Rage Against the War Machine Rally in DC is Generally Ignored By MSM But Draws Both Sides Together


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
It wasn't completely ignored because the MSM called them all pro-Putin. :rolleyes:
This completely peaceful rally drew over 3000 people & had an eclectic group of speakers representing the left, right & libertarians.
The Green Party & Code Pink were there with the Freedom Caucus & Ron Paul.
They were calling for an immediate halt of aide to Ukraine along with a negotiated settlement before this escalates into WWIII.
They are backing (even the left) Matt Gaetz & his Ukraine Fatigue Act.

Even though they disagree on practically everything else, the sane Dems that haven't forgot their antiwar roots are aligned with those on the other side that realize the DC UNiparty is manipulating us into another massive conflict.
They can at least see the truth once it gets so big that nuclear war is being discussed as an option by both sides.

“It’s just so weird,” said Code Pink’s Media Benjamin (a darling of what many people consider the far left). “The people who I thought were the peacemakers were the progressives and the Democratic Party, but on this one they’ve become pro-war. So I don’t align ideologically with the people in Congress who are calling for an end to the weapons, but I want to get everybody in Congress to say that. And I think the polls are shifting that show now that it’s only 48% of Americans in the latest AP poll that want to sent more weapons to Ukraine. That means the majority of American people either don’t or don’t understand. And that means that Congress and the White House are totally out of sync with what the American people are thinking now.”

The left-leaning Benjamin continued:

“It’s absolutely bizarre, I never thought I’d see this happen. I always thought that the people that I have been aligned with for decades now—people like Barbra Lee from California who was against the US military response to the 9/11 attacks—you know, I thought people like her, like “The Squad”, they would be the ones… the progressive caucus which has 100 members of Congress. But when they came out with their letter with 30 people signing it, and then withdrew it within 24 hours, it’s been really hard to get any of them to speak out.”

I don’t agree with Matt Gaetz about anything related to domestic issues,” said Max Blumenthal of The Grey Zone. “But his (Gaetz) bill, the Ukraine Fatigue Act, is a breath of fresh air. And what we’re doing, those of us who come from the left, is that we’re hounding the squad. Because they’re supposed to do the same thing, but it turns out they’re controlled by the Uniparty.

1- Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine
The Democrats and Republicans have armed Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military aid. The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, and is pushing us toward a nuclear WW3. Stop funding the war.

2- Negotiate Peace
The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.

3- Stop the War Inflation
The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

4- Disband NATO
NATO expansion to Russia’s border provoked the war in Ukraine. NATO is a warmongering relic of the Cold War. Disband it like the Warsaw Pact. The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

5- Global Nuclear De-Escalation
The war in Ukraine has brought us to the edge of WW3 and nuclear war with Russia. US intelligence agencies estimate a one in four chance of nuclear war, which would plunge the world into nuclear winter and kill almost all life on Earth. Adopt a no-first-strike nuclear policy. Drawdown nuclear weapons worldwide.


6- Slash the Pentagon Budget
Half of the federal discretionary budget goes to Pentagon. The military budget is $857 billion per year, and the Pentagon just failed its fifth straight audit. The Pentagon can only account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Cut the military budget in half and return those funds to the American people.

7- Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State
The CIA and deep state are an unelected permanent government of intelligence agencies that run our country outside of constitutional and democratic control. They surveille Americans, manipulate the media, curtail free speech, blackmail politicians, infiltrate activist organizations, torture people, overthrow governments, and assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Abolish the CIA and deep state and restore a government of, by, and for the people.

8- Abolish War and Empire
War and empire subjugate billions of people around the world to enrich a small group of elites. In just the past two decades, the US has waged and backed wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and other countries. End all US wars and regime change. Stop all military aid to other countries. End drone strikes. Close all US military bases abroad. Bring all US troops home. Build a world that guarantees every person freedom from war and empire in place of the collapsing US hegemonic world order.


9- Restore Civil Liberties
Restore the constitutional liberties taken from us in the name of war and empire, including freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. End mass surveillance, repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus.

10- Free Julian Assange
The US is charging Julian Assange with espionage and criminalizing our right to publish information that challenges the military-industrial deep state. He is imprisoned in the UK and being extradited to the US. The CIA plotted to assassinate him for exposing US war crimes. Free Julian Assange and all political prisoners.

There is solid middle ground between the sides, at least when it comes to Ukraine.
I agree with all 10 of these points.
Unfortunately, the UNiparty couldn't care less about the will of the people when they have orders for distraction, war, chaos & conditioning the easily manipulated masses for a reset they hope to control after an engineered collapse.

