
I had them in a rental property. Hired an exterminator. He put out poison bait traps. That took care of them very quickly.
any advice on these critters?>>>


Poison but be very careful with it. The really effective stuff is called Just One Bite but you may have to find a feed store to find it.
They'll eat Decon, the stuff you find at corner hardware stores for an appetizer.
I'm talking about big pack rats otherwise known as wood rats.
There are none around here anymore since I wiped them out about 4 or 5 years ago when I moved in. I think a lot of it was maybe destroying their habitat by clearing excessive undergrowth on my acreage the previous owner had allowed to go unchecked.
All excellent preventive measures above ... the issue is this looks like a utility vault, exposed to the elements and rarely visited ... the rats get in their and breed like, well, rats ... just blasting away with a gun or fire clears them out so you can get your work done and get out ... let the next guy deal with it ...

Someone needs to come by and check every couple months ... and exterminate ... peppermint oil works good but the rain washes it away ... the rats will come back as long as they can get in ... so long term, all the access points need to be closed off ...
They'll eat Decon, the stuff you find at corner hardware stores for an appetizer.

and asked for more..;.

rats hate peppermint

i'll find some....

one of my redneck friends suggested>>>


which i'm trying this week

They'll eat Decon, the stuff you find at corner hardware stores for an appetizer.

and asked for more..;.

rats hate peppermint

i'll find some....

one of my redneck friends suggested>>>


which i'm trying this week


Let me know how well this works.

You can plant peppermint, but as with all mints it can get invasive and take over your yard. You might want to call around about the 'just one bite', yes it works but I can't find it anywhere around here. Feed store or hardware store. So you may have to buy it online. I did try Ramik, but with mixed results. Had bought a 4(?) lb bag of it, put some in a few places maybe using 1/2 lb and stored the rest on top of a cabinet in the garage and the dirty buggers got in there and ate the rest of the bag 3+lbs of it.

Our dogs have done pretty good at catching & killing them, but they are smart and learn real quick how to escape. We have a Jack Russell and a Shephard/Lab mix. Then I've also put some food or bread out in the yard and waited for them with a BB or Air Soft gun to come out & get it. With all the various ways, we've gotten rid of the most of them, though I think there is still one out at the chicken coop and I sure hope the damn thing isn't pregnant :death:
Rats having an astounding reproductive rate. Emphasis on astounding.

A few years ago, I read about experiments with Rat birth control that sounded promising. Not sure what ever became of it.

eta - Here's a link about it. The one I read might have been in The Atlantic. Regardless, it was about the woman who discovered the birth control idea and implemented it in the NY Subway which is mentioned in this link.

To control rat populations, birth control may be more effective than poison
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They'll eat Decon, the stuff you find at corner hardware stores for an appetizer.

and asked for more..;.

rats hate peppermint

i'll find some....

one of my redneck friends suggested>>>


which i'm trying this week


I got to looking around, and your redneck friend may have a point. Found a link that includes a few different DIY versions of rat killers......

Does Baking Soda Kill Rats? Homemade Rat Poisons That Work!
Rats having an astounding reproductive rate. Emphasis on astounding.

A few years ago, I read about experiments with Rat birth control that sounded promising. Not sure what ever became of it.

eta - Here's a link about it. The one I read might have been in The Atlantic. Regardless, it was about the woman who discovered the birth control idea and implemented it in the NY Subway which is mentioned in this link.

To control rat populations, birth control may be more effective than poison

sounds good, but need a license to purchase it .....~S~
Probably need to take a multiprong approach---sonic deterrents, denying access to the structures, traps. I am not a fan of poison because they may die in your walls or somewhere inaccessible and gag you to death for a few weeks.
I've been sniping with my 4/10 , better inside scatter gun than my 12G....a few dz body count so far , thank gawd there's no bag limit on rats!....~S~

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