Radical far left ideology and terminology that did not exist just a few years ago.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This would include black lives matter. men being able to go into a woman’s bathroom.

Believing that white people are born privileged. Believing that it is dangerous to be gay in America. Believing that Russians are evil. Cancel culture

Destroying statues of white European Christians of history who have built the civilized world. And not destroying statues of Black people, or Indians, who have been accused of similar controversies …. this also ties into the selfish African-American male who thinks that he has a right to tell white people how to talk. Because the fact of the matter is that we’re all descendants of slaves so the old black man who thinks he has a right to tell a young white man who is homeless that he is born privileged, they don’t have any right to do that. They’re wrong of course they have a right to say it but of course they’re wrong.

None of this existed in our country even four years ago even….

it appears that many major corporations are still engaging in so-called affirmative action. Somethings that should’ve never existed in our country’s history. Obviously, the Academy Awards have racist policies they have to nominate Black people. Why in response to what I just said do far left wing Americans freak out and start calling people racist?

I mean again look at what is happening with the Academy Awards. No wonder why we have problems in America. There’s like 2% of our country who are on drugs every day that they think that it is racist to criticize the Academy Awards. They think that it’s actually appropriate that Black people have to be nominated for the academy award categories, they don’t see how it’s actually an insult to the Black people who have already been nominated for or won Academy Awards.
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we have the far left wing richwhite man and rich black men in America, and they have been able to influence poor black man to believe that this country is evil. It’s so that’s why we have problems in the inner cities. Much of the fault is because of the far left wing wealthy elite of America, brainwashing young people to think this country is evil.

“you don’t know what it’s like to be black”
“you don’t know what it’s like to be gay“.

^This type of ideology is destructive, and it literally has done nothing to put more money into the pockets of homeless people. It’s that selfish far left ideology and it’s up to Americans to stand up against it.
The 2 or 3 black far left wing pro BLM posters. It’s like they were told that the Academy Awards hast to nominate Black people, it goes in one ear and out the other. You can’t make this shit up lol !!!!

Imagine having to deal with these type of people on a regular basis. Could you imagine working a job and having a black or white coworker who says man the Academy Awards is right and “you’re racist if you think that the Academy Awards should not be forced to nominate Black people. “

We live in a country were major corporations are spending money, hiring people to give LGBT lessons. Billion dollar company’s are giving lessons to their employees telling them what words to use around gay people to not offend them.

But yet here’s how the far left wing acts

“ gays are under siege in America. Don’t come for us we have guns.”


Again, you can’t make this shit up man.

Let’s all have equality among man. Let’s stand against racism. Right now the United States government led by democrats …. supports racism Or is not doing enough to prevent it at the workplace.. So do the right thing Democrats stand against racism.

yes, Democrats don’t stand against the far left ideology. It’s going to keep on getting worse. I think that within these next two or five years the Democrat party has the chance to become America’s greatest political party in history. Either we’re going to do that or going to greatly harm the country. Hopefully we do the right thing.
This would include black lives matter. men being able to go into a woman’s bathroom.

Believing that white people are born privileged. Believing that it is dangerous to be gay in America. Believing that Russians are evil. Cancel culture

Destroying statues of white European Christians of history who have built the civilized world. And not destroying statues of Black people, or Indians, who have been accused of similar controversies …. this also ties into the selfish African-American male who thinks that he has a right to tell white people how to talk. Because the fact of the matter is that we’re all descendants of slaves so the old black man who thinks he has a right to tell a young white man who is homeless that he is born privileged, they don’t have any right to do that. They’re wrong of course they have a right to say it but of course they’re wrong.

None of this existed in our country even four years ago even….

it appears that many major corporations are still engaging in so-called affirmative action. Somethings that should’ve never existed in our country’s history. Obviously, the Academy Awards have racist policies they have to nominate Black people. Why in response to what I just said do far left wing Americans freak out and start calling people racist?

I mean again look at what is happening with the Academy Awards. No wonder why we have problems in America. There’s like 2% of our country who are on drugs every day that they think that it is racist to criticize the Academy Awards. They think that it’s actually appropriate that Black people have to be nominated for the academy award categories, they don’t see how it’s actually an insult to the Black people who have already been nominated for or won Academy Awards.
Janitors have been going into women's terlits for centuries. Wait, no, women have not had their own terlits until just a few decades ago. Men and women shared the same terlit...oh well.
We live in a country were major corporations are spending money, hiring people to give LGBT lessons. Billion dollar company’s are giving lessons to their employees telling them what words to use around gay people to not offend them.

But yet here’s how the far left wing acts

“ gays are under siege in America. Don’t come for us we have guns.”


Again, you can’t make this shit up man.

Let’s all have equality among man. Let’s stand against racism. Right now the United States government led by democrats …. supports racism Or is not doing enough to prevent it at the workplace.. So do the right thing Democrats stand against racism.

yes, Democrats don’t stand against the far left ideology. It’s going to keep on getting worse. I think that within these next two or five years the Democrat party has the chance to become America’s greatest political party in history. Either we’re going to do that or going to greatly harm the country. Hopefully we do the right thing.
Great job at trying to pigeonhole hundreds of millions of humans, it shows what a small mind you have.
The Left has brought in their own culture and even created their own language as they redefine words to their liking.

That is because they know that once people adopt their culture and language, they will adopt the DNC that created the culture as their very own, as any other culture or way of thinking will seem odd and repulsive to them.

Then after they reject any and all other ways of thinking or other cultures at odds with their own, they will smile and celebrate diversity in the same breath.

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