It wasn't completely ignored because the MSM called them all pro-Putin. :rolleyes:
This completely peaceful rally drew over 3000 people & had an eclectic group of speakers representing the left, right & libertarians.
The Green Party & Code Pink were there with the Freedom Caucus & Ron Paul.
They were calling for an immediate halt of aide to Ukraine along with a negotiated settlement before this escalates into WWIII.
They are backing (even the left) Matt Gaetz & his Ukraine Fatigue Act.

Even though they disagree on practically everything else, the sane Dems that haven't forgot their antiwar roots are aligned with those on the other side that realize the DC UNiparty is manipulating us into another massive conflict.
They can at least see the truth once it gets so big that nuclear war is being discussed as an option by both sides.

“It’s just so weird,” said Code Pink’s Media Benjamin (a darling of what many people consider the far left). “The people who I thought were the peacemakers were the progressives and the Democratic Party, but on this one they’ve become pro-war. So I don’t align ideologically with the people in Congress who are calling for an end to the weapons, but I want to get everybody in Congress to say that. And I think the polls are shifting that show now that it’s only 48% of Americans in the latest AP poll that want to sent more weapons to Ukraine. That means the majority of American people either don’t or don’t understand. And that means that Congress and the White House are totally out of sync with what the American people are thinking now.”

The left-leaning Benjamin continued:

“It’s absolutely bizarre, I never thought I’d see this happen. I always thought that the people that I have been aligned with for decades now—people like Barbra Lee from California who was against the US military response to the 9/11 attacks—you know, I thought people like her, like “The Squad”, they would be the ones… the progressive caucus which has 100 members of Congress. But when they came out with their letter with 30 people signing it, and then withdrew it within 24 hours, it’s been really hard to get any of them to speak out.”

I don’t agree with Matt Gaetz about anything related to domestic issues,” said Max Blumenthal of The Grey Zone. “But his (Gaetz) bill, the Ukraine Fatigue Act, is a breath of fresh air. And what we’re doing, those of us who come from the left, is that we’re hounding the squad. Because they’re supposed to do the same thing, but it turns out they’re controlled by the Uniparty.

1- Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine
The Democrats and Republicans have armed Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military aid. The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, and is pushing us toward a nuclear WW3. Stop funding the war.

2- Negotiate Peace
The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.

3- Stop the War Inflation
The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

4- Disband NATO
NATO expansion to Russia’s border provoked the war in Ukraine. NATO is a warmongering relic of the Cold War. Disband it like the Warsaw Pact. The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

5- Global Nuclear De-Escalation
The war in Ukraine has brought us to the edge of WW3 and nuclear war with Russia. US intelligence agencies estimate a one in four chance of nuclear war, which would plunge the world into nuclear winter and kill almost all life on Earth. Adopt a no-first-strike nuclear policy. Drawdown nuclear weapons worldwide.


6- Slash the Pentagon Budget
Half of the federal discretionary budget goes to Pentagon. The military budget is $857 billion per year, and the Pentagon just failed its fifth straight audit. The Pentagon can only account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Cut the military budget in half and return those funds to the American people.

7- Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State
The CIA and deep state are an unelected permanent government of intelligence agencies that run our country outside of constitutional and democratic control. They surveille Americans, manipulate the media, curtail free speech, blackmail politicians, infiltrate activist organizations, torture people, overthrow governments, and assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Abolish the CIA and deep state and restore a government of, by, and for the people.

8- Abolish War and Empire
War and empire subjugate billions of people around the world to enrich a small group of elites. In just the past two decades, the US has waged and backed wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and other countries. End all US wars and regime change. Stop all military aid to other countries. End drone strikes. Close all US military bases abroad. Bring all US troops home. Build a world that guarantees every person freedom from war and empire in place of the collapsing US hegemonic world order.


9- Restore Civil Liberties
Restore the constitutional liberties taken from us in the name of war and empire, including freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. End mass surveillance, repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus.

10- Free Julian Assange
The US is charging Julian Assange with espionage and criminalizing our right to publish information that challenges the military-industrial deep state. He is imprisoned in the UK and being extradited to the US. The CIA plotted to assassinate him for exposing US war crimes. Free Julian Assange and all political prisoners.

There is solid middle ground between the sides, at least when it comes to Ukraine.
I agree with all 10 of these points.
Unfortunately, the UNiparty couldn't care less about the will of the people when they have orders for distraction, war, chaos & conditioning the easily manipulated masses for a reset they hope to control after an engineered collapse.

