Proof SCOTUS is corrupt.

Yeah…just like Biden is suddenly FOR a border wall now. OF COURSE apprehensions are up, we’re heading into election season and Biden needs some data to show he’s “tough on immigration”. Funny how he just recently had an epiphany on immigration huh? Of course, that also completely ignores the fact that he’s now flying them across the border directly into the U.S., bypassing the border.

They didn't apprehend and deport these people.
Illegal aliens surrendered and Biden said, come on in.
That's the opposite of tough.
Our constitution mandates the federal government protect our borders from invasion. (25 million + illegal entries certianly qualifies as an invasion), it also allows Congress to make laws. Congress did make those laws, and some of those laws are immigration laws, making it unlawful to illegally cross our borders.

We have procedures for that…not going to happen.

Yep, no argument there. The problem is, our government has abdicated their responsibility in enforcing the borders and upholding immigration laws. States are now thumbing their nose at immigration laws and creating sanctuary cities, thus, they are breaking the law by harboring illegals.

Those illegals are commiting crimes. People have been raped and killed because of some of these illegals.

And let’s not even get into this new TikTok trend where illegals are providing information to other illegals on how to become squatters and take over other people’s property…yeah, that’s becoming a thing here.

So? We don’t live under a democracy here. It’s not mob rule. Even still, if one side or the other are not enforcing the laws, then they are in the wrong.

Let’s talk about that economy. Illegal immigration costs the US (taxpayers) 151 billion annually, and the contribute, what…20 billion? 30 billion from contributions to social security and state taxes? Seems to be a deficit, but the cost of the crimes that have occurred because of some of them (rapes and murders) cannot be monetized. Those people have to live with those horrors.

And, this claim about “well, the illegals do the jobs that Americans don’t want to do”, which is bs. SOME of them do, but they’ve been using that excuse for many years, and no matter how many millions of them we let cross, the story is all the same “we need them to do the jobs Americans won’t do”. It’s like a job quota that never seems to get filled. Why is that? It’s because they are not doing the jobs Americans won’t do, they are being released into the interior of the country, most of them, never to be seen again. That and/or they end up competing with citizen for jobs that Americans DO want, but I assure you, we don’t have 20 million illegals down in the southern U.S. picking lettuce.

Huh? It doesn’t matter if you are registered or not, if you broke the laws of our country by illegally crossing our borders, you are here against the laws.

And you want to talk about “humanity”? How humane is it that Biden has the “welcome” sign posted down at the border, enticing those people to make that brutal trek across Mexico, in order to illegally enter the country, some of whom end up dying due to the trip, or they get trafficked by the cartels and extorted for thousands of dollars. Some of these cartel members get paid up to $40,000 per illegal trafficked. Who’s paying that???

Also, on top of all of that, you are sitting there…wherever you are, advocating that anyone who wants to should be able to just show up and enter our country…from anywhere. You realize that no country operates that way right? Every country has border control. Hell, mexicos immigration laws are actually stricter than our own. If you are not a Mexican citizen you have almost no rights in Mexico and if caught in Mexico illegally, you’ll be deported immediately. Every other country has laws to enforce their borders, but apparently you want the US to give up its borders for the rest of the world.

Sorry, but that’s now how being a sovereign nation works.
The Biden administration isn't breaking any law - since they explicitly allow for migrants to cross into the USA via checkpoints and therefore being REGISTERED.
Furthermore migrants are not constituting an invasion or attack onto the USA - as such you citing the Constitution in regards to "protecting the USA from invasion" is totally irrelevant and intentionally FALSE in this matter. (aka plain MAGA bull).

What is now left are simply non-registered migrants - evading registration procedures at the border. And as I had stated, any law enforcement has the right to arrest and deport NON-REGISTERED migrants.
Child if you had any knowledge about the people who wrote the Constitution you'd know our bicameral Congress was very intentional. The House of Representatives, the lower chamber was called the peoples house, the Senate, the upper chamber, the States house. Senators were originally selected by the State legislatures, there was no popular State vote for the Senate. That changed with the 17th Amendment in 1913, the 17th was a huge mistake in my opinion. However the 17th did not alter the purpose of the Senate, they are still there to represent the States. And every State gets two, regardless of population. If you remember nothing else, in the US, democracy ends at the State lines. The people of the States send their reps to congress and the States elect the President and VP through the Electoral College.

Also, I could care less what buzzwords people might use for political purposes. But don't try to gaslight me on the Constitution.

Calling some one a "Child" doesn't lend any credibility to your statements - on the contra it simply makes them irrelevant. This discussion/debate isn't about who and why someone made the Constitution as it is - but that the US constitutions is hopelessly outdated and undemocratic.
Calling some one a "Child" doesn't lend any credibility to your statements - on the contra it simply makes them irrelevant. This discussion/debate isn't about who and why someone made the Constitution as it is - but that the US constitutions is hopelessly outdated and undemocratic.
How so, explain
Calling some one a "Child" doesn't lend any credibility to your statements - on the contra it simply makes them irrelevant. This discussion/debate isn't about who and why someone made the Constitution as it is - but that the US constitutions is hopelessly outdated and undemocratic.

It's been updated 27 times, and anyone who doesn't recognize the genius of the founders has the intellect of a child. As I said before, if you don't like the Constitution as it is, don't just ignore it, see Article 5.

