Prime example of a crisis in America- culture problem among the black youth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
In another thread, I covered the culture problem among the white youth of America. This one is about the problems facing black youth. It is exacerbated by the media, Hollywood and Biden supporters. I mean, after all of young blacks are told how evil and racist American history is … there is no mobility for them. It’s going to be more likely that they will commit acts of crime.

The truth is right now in America. They’re homeless, white people and homeless, Black people dying on the streets every day from drug addiction. From violence. You see poverty, doesn’t know skin color. And we need to champion equality, celebrate diversity, and champion, equality, and fight back against left-wing fanatical racism.

The crisis is everybody knows if it was a white man who viciously knocked out a black girl…. it would be front page and center of the news every single day. And if you really think about it, Biden supporters BLM supporters are responsible for whipping up this hatred. We’re having problems today that did not exist in the American past.

We know young white men are responsible for most mass school shootings in the history of the USA. Now recently, we’ve had mobs of black youth loot stores.

We had the situation in Chicago last summer about 30 blacks beating the hell out of a white woman.

There is a problem among the black youth. And it’s one associated with violence, lack of self-control. And it is exacerbated by the media and Hollywood, which never talks about these violent acts. And Biden voters they never actually talk about this. They literally talk about different topics they don’t address The brutal violence We see in the video above. They will rant and rave about the KKK, which has about seven members left in the country.

Again, young white men have problems too. We have the school shooting issues there. And so young black men also have problems. These problems did not exist in America’s past. We need to figure out ways of how to address them and one way it is to look at the church. Get the youth off the drugs. Doesn’t help that we have a bunch of marijuana. Smoke shops all over the country. Doesn’t help that we have a drug crisis in America 100,000 Americans dying each year from fentanyl alone.
In another thread, I covered the culture problem among the white youth of America. This one is about the problems facing black youth. It is exacerbated by the media,
Why didn't you cover the culture problem among 'Americans'?

Sadly Roosevelt, your efforts are for naught because you're driven by racism. People just can't be people to you.

Learn from being caught redhanded this time. Next time you may want to hide your racist tendencies more cleverly. Or you may want to just stop pretending and belt it all out with the rest of them. You decide, then I'll decide too, based on how you handle this.

Culture doesn't see skin colour. It belongs to the nation and it's established in the country's roots over centuries.
(1) Beverly Hills, California, was founded by silent film stars.

(2) For decades it was an enclave of the rich and powerful.

(3) Today hoi polloi have no hesitation in going there to start trouble. They ain't afraid.

(4) And the city has just been ordered to have affordable housing -- or else!

(5) Very soon a subway to Beverly Hills will be finished. Then hoi polloi can ride in comfort to commit their crimes.

(6) They are really brazen. About two years ago, they had the nerve to rob people who were having LUNCH at outside tables.

(7) The police are currently being sued for abusing certain folks who pass through the city.
In another thread, I covered the culture problem among the white youth of America. This one is about the problems facing black youth. It is exacerbated by the media, Hollywood and Biden supporters. I mean, after all of young blacks are told how evil and racist American history is … there is no mobility for them. It’s going to be more likely that they will commit acts of crime.

The truth is right now in America. They’re homeless, white people and homeless, Black people dying on the streets every day from drug addiction. From violence. You see poverty, doesn’t know skin color. And we need to champion equality, celebrate diversity, and champion, equality, and fight back against left-wing fanatical racism.

The crisis is everybody knows if it was a white man who viciously knocked out a black girl…. it would be front page and center of the news every single day. And if you really think about it, Biden supporters BLM supporters are responsible for whipping up this hatred. We’re having problems today that did not exist in the American past.

We know young white men are responsible for most mass school shootings in the history of the USA. Now recently, we’ve had mobs of black youth loot stores.

We had the situation in Chicago last summer about 30 blacks beating the hell out of a white woman.

There is a problem among the black youth. And it’s one associated with violence, lack of self-control. And it is exacerbated by the media and Hollywood, which never talks about these violent acts. And Biden voters they never actually talk about this. They literally talk about different topics they don’t address The brutal violence We see in the video above. They will rant and rave about the KKK, which has about seven members left in the country.

Again, young white men have problems too. We have the school shooting issues there. And so young black men also have problems. These problems did not exist in America’s past. We need to figure out ways of how to address them and one way it is to look at the church. Get the youth off the drugs. Doesn’t help that we have a bunch of marijuana. Smoke shops all over the country. Doesn’t help that we have a drug crisis in America 100,000 Americans dying each year from fentanyl alone.

In a black's mind...everything has to do with slavery and whitey is bad. It is called having a slave mentality. We can see that played out with our own resident racist...IM2.

About 6 to 8 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow laws, the black said "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws."

Blacks have a saying: if it is ain't right. Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. I don't make this stuff up. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story link below...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.

White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.

You know, Africanized bees are not long as they are kept in their native environment. Once you mix them with a non-native environment, there are problems. So it goes with racist, systemic criminals, blacks . They are meant for the jungles of Africa and not civilization. If you mix them...this is what you get.

bipoc wanabee.jpg
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Integration is (as many predicted) a FAILURE.

Only a small percentage of blacks are worthy of integration, as the majority are never ending troublemakers; whether feral pets of the left on the street, or dolts with law degrees like Letitia James and Fani Willis.
Why didn't you cover the culture problem among 'Americans'?

Sadly Roosevelt, your efforts are for naught because you're driven by racism. People just can't be people to you.

Learn from being caught redhanded this time. Next time you may want to hide your racist tendencies more cleverly. Or you may want to just stop pretending and belt it all out with the rest of them. You decide, then I'll decide too, based on how you handle this.

Culture doesn't see skin colour. It belongs to the nation and it's established in the country's roots over centuries.

Facts are facts, and until people like you wake up to the reality you deny while you keep mumbling "racism".
Why didn't you cover the culture problem among 'Americans'?

Sadly Roosevelt, your efforts are for naught because you're driven by racism. People just can't be people to you.

Learn from being caught redhanded this time. Next time you may want to hide your racist tendencies more cleverly. Or you may want to just stop pretending and belt it all out with the rest of them. You decide, then I'll decide too, based on how you handle this.

Culture doesn't see skin colour. It belongs to the nation and it's established in the country's roots over centuries.
White youth have problems today. So do black youth …..problems that did not exist in the past. The poisonous left-wing media and Hollywood are exacerbating the problems. We have terrible pro blm mayors in our cities across America that are very weak on crime. Hence you see masses of black youth committing these so-called flash mob looting.

You are boring in your attempts to call people racist. There are dictionary definitions of racism. You’ve gotten nothing