Rage Against the Machine should not be ignored.
It wasn't completely ignored because the MSM called them all pro-Putin. :rolleyes:
This completely peaceful rally drew over 3000 people & had an eclectic group of speakers representing the left, right & libertarians.
The Green Party & Code Pink were there with the Freedom Caucus & Ron Paul.
They were calling for an immediate halt of aide to Ukraine along with a negotiated settlement before this escalates into WWIII.
They are backing (even the left) Matt Gaetz & his Ukraine Fatigue Act.

Even though they disagree on practically everything else, the sane Dems that haven't forgot their antiwar roots are aligned with those on the other side that realize the DC UNiparty is manipulating us into another massive conflict.
They can at least see the truth once it gets so big that nuclear war is being discussed as an option by both sides.

“It’s just so weird,” said Code Pink’s Media Benjamin (a darling of what many people consider the far left). “The people who I thought were the peacemakers were the progressives and the Democratic Party, but on this one they’ve become pro-war. So I don’t align ideologically with the people in Congress who are calling for an end to the weapons, but I want to get everybody in Congress to say that. And I think the polls are shifting that show now that it’s only 48% of Americans in the latest AP poll that want to sent more weapons to Ukraine. That means the majority of American people either don’t or don’t understand. And that means that Congress and the White House are totally out of sync with what the American people are thinking now.”

The left-leaning Benjamin continued:

“It’s absolutely bizarre, I never thought I’d see this happen. I always thought that the people that I have been aligned with for decades now—people like Barbra Lee from California who was against the US military response to the 9/11 attacks—you know, I thought people like her, like “The Squad”, they would be the ones… the progressive caucus which has 100 members of Congress. But when they came out with their letter with 30 people signing it, and then withdrew it within 24 hours, it’s been really hard to get any of them to speak out.”

I don’t agree with Matt Gaetz about anything related to domestic issues,” said Max Blumenthal of The Grey Zone. “But his (Gaetz) bill, the Ukraine Fatigue Act, is a breath of fresh air. And what we’re doing, those of us who come from the left, is that we’re hounding the squad. Because they’re supposed to do the same thing, but it turns out they’re controlled by the Uniparty.

1- Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine
The Democrats and Republicans have armed Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military aid. The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, and is pushing us toward a nuclear WW3. Stop funding the war.

2- Negotiate Peace
The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.

3- Stop the War Inflation
The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

4- Disband NATO
NATO expansion to Russia’s border provoked the war in Ukraine. NATO is a warmongering relic of the Cold War. Disband it like the Warsaw Pact. The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

5- Global Nuclear De-Escalation
The war in Ukraine has brought us to the edge of WW3 and nuclear war with Russia. US intelligence agencies estimate a one in four chance of nuclear war, which would plunge the world into nuclear winter and kill almost all life on Earth. Adopt a no-first-strike nuclear policy. Drawdown nuclear weapons worldwide.


6- Slash the Pentagon Budget
Half of the federal discretionary budget goes to Pentagon. The military budget is $857 billion per year, and the Pentagon just failed its fifth straight audit. The Pentagon can only account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Cut the military budget in half and return those funds to the American people.

7- Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State
The CIA and deep state are an unelected permanent government of intelligence agencies that run our country outside of constitutional and democratic control. They surveille Americans, manipulate the media, curtail free speech, blackmail politicians, infiltrate activist organizations, torture people, overthrow governments, and assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Abolish the CIA and deep state and restore a government of, by, and for the people.

8- Abolish War and Empire
War and empire subjugate billions of people around the world to enrich a small group of elites. In just the past two decades, the US has waged and backed wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and other countries. End all US wars and regime change. Stop all military aid to other countries. End drone strikes. Close all US military bases abroad. Bring all US troops home. Build a world that guarantees every person freedom from war and empire in place of the collapsing US hegemonic world order.


9- Restore Civil Liberties
Restore the constitutional liberties taken from us in the name of war and empire, including freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. End mass surveillance, repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus.

10- Free Julian Assange
The US is charging Julian Assange with espionage and criminalizing our right to publish information that challenges the military-industrial deep state. He is imprisoned in the UK and being extradited to the US. The CIA plotted to assassinate him for exposing US war crimes. Free Julian Assange and all political prisoners.

