we should have withdrawn $7 billion in equipment without the Afghan Army?

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