Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

Jesus only does the Fathers will, he only teaches what the Father told him to teach( John 5:19,30)--He is the Fathers -IMAGE----That is how they see the Father. The Father was in heaven all the time Jesus was on earth.
The father is omnipresent. Look up the word.
Yes he was the archangel= the glory and position he had, plus called Gods master worker( Prov 8:30)--Not worship, that is error found in the altered trinity translations.
Your bible is a fraud. Not one person who wrote your bible had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. I have the proof.
It doesn't say Thomas looked to heaven. You're not respectful of Scripture. You put watchtower doctrine above Scripture. You're a heretic.
Catholics concur

I can understand someone getting into the JW cult. What I can't understand is any intelligent person STAYING there long
I asked a JW about that scripturr and he told me that Jesus is a mighty god, but Jehovah is Almighty God. These people are not Bible students. They're liars.
i heard somewhere that .. someone said that the best way to start a money making business is to start a new religion
Jesus only does the Fathers will, he only teaches what the Father told him to teach( John 5:19,30)--He is the Fathers -IMAGE----That is how they see the Father. The Father was in heaven all the time Jesus was on earth.
Jesus said "The Father and I are ONE" emphasis added


Jesus is GOD

"If you have seen Me you have seen the Father"

problem solved
Catholics concur

I can understand someone getting into the JW cult. What I can't understand is any intelligent person STAYING there long
The people the Watchtower attracts are biblically illiterate, buy are deceived into believing that they are actually learning the Bible.
The people the Watchtower attracts are biblically illiterate, buy are deceived into believing that they are actually learning the Bible.
I know.

We pray for them to have the light of Christ and come to the Truth

Prayer is great... we may not be able to reach millions, but our prayers can... :)
God said to do obeisance to his appointed king in reality, not worship.
Is that word not also translated "worship"? And who does God say to obey other than Himself? God does not like anyone being put before Him.
Yes he was the archangel= the glory and position he had, plus called Gods master worker( Prov 8:30)--Not worship, that is error found in the altered trinity translations.
Why would God send an archangel that He could create or destroy with a thought to die for the sin of mankind? It would not be a sacrifice for Him at all. No, He sent His Son, a real sacrifice for Him, not a created being. And I have to note that we have reached your final defense, the venerable, "You guys translated it wrong, we did it right". The only problem with that is, our Bible was translated from the original languages by people who could read those languages. Yours, not so much.

Tell us, in what way was the KJV altered, and how do you know this since you don't read Hebrew and Greek?
Your bible is a fraud. Not one person who wrote your bible had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. I have the proof.
They had holy spirit--a gazillion times better at Hebrew and Greek than any translator. Same as the apostles who spoke in tongues( foreign languages) via holy spirit to foreigners even though they didn't speak the languages.
Is that word not also translated "worship"? And who does God say to obey other than Himself? God does not like anyone being put before Him.
Jesus only does and teaches what his Father wills. And God gave him all authority. Jesus is clear about obeying him, one must obey him to remain in his love and be his friend-John 15:10-14
Why would God send an archangel that He could create or destroy with a thought to die for the sin of mankind? It would not be a sacrifice for Him at all. No, He sent His Son, a real sacrifice for Him, not a created being. And I have to note that we have reached your final defense, the venerable, "You guys translated it wrong, we did it right". The only problem with that is, our Bible was translated from the original languages by people who could read those languages. Yours, not so much.

Tell us, in what way was the KJV altered, and how do you know this since you don't read Hebrew and Greek?
John 1:1-in every Greek lexicon, the true God called Ton Theon( Ho Theos)= God--The word called Theon( Theos)= god when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon. It only occurs 1 other spot-2 Cor 4:4--God called Ton Theon=God--satan called Theon=god. translating is the same for both spots.
god= has godlike qualities.
They had holy spirit--a gazillion times better at Hebrew and Greek than any translator. Same as the apostles who spoke in tongues( foreign languages) via holy spirit to foreigners even though they didn't speak the languages.
Many Christians speak in tongues today. Jesus said "He" when speaking of the Holy Spirit. Where is the scripture calling the Holy Spirit a "force"?
More miserable bullshit.
A Protestant and the Bible just told you when and where the first church began. Read post # 9 and then read Acts, and then read the history of Peter, and then stop lying...
gonna be interesting if god ever asks a catholic why he should let them into heaven lol. instead of the ONLY RIGHT answer that its all because of jesus, the rc will answer the church or jesus plus the sacraments etc... god will say to them i never knew you.
gonna be interesting if god ever asks a catholic why he should let them into heaven lol. instead of the ONLY RIGHT answer that its all because of jesus, the rc will answer the church or jesus plus the sacraments etc... god will say to them i never knew you.
I think God also will ask them why they pray to Mary.
Jesus only does and teaches what his Father wills. And God gave him all authority. Jesus is clear about obeying him, one must obey him to remain in his love and be his friend-John 15:10-14
We've been over this. How many times do I have to tell you, Christ LOWERED Himself to become one of us, and in so doing was obedient to the Father. Do not ignore that one more time.

My boss at work and I are both equal human beings. We are both worthy of respect as such. We are equal. When I am work, however, I obey what he tells me to do, because I have voluntarily taken on a secondary role and he has a superior role. We are still both equally human. So it is with Yeshua and the Father. They are both equally God, but Yeshua has voluntarily taken on a secondary role. Again, I've told you all this before, do not ignore it again.
John 1:1-in every Greek lexicon, the true God called Ton Theon( Ho Theos)= God--The word called Theon( Theos)= god when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon. It only occurs 1 other spot-2 Cor 4:4--God called Ton Theon=God--satan called Theon=god. translating is the same for both spots.
god= has godlike qualities.
Don't get hung up on just that one verse, as if it gives cover for your strange beliefs.

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