There is solid middle ground between the sides, at least when it comes to Ukraine.
I agree with all 10 of these points.
Unfortunately, the UNiparty couldn't care less about the will of the people when they have orders for distraction, war, chaos & conditioning the easily manipulated masses for a reset they hope to control after an engineered collapse.

From the OP:

The far left-leaning anti-war group Code Pink was also present, but their co-founder Medea Benjamin was pressured by her organization to drop off the speaker list because they were not comfortable with Benjamin sharing a stage with right wing personalities.

Speakers included: Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul, Jimmy Dore, Dennis Kucinich, Roger Waters, Cynthia McKinney, Scott Horton, Max Blumenthal, Chris Hedges, Kim Iversen, Gerald Celente, Daniel McAdams, Garland Nixon, Jackson Hinkle, Anya Parampil, Ann Wright, David Swanson, Tara Reade, Diane Sare, Dan McKnight, Jill Stein, Craig “Pasta” Jardula, Wyatt Reed, and Dan Cohen.
It wasn't completely ignored because the MSM called them all pro-Putin. :rolleyes:
This completely peaceful rally drew over 3000 people & had an eclectic group of speakers representing the left, right & libertarians.
The Green Party & Code Pink were there with the Freedom Caucus & Ron Paul.
They were calling for an immediate halt of aide to Ukraine along with a negotiated settlement before this escalates into WWIII.
They are backing (even the left) Matt Gaetz & his Ukraine Fatigue Act.

Even though they disagree on practically everything else, the sane Dems that haven't forgot their antiwar roots are aligned with those on the other side that realize the DC UNiparty is manipulating us into another massive conflict.
They can at least see the truth once it gets so big that nuclear war is being discussed as an option by both sides.

“It’s just so weird,” said Code Pink’s Media Benjamin (a darling of what many people consider the far left). “The people who I thought were the peacemakers were the progressives and the Democratic Party, but on this one they’ve become pro-war. So I don’t align ideologically with the people in Congress who are calling for an end to the weapons, but I want to get everybody in Congress to say that. And I think the polls are shifting that show now that it’s only 48% of Americans in the latest AP poll that want to sent more weapons to Ukraine. That means the majority of American people either don’t or don’t understand. And that means that Congress and the White House are totally out of sync with what the American people are thinking now.”

The left-leaning Benjamin continued:

“It’s absolutely bizarre, I never thought I’d see this happen. I always thought that the people that I have been aligned with for decades now—people like Barbra Lee from California who was against the US military response to the 9/11 attacks—you know, I thought people like her, like “The Squad”, they would be the ones… the progressive caucus which has 100 members of Congress. But when they came out with their letter with 30 people signing it, and then withdrew it within 24 hours, it’s been really hard to get any of them to speak out.”

I don’t agree with Matt Gaetz about anything related to domestic issues,” said Max Blumenthal of The Grey Zone. “But his (Gaetz) bill, the Ukraine Fatigue Act, is a breath of fresh air. And what we’re doing, those of us who come from the left, is that we’re hounding the squad. Because they’re supposed to do the same thing, but it turns out they’re controlled by the Uniparty.

1- Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine
The Democrats and Republicans have armed Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military aid. The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, and is pushing us toward a nuclear WW3. Stop funding the war.

2- Negotiate Peace
The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.

3- Stop the War Inflation
The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

4- Disband NATO
NATO expansion to Russia’s border provoked the war in Ukraine. NATO is a warmongering relic of the Cold War. Disband it like the Warsaw Pact. The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

5- Global Nuclear De-Escalation
The war in Ukraine has brought us to the edge of WW3 and nuclear war with Russia. US intelligence agencies estimate a one in four chance of nuclear war, which would plunge the world into nuclear winter and kill almost all life on Earth. Adopt a no-first-strike nuclear policy. Drawdown nuclear weapons worldwide.


6- Slash the Pentagon Budget
Half of the federal discretionary budget goes to Pentagon. The military budget is $857 billion per year, and the Pentagon just failed its fifth straight audit. The Pentagon can only account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Cut the military budget in half and return those funds to the American people.

7- Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State
The CIA and deep state are an unelected permanent government of intelligence agencies that run our country outside of constitutional and democratic control. They surveille Americans, manipulate the media, curtail free speech, blackmail politicians, infiltrate activist organizations, torture people, overthrow governments, and assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Abolish the CIA and deep state and restore a government of, by, and for the people.

8- Abolish War and Empire
War and empire subjugate billions of people around the world to enrich a small group of elites. In just the past two decades, the US has waged and backed wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and other countries. End all US wars and regime change. Stop all military aid to other countries. End drone strikes. Close all US military bases abroad. Bring all US troops home. Build a world that guarantees every person freedom from war and empire in place of the collapsing US hegemonic world order.


