Rebuilding US Arms Production - Can a new Strategy Restore the Arsenal of Democracy?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Rebuilding US Arms Production - Can a new Strategy Restore the Arsenal of Democracy?​

Apr 14, 2024 During many major conflicts of the 20th century, the ability of the USA to pump out enormous amounts of defence materiel was a critical factor. In the lead up to WW2 the US would declare itself the 'arsenal of democracy'
But with the end of the Cold War came reductions and consolidation - and after the events of early 2022 the US, like many other nations, found itself eager to re-expand its defence industries to meet the demands of the war in Ukraine and changing global security environment.
That provided the context for the release of a defence industry strategy this year -- and today, we're going to talk about it.

Unfortunately in the 21st Century the U.S. is now incapable of sustaining a World War.
Simply, America is no longer a manufacturing nation.
It is no longer equipped to mass produce the military equipment it would need to participate in a sustained conflict. What we did in WWII will never be repeated today.
We cannot produce the amount to steel needed to manufature the tools of war.
Even IF we were to re-industrialize, I don't see us being able to crank out 24 Ford class carriers in five years like we did with the Essex class carriers in WW2.
Not do I foresee the ability to crank out the 300k planes we did in WW2 in a four year run, or the number of 155mm artillery shells necessary to supply Ukraine let alone an all out WWIII.

Rebuilding US Arms Production - Can a new Strategy Restore the Arsenal of Democracy?​

Apr 14, 2024 During many major conflicts of the 20th century, the ability of the USA to pump out enormous amounts of defence materiel was a critical factor. In the lead up to WW2 the US would declare itself the 'arsenal of democracy'
But with the end of the Cold War came reductions and consolidation - and after the events of early 2022 the US, like many other nations, found itself eager to re-expand its defence industries to meet the demands of the war in Ukraine and changing global security environment.
That provided the context for the release of a defence industry strategy this year -- and today, we're going to talk about it.

Unfortunately in the 21st Century the U.S. is now incapable of sustaining a World War.
Simply, America is no longer a manufacturing nation.
It is no longer equipped to mass produce the military equipment it would need to participate in a sustained conflict. What we did in WWII will never be repeated today.
Even IF we were to re-industrialize, I don't see us being able to crank out 24 Ford class carriers in five years like we did with the Essex class carriers in WW2.
Not do I foresee the ability to crank out the 300k planes we did in WW2 in a four year run, or the number of 155mm artillery shells necessary to supply Ukraine let alone an all out WWIII.

Excellent. After braying about the last guy starting no wars, you are now if favor of.....producing more arms and equipment to sustain....a war. :)
With these assholes and freaks running things? Good luck.


Rebuilding US Arms Production - Can a new​

Even IF we were to re-industrialize, I don't see us being able to crank out 24 Ford class carriers in five years like we did with the Essex class carriers in WW2.
Not do I foresee the ability to crank out the 300k planes we did in WW2 in a four year run, or the number of 155mm artillery shells necessary to supply Ukraine let alone an all out WWIII.
Aircraft Carriers are out of date now .
The US has 11 currently though probably 4or 5 will be in dry dock .
They stand no chance whatsoever against Hyper Sonic Missiles

The same applies to aircraft unless they go totally invisible to sight and radar .

Soldiers will be replaced by robots or even Cyborgs .

You barely need to win extra land in a digital age .
maybe if presidents would stop leaving millions/billions of dollars of armament behind when we leave combat zones...
Aircraft Carriers are out of date now .
The US has 11 currently though probably 4or 5 will be in dry dock .
They stand no chance whatsoever against Hyper Sonic Missiles

The same applies to aircraft unless they go totally invisible to sight and radar .

Soldiers will be replaced by robots or even Cyborgs .

You barely need to win extra land in a digital age .
You've been reading or viewing too much Sci-Fi fiction. In the end it takes humans, blood and guts with boots on the ground to win a war.
We are in dire need of sub/ship builders.

Build submarines is even sponsoring a NASCAR team.


Trouble is the areas employees that used to live/work around US shipyards have been turned into crime-ridden Goblinvilles.

Areas like Newport News need to raze them to the ground and build worker homes.
Aircraft Carriers are out of date now .
The US has 11 currently though probably 4or 5 will be in dry dock .
They stand no chance whatsoever against Hyper Sonic Missiles

The same applies to aircraft unless they go totally invisible to sight and radar .

Soldiers will be replaced by robots or even Cyborgs .

You barely need to win extra land in a digital age .
Everything above says is totally erroneous, everything! The hardest thing on the ocean to sink is an aircraft carrier, you have to be able to find them, they are surrounded by Aegis destroyers and cruisers, armed with the most sophisticated ship defenses in human history, perfectly capable of taking out incoming ballistic missiles.

Currently, China is claimed to possess hyper-sonic missiles, as is Russia, idiots online are claiming same for Iran, its just not true. Patriot battery's in Ukraine are shooting the vaunted "Kinzel" missiles out of the sky with 100% success! I doubt China possesses actual hyper-sonic missiles, and if they do its only a tiny handful of them.

Do you know who possesses actual hyper-sonic missiles, the real thing and none of you know they do, the United States does thats who! Currently Lockheed has brought a nasty little missile to production, did you hear that, not testing, but cleared it for production for the US Navy F35's, to be carrier internally.

They are called "Mako' missiles, they are just 13 feet in length and fully able to take out aircraft, and missiles out to 300 miles or so, they are true hyper-sonic missiles, which means not just fast, but able to maneuver, and engage out to 300 miles! Mako's are believed to be able to be fitted to ships such as above mentioned Aegis destroyers, along with submarines, meaning they can be launched from under the water line! They require no ballistic warheads due to the high kinetic impact energies, which are at the minimum mach-v.....

Sinking a super carrier is next to impossible, they are not even close to obsolete, they are the most powerful warships every constructed by human beings, so stop soaking up the fascist propaganda....
A factory producing shells for the AFU is on fire in the USA

A fire started the night before at a US military plant in the city of Scranton, Pennsylvania. The plant was specially modernized to produce shells for Ukraine.
The plant produces large-caliber metal shells, mortar shells, including those of 155 millimeters caliber. It is supervised by the US Armed Forces.
The cause of the fire is still unknown.
All it takes for our Oligarchs to get us to agree with war is creating an evil dictator and portray ourselves as the heros coming to save democracy
It doesn't matter that they've never told us the truth, because we've been taught we're superior people and have the right to rule
Excellent. After braying about the last guy starting no wars, you are now if favor of.....producing more arms and equipment to sustain....a war. :)

Japan didn’t attack the US at Pearl Harbor, because we were sitting in a position of strength. We were complacent and they took advantage.

We don’t need a kick ass military to win sustained wars. We need a kick ass powerful military to avoid them by keeping the Putins off the world off balance.
It’s GOOD for them to believe we are willing to go to war. It will prevent things like the invasion of Ukraine.
"Perun"? What's Perun? The U.S. is fully capable of a sustainable conventional war. The sad fact is that a doddering old fool has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button and the media is more interested in another four years of democrat insanity than dealing with a foreign policy that might lead to nuclear war.
The U.S. advocates free speech while in fact banning Tiktok,
declares the sacred right of private property while in fact stealing other people's assets,
advocates peace while in fact pouring oil on the fire of war.

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