The Biden administration isn't breaking any law - since they explicitly allow for migrants to cross into the USA via checkpoints and therefore being REGISTERED.
Furthermore migrants are not constituting an invasion or attack onto the USA - as such you citing the Constitution in regards to "protecting the USA from invasion" is totally irrelevant and intentionally FALSE in this matter. (aka plain MAGA bull).

What is now left are simply non-registered migrants - evading registration procedures at the border. And as I had stated, any law enforcement has the right to arrest and deport NON-REGISTERED migrants.

The Biden administration isn't breaking any law - since they explicitly allow for migrants to cross into the USA via checkpoints and therefore being REGISTERED.

You clearly don’t understand how our immigration system works. You can’t just illegally enter a country…any country really. You can apply for asylum if you fear persecution from your government. These people do not have a legitimate asylum claim. They are coming for economic reasons. That’s not asylum

Furthermore migrants are not constituting an invasion or attack onto the USA - as such you citing the Constitution in regards to "protecting the USA from invasion" is totally irrelevant and intentionally FALSE in this matter. (aka plain MAGA bull).

Doesn’t have to be an attack. Tens of millions of people entering your country illegally is still an invasion.

Also, don’t forget the immigration laws that our Congress passed as well. Those still apply also.

What is now left are simply non-registered migrants - evading registration procedures at the border. And as I had stated, any law enforcement has the right to arrest and deport NON-REGISTERED migrants.

Incorrect. If you are here illegally you are deported immediately. If you claim asylum, you get a hearing to explain why you need asylum, if it’s not a legitimate claim, then you are deported immediately. Hint, none of these illegals crossing our borders have a legitimate asylum claim since their government isn’t persecuting them.
You clearly don’t understand how our immigration system works. You can’t just illegally enter a country…any country really. You can apply for asylum if you fear persecution from your government. These people do not have a legitimate asylum claim. They are coming for economic reasons. That’s not asylum

Doesn’t have to be an attack. Tens of millions of people entering your country illegally is still an invasion.

Also, don’t forget the immigration laws that our Congress passed as well. Those still apply also.

Incorrect. If you are here illegally you are deported immediately. If you claim asylum, you get a hearing to explain why you need asylum, if it’s not a legitimate claim, then you are deported immediately. Hint, none of these illegals crossing our borders have a legitimate asylum claim since their government isn’t persecuting them.
Over 78% passed through two countries, they must claim asylum in country 1 first. Immediate deportation no court
It's been updated 27 times, and anyone who doesn't recognize the genius of the founders has the intellect of a child. As I said before, if you don't like the Constitution as it is, don't just ignore it, see Article 5.

One who states; that the US constitution is "genius" possesses the intellect of child indeed - since something that defies democracy, and as such "the peoples will" simply ain't genius but SUPPRESSIVE.
And if one likes it or not is irrelevant, since it has absolutely nothing to do with "the SCOTUS supposedly being corrupt" (the topic of this thread) nor with migration.
One who states; that the US constitution is "genius" possesses the intellect of child indeed - since something that defies democracy, and as such "the peoples will" simply ain't genius but SUPPRESSIVE.
And if one likes it or not is irrelevant, since it has absolutely nothing to do with "the SCOTUS supposedly being corrupt" (the topic of this thread) nor with migration.

GFY commie. Why don't you move to a country that you think is better.

You clearly don’t understand how our immigration system works. You can’t just illegally enter a country…any country really. You can apply for asylum if you fear persecution from your government. These people do not have a legitimate asylum claim. They are coming for economic reasons. That’s not asylum
You don't - and that is obvious.
Doesn’t have to be an attack. Tens of millions of people entering your country illegally is still an invasion.
Only according to MAGA propaganda, aka an intentional false choice of terminology in order to generate hatred.
When the US Constitution was written - not a single European on this planet classified civilian people who came as colonizers or immigrants - as being invaders.
Also, don’t forget the immigration laws that our Congress passed as well. Those still apply also.
And these laws are intact and being followed - and also allow a US president to enact laws in regards to immigration/migrants.
Just because you don't like these laws, doesn't make them unlawful.
Incorrect. If you are here illegally you are deported immediately. If you claim asylum, you get a hearing to explain why you need asylum, if it’s not a legitimate claim, then you are deported immediately.
I had never stated differently - so I was incorrect in what??
Hint, none of these illegals crossing our borders have a legitimate asylum claim since their government isn’t persecuting them.
There are millions of "immigrants" originating from countries who peruse/oppress them, due to their political conviction and actions
Like your "persecuted buddies" (as every respective US government likes to claim) from Xinjiang, Tibet, Venezuela, Hong-Kong, Cuba, Syria, etc. etc.

And even if a 1st country asylum registration is in existence - it is up to the respective US administration to overrule such an issue. Usually based onto humanitarian reasons.
If the USSC would be in a 6-3 favor for the democrats - you would be whining and shooting of your mouth all the way.
Like you are now? Lol
BTW, you dolt, “of” and “off” are not the same word.
Like you are now? Lol
BTW, you dolt, “of” and “off” are not the same word.
Look here dolt, this isn't simply about who holds a majority in the USSC - but that the present USSC composition doesn't represent the election result, therefore does not represent the US public will, that in majority voted for the democrats.

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