9- Restore Civil Liberties
Restore the constitutional liberties taken from us in the name of war and empire, including freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. End mass surveillance, repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus.

10- Free Julian Assange
The US is charging Julian Assange with espionage and criminalizing our right to publish information that challenges the military-industrial deep state. He is imprisoned in the UK and being extradited to the US. The CIA plotted to assassinate him for exposing US war crimes. Free Julian Assange and all political prisoners.

There is solid middle ground between the sides, at least when it comes to Ukraine.
I agree with all 10 of these points.
Unfortunately, the UNiparty couldn't care less about the will of the people when they have orders for distraction, war, chaos & conditioning the easily manipulated masses for a reset they hope to control after an engineered collapse.

Another lefty trying to insert their agenda into a seemingly benign concern about our involvement in Ukraine.
From the OP:

The far left-leaning anti-war group Code Pink was also present, but their co-founder Medea Benjamin was pressured by her organization to drop off the speaker list because they were not comfortable with Benjamin sharing a stage with right wing personalities.

Speakers included: Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul, Jimmy Dore, Dennis Kucinich, Roger Waters, Cynthia McKinney, Scott Horton, Max Blumenthal, Chris Hedges, Kim Iversen, Gerald Celente, Daniel McAdams, Garland Nixon, Jackson Hinkle, Anya Parampil, Ann Wright, David Swanson, Tara Reade, Diane Sare, Dan McKnight, Jill Stein, Craig “Pasta” Jardula, Wyatt Reed, and Dan Cohen.
Because Code Pinko are hard leftist crackpots first....The "anti-war" thing is just a front for their nutbars to cosplay.
It wasn't completely ignored because the MSM called them all pro-Putin. :rolleyes:
This completely peaceful rally drew over 3000 people & had an eclectic group of speakers representing the left, right & libertarians.
The Green Party & Code Pink were there with the Freedom Caucus & Ron Paul.
They were calling for an immediate halt of aide to Ukraine along with a negotiated settlement before this escalates into WWIII.
They are backing (even the left) Matt Gaetz & his Ukraine Fatigue Act.

Even though they disagree on practically everything else, the sane Dems that haven't forgot their antiwar roots are aligned with those on the other side that realize the DC UNiparty is manipulating us into another massive conflict.
They can at least see the truth once it gets so big that nuclear war is being discussed as an option by both sides.

“It’s just so weird,” said Code Pink’s Media Benjamin (a darling of what many people consider the far left). “The people who I thought were the peacemakers were the progressives and the Democratic Party, but on this one they’ve become pro-war. So I don’t align ideologically with the people in Congress who are calling for an end to the weapons, but I want to get everybody in Congress to say that. And I think the polls are shifting that show now that it’s only 48% of Americans in the latest AP poll that want to sent more weapons to Ukraine. That means the majority of American people either don’t or don’t understand. And that means that Congress and the White House are totally out of sync with what the American people are thinking now.”

The left-leaning Benjamin continued:

“It’s absolutely bizarre, I never thought I’d see this happen. I always thought that the people that I have been aligned with for decades now—people like Barbra Lee from California who was against the US military response to the 9/11 attacks—you know, I thought people like her, like “The Squad”, they would be the ones… the progressive caucus which has 100 members of Congress. But when they came out with their letter with 30 people signing it, and then withdrew it within 24 hours, it’s been really hard to get any of them to speak out.”

I don’t agree with Matt Gaetz about anything related to domestic issues,” said Max Blumenthal of The Grey Zone. “But his (Gaetz) bill, the Ukraine Fatigue Act, is a breath of fresh air. And what we’re doing, those of us who come from the left, is that we’re hounding the squad. Because they’re supposed to do the same thing, but it turns out they’re controlled by the Uniparty.

1- Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine
The Democrats and Republicans have armed Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military aid. The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, and is pushing us toward a nuclear WW3. Stop funding the war.

2- Negotiate Peace
The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.

3- Stop the War Inflation
The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

4- Disband NATO
NATO expansion to Russia’s border provoked the war in Ukraine. NATO is a warmongering relic of the Cold War. Disband it like the Warsaw Pact. The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

5- Global Nuclear De-Escalation
The war in Ukraine has brought us to the edge of WW3 and nuclear war with Russia. US intelligence agencies estimate a one in four chance of nuclear war, which would plunge the world into nuclear winter and kill almost all life on Earth. Adopt a no-first-strike nuclear policy. Drawdown nuclear weapons worldwide.


