Reading & Writing


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Many kids today resist both of these essential practices because, due to technology, they have little call for either. Many kids almost never read or write anything longer than a tweet or a text message. It's disappointing to see. I'm trying to combat the trend by working on essay writing with my more advanced classes. I've also set up something like a lend-lease library library on one of the big bookshelves in my classroom. Some of the kids are starting to get idea. A few kids come in regularly and browse the books I may have added on any given week. The school has a library, of course, but just looking over my bookshelf is less intimidating than a big library. You can only keep trying.
Many kids today resist both of these essential practices because, due to technology, they have little call for either. Many kids almost never read or write anything longer than a tweet or a text message. It's disappointing to see. I'm trying to combat the trend by working on essay writing with my more advanced classes. I've also set up something like a lend-lease library library on one of the big bookshelves in my classroom. Some of the kids are starting to get idea. A few kids come in regularly and browse the books I may have added on any given week. The school has a library, of course, but just looking over my bookshelf is less intimidating than a big library. You
can only keep trying.
Serious issue. It's epidemic.
Before many of these kids get to my class, even after many years in the school system, they may have never been explicitly taught anything about writing essays or been asked to read anything longer than a page or two. If there's anything I disdain, it's low expectations.

I remember being bored in classrooms. but this is incredible.

While I do not side with much of Mr. Todd's thesis here: “La Défaite de l’Occident” (“The Defeat of the West”) -- Emmanuel Todd, -- I believe his research is sound on this:

In an advanced, highly educated society like ours, Mr. Todd argues, too many people aspire to the work of running things and bossing people around. They want to be politicians, artists, managers. This doesn’t always require learning intellectually complex stuff. “In the long run, educational progress has brought educational decline,” he writes, “because it has led to the disappearance of those values that favor education.
Hopefully, by tomorrow at least 2-3 students will have finished the first full draft of their essays.
Hopefully, by tomorrow at least 2-3 students will have finished the first full draft of their essays.
Call me a fake, a liar, true can call me what you want.

I taught Public School, granted, the schools I taught in were in Western Washington, and the Valley of Bakersfield.

You make the call on this.^^^^^

I retired in 2022, and have taken up a different job since.
Also in Public Education.
Call me a fake, a liar, true can call me what you want.

I taught Public School, granted, the schools I taught in were in Western Washington, and the Valley of Bakersfield.

You make the call on this.^^^^^

I retired in 2022, and have taken up a different job since.
Also in Public Education.
Why would I call you a fake or a liar?

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