Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

not true. But you are free to believe all the lies you want.
Its recorded history, no trinity was ever served by any true follower. Then at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce Catholicism added the holy spirit to a godhead. =recorded facts of history. In their own encyclopedia it says-No trinity was ever served prior to the end of the 4th century, and the Apostolic Fathers knew 0 of God being a trinity. So in REALITY-Jesus or any bible writer was ever taught or served a trinity god. They served the true God= the Abrahamic God= a single being God= YHVH(Jehovah)
Its recorded history, no trinity was ever served by any true follower. Then at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce Catholicism added the holy spirit to a godhead. =recorded facts of history. In their own encyclopedia it says-No trinity was ever served prior to the end of the 4th century, and the Apostolic Fathers knew 0 of God being a trinity. So in REALITY-Jesus or any bible writer was ever taught or served a trinity god. They served the true God= the Abrahamic God= a single being God= YHVH(Jehovah)
Your writing is not the most clear

But then you are always defending your man made religion so I guess you're not used to being too clear
Your writing is not the most clear

But then you are always defending your man made religion so I guess you're not used to being too clear
Jesus leads my religion= the only one on earth he is with. Facts of history prove it and the teachings of Jesus in every translation on earth back my religion and expose the rest. You need to relook.
Then at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce Catholicism added the holy spirit to a godhead.

That is insane. The Holy Spirit was not "added." The HS may have been acknowledged officially by a Church at a Council, but that does not mean the HS was "invented" by the Council.

Flawed logic
That is insane. The Holy Spirit was not "added." The HS may have been acknowledged officially by a Church at a Council, but that does not mean the HS was "invented" by the Council.

Flawed logic
I didn't say the holy spirit was invented, i said a 3 person God was invented at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce, its recorded history fact.
I didn't say the holy spirit was invented, i said a 3 person God was invented at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce, its recorded history fact.
So God had no Word and no Spirit until the Council of Constantinople invented Word and Spirit? Odd. God described himself with a word: One. Genesis says before creation, God's Spirit hovered. Word was used to create.

If you have read backward in history and have only reached the year 381, keep going. You will get to the beginning where these traits are noted, that God is Word, God is Spirit, God is Creator/Father, but most of all God is One. For that matter, keep reading about the Council of Constantinople where God is described as undivided.
So God had no Word and no Spirit until the Council of Constantinople invented Word and Spirit? Odd. God described himself with a word: One. Genesis says before creation, God's Spirit hovered. Word was used to create.

If you have read backward in history and have only reached the year 381, keep going. You will get to the beginning where these traits are noted, that God is Word, God is Spirit, God is Creator/Father, but most of all God is One. For that matter, keep reading about the Council of Constantinople where God is described as undivided.
I guess it's hard for folks to see that the 3 persons are ONE.

Well, it is not difficult when you realize that a human being has 3 parts or however u put it


yet that person is ONE
So God had no Word and no Spirit until the Council of Constantinople invented Word and Spirit? Odd. God described himself with a word: One. Genesis says before creation, God's Spirit hovered. Word was used to create.

If you have read backward in history and have only reached the year 381, keep going. You will get to the beginning where these traits are noted, that God is Word, God is Spirit, God is Creator/Father, but most of all God is One. For that matter, keep reading about the Council of Constantinople where God is described as undivided.
Yes God is the creator, all by himself-(Gen 1:27--HE( NOT WE) created)-God is the only one with the power and wisdom to create. Jesus the firstborn of all creation(created direct, first and last) was by Gods side as his master worker( Prov 8:30)God by himself created the rest-THROUGH( John 1:3) his master worker=Jesus. At Prov 8 Jesus gives-GOD 100% credit for creating.
you mean your cult

oh brother

Like there is any difference
You must have missed God view of a cult= A house divided( hundreds of trinity based religions) will not stand. You see they fail this true mark 100%= 1 Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division)
As well Jesus teaches Enter through the narrow gate(= 1 Path) for broad and spacious( many paths) is the road that leads off into destruction, many entered this way, for cramped is the road( 1 Path)that leads off into life, FEW are the ones finding it.

Jw religion=a unified worldwide brotherhood taught to live by EVERY utterance from God as Jesus said man MUST live by them
Trinity religions= a mass of confusion. Hundreds of different religions with hundreds of different truths.

Which do you think is the narrow gate?

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