6- Slash the Pentagon Budget
Half of the federal discretionary budget goes to Pentagon. The military budget is $857 billion per year, and the Pentagon just failed its fifth straight audit. The Pentagon can only account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Cut the military budget in half and return those funds to the American people.

7- Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State
The CIA and deep state are an unelected permanent government of intelligence agencies that run our country outside of constitutional and democratic control. They surveille Americans, manipulate the media, curtail free speech, blackmail politicians, infiltrate activist organizations, torture people, overthrow governments, and assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Abolish the CIA and deep state and restore a government of, by, and for the people.

8- Abolish War and Empire
War and empire subjugate billions of people around the world to enrich a small group of elites. In just the past two decades, the US has waged and backed wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and other countries. End all US wars and regime change. Stop all military aid to other countries. End drone strikes. Close all US military bases abroad. Bring all US troops home. Build a world that guarantees every person freedom from war and empire in place of the collapsing US hegemonic world order.


9- Restore Civil Liberties
Restore the constitutional liberties taken from us in the name of war and empire, including freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. End mass surveillance, repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus.

10- Free Julian Assange
The US is charging Julian Assange with espionage and criminalizing our right to publish information that challenges the military-industrial deep state. He is imprisoned in the UK and being extradited to the US. The CIA plotted to assassinate him for exposing US war crimes. Free Julian Assange and all political prisoners.

There is solid middle ground between the sides, at least when it comes to Ukraine.
I agree with all 10 of these points.
Unfortunately, the UNiparty couldn't care less about the will of the people when they have orders for distraction, war, chaos & conditioning the easily manipulated masses for a reset they hope to control after an engineered collapse.

Can an antiwar movement succeed when all the emphasis is on saving money, with none on saving human lives?

Russia offered a way to peace but now their terms won't be so easy to accept, due to Russia needing a buffer zone to ensure that America never threatens again.

While the Ukrainian people are on the edge of extinction as a country's people.
Several patriots are making a mistake here.

Of course Leftists try to advance their agenda in all situations. So do we, or so should we.

So what? Here is something we agree on, more or less. (We don't agree, I hope, with the total pacism -- abolish NATO, turn our nuclear swords into ploughshares, etc -- but that's not what we should be jointly demanding. )

So we should "march separately, strike together".

On the patriot side, we do need a discussion about Ukraine -- how we got here, and what we should do now.

Putin committed the tactical blunder of firing the first shot, which gave him a certain advantage of sort-of-suprise, but lost him a lot of potential support of people in the West. And it's those people in the West who could end this war: not by saying, "Leave Ukraine to its fate" ... and certainly not because "It costs money". (Should we have not built aircraft carriers in the 1930s, and instead spent the money on relief? This is how chowder-brained leftists think -- some of them -- but we're supposed to be Bismarckians here, who know that all the great questions facing mankind are solved with blood and iron, which costs money. Freedom is not free, not even if we can buy some with deficit spending.)

Rather, we should be pressing for the US, and its European satraps, to offer Putin a deal, which meets his legitmate security concerns, but leaves that part of Ukraine inhabited by Ukrainians --ie not pro-Russian Ukrainians -- in Ukraine. Various people have put forward variants of this. Of course, to be credible, we must be seen to be willing to escalate our response. Sorry, but that's how the wicked old world works.

Of course, if your concept of the world has been given to you by Hollywood -- it's always Pure Good vs Pure Evil, with the Russians cast as Pure Evil -- this is inconceivable. People who think like this believe that all of this has been caused by the desire of Mr Putin to re-conquer Eastern Europe, and maybe the Western part as well, and can only be met by a fight to the death -- which, in Hollywood tales, always ends with the Good Guys winning.

Here's where understanding the background of the war is important: why did we initially say to the Russians, thirty years ago, that NATO would not expand "one inch" towards them?

Why did our ambassador in Moscow, in 2008, say that Ukrainian membership of NATO was the brightest of bright red lines for the Russians, not only to Putin and his entourage, but to everyone he knew in Moscow. (This man is now head of the CIA.)

Who was the fellow in our government who said, that our goal should be the breakup of Russia itself?

How did a legal, legitimately-elected Ukrainian government get overthrown in 2014, by whom, and why? Why did our Ukrainian ambassador stupidly discuss over the telephone the person she wanted to be the next Ukrainian president (a phone tapped by the Russians). The same person is playing a key role now -- and she's the wife of the leading NeoCon theorist --you know, the people who got us into Iraq and Afghanistan.

What do the people living in Crimea think of their current situation -- how many are keen to rejoin Ukraine?

What was the division of opinion in Eastern Ukraine -- Donetsk and Luhansk, where there were/are Ukrainian citizens who are millitantly pro-Russian?

And in Russia: why has the fellow who was seen by us as the 'liberal' figure, Mr Medvedev, become such a Russian national chauvinist?

This is the sort of background information anyone should know, before forming an opinion on the war and how we should respond.

Although the Left can sometimes be a useful source of information that the Deep State and its tame media lapdogs want to hide, we can dismiss their political analyses with a wave of the hand.

If aliens from Proxima Centauri landed and began to devour humans whole, these people would oppose hurting them or resisting in any violent way. And there are probably some dunderheads on the Right who would object to spending money on ammunition to kill the aliens because they would want it as tax rebates.

Hard-headed, cool-thinking cold-blooded conservatives who believe in being armed to the teeth in order to have peace, who are willing, if necessary, to engage in all-out thermonuclear war, who don't trust any foreign power ... but who understand that we cannot remake the world in our own image, and cannot be the world hegemon anymore ... that's what we need now.

I know that this will give ammo to a certain type of reflexive over-emotional lefty, but what we need now is, in terms of foreign policy, a leader who combines certain qualities of Mr Putin and Mr Xi: amoral, willing to make 180 turns if they are in the national interest, appreciative of the achievements of other cultures, willing to use deadly force when necessary ... Richard Nixon, where are you now when we need you?
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Putin committed the tactical blunder of firing the first shot, which gave him a certain advantage of sort-of-suprise, but lost him a lot of potential support of people in the West.
No, the first shots were fired even before 2014 by Ukrainian neo-Nazis and they were fired in guns that were supplied to them by America.

Putin didn't lose support in America because he never had it and never could have had support. Russia and Putin had been demonized by Americans long before this US war against Russia.
No, the first shots were fired even before 2014 by Ukrainian neo-Nazis and they were fired in guns that were supplied to them by America.

Putin didn't lose support in America because he never had it and never could have had support. Russia and Putin had been demonized by Americans long before this US war against Russia.
The simmering cool/warm/then hot civil war between "Ukrainian Ukrainians" and "Russian Ukrainians" has deep roots, and indeed was taking place before Putin intervened.

But there was, and still is, a lot of potential sympathy in America, especially on the Right, for a nation that wants to resist the descent into woke insanity which is happening in the West, led by the US.

Putin could have appealed to this. He didn't. It's a classic mistake -- to believe that because, at the end of the day, political power comes out of the barrel of a gun, that all you need is the guns you already have.

And by simply invading Ukraine from a cold start, he made the mistake of firing the first shot. It may be a superficial thing in the long term, but doing that loses you a lot of moral authority in the eyes of most people.

And that's worth a lot. It's why the US worked hard to maneuver the Japanese into doing it, before WWII. Even Hitler was smart enough to try to fake a Polish attack on Germany to which he had to respond, clumsy as it was. He would have been smarter to try to provoke a genuine Polish pogrom against the Germans living in Poland.

What most Americans know about Ukraine and its history is close enough to zero to be its equivalent. What Putin should have done was to try to bring some factual truth to the American people, instead of having the glavset group try to stir up violence within the US.
The simmering cool/warm/then hot civil war between "Ukrainian Ukrainians" and "Russian Ukrainians" has deep roots, and indeed was taking place before Putin intervened.

But there was, and still is, a lot of potential sympathy in America, especially on the Right, for a nation that wants to resist the descent into woke insanity which is happening in the West, led by the US.

Putin could have appealed to this. He didn't. It's a classic mistake -- to believe that because, at the end of the day, political power comes out of the barrel of a gun, that all you need is the guns you already have.

And by simply invading Ukraine from a cold start, he made the mistake of firing the first shot. It may be a superficial thing in the long term, but doing that loses you a lot of moral authority in the eyes of most people.

And that's worth a lot. It's why the US worked hard to maneuver the Japanese into doing it, before WWII. Even Hitler was smart enough to try to fake a Polish attack on Germany to which he had to respond, clumsy as it was. He would have been smarter to try to provoke a genuine Polish pogrom against the Germans living in Poland.

What most Americans know about Ukraine and its history is close enough to zero to be its equivalent. What Putin should have done was to try to bring some factual truth to the American people, instead of having the glavset group try to stir up violence within the US.
There was and is, no possibility of Putin or Russia gaining any popularity in America. [\b]

Why do you write 6 paragraphs trying to float the idea?
There was and is, no possibility of Putin or Russia gaining any popularity in America. [\b]

Why do you write 6 paragraphs trying to float the idea?
Because it's not something that you can just asset, or deny. We're talking about serious things here, which cannot be discussed by sound-bites. You're an intelligent fellow and I'm sure you can handle a few paragraphs.

I don't know how familiar you are with the American Right, but I, for one, have been surprised by the number of people on the Right who still express understanding of the Russian position, even if Putin's actions have made this unpolitic to argue for very much. And others who, for various reasons (not all of them very noble), just don't want to get dragged into yet another foreign war.

This includes some very intelligent people. Here's an example, from a young man who probably has your and my IQ combined:

During the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese went to some effort to affect American public opinion, not without success. It's what any intelligent leadership should do. It's what we should do.
Because it's not something that you can just asset, or deny. We're talking about serious things here, which cannot be discussed by sound-bites. You're an intelligent fellow and I'm sure you can handle a few paragraphs.

I don't know how familiar you are with the American Right, but I, for one, have been surprised by the number of people on the Right who still express understanding of the Russian position, even if Putin's actions have made this unpolitic to argue for very much. And others who, for various reasons (not all of them very noble), just don't want to get dragged into yet another foreign war.

This includes some very intelligent people. Here's an example, from a young man who probably has your and my IQ combined:

During the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese went to some effort to affect American public opinion, not without success. It's what any intelligent leadership should do. It's what we should do.
I hear you on your commitment to your theory.
I just don't believe it's worth my energy to deny it any further.

I still have a hunch though that your ideas are worth hearing.
Why would Putin negotiate after we pull support? He has no reason to make any concessions.
And still not our problem other than we instigated it all to begin with.
Let Europe deal with it if they care.

Despite what they tell the sheeple, Putin isn't going for that whole country or any other.
Unless we instigate that too
And still not our problem other than we instigated it all to begin with.
Let Europe deal with it if they care.

Despite what they tell the sheeple, Putin isn't going for that whole country or any other.
Unless we instigate that too
Putin wants to annex half and put a puppet to rule the other half.

I’m just pointing out that the protestors are delusional.
Putin wants to annex half and put a puppet to rule the other half.

I’m just pointing out that the protestors are delusional.
As opposed to when we orchestrated the Maidan color revolution, deposed the elected leader & installed our own series of puppets?

If that's what they want to do over there, they can knock themselves out.
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth & we are there only because the globalist oligarchs of the NWO wants us there.

I'm done with "US to the rescue, rah, rah" BS that has left us $31,400,000,000,000 in debt in a world on the brink of collapse.

Is your solution that we just go along or is it OK to stand against the narrative?
As opposed to when we orchestrated the Maidan color revolution, deposed the elected leader & installed our own series of puppets?

If that's what they want to do over there, they can knock themselves out.
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth & we are there only because the globalist oligarchs of the NWO wants us there.

I'm done with "US to the rescue, rah, rah" BS that has left us $31,400,000,000,000 in debt in a world on the brink of collapse.

Is your solution that we just go along or is it OK to stand against the narrative?
Maiden was a popular uprising against the corrupt political system.

We didn’t install anyone.
I hear you on your commitment to your theory.
I just don't believe it's worth my energy to deny it any further.

I still have a hunch though that your ideas are worth hearing.
Okay, fair enough.

I freely admit that how the American people think, and in particular are thinking now, and in double-particular how the patriot base thinks ... is something I still have a long ways to go in learning.

And then ... what makes people change how they think/act?

History teaches us that events are the key. The Declaration of Independence addresses this ...we're disposed to suffer for a long time, etc ... and we see example after example of populations that seem passive, or even devoted to their leaders, or intimidated ... who then, almost overnight, erupt.

What made them do this? What was it that turned a timid student, a passive peasant, an industrial worker striving to get promotion to foreman ... into an angry street-fighter?

Of course the powers-that-be shy away from investigating these huge historic turns. But we shouldn't.

I lived in the Soviet Union for a few months in 1985 .. in Ukrainian Kharkov (now Kharkiv) in fact. And returned there for extended visits several times. I made a number of Russian and Ukrainian friends and acquaintances. They're good people, with a lot in common with Americans. None of us should be shooting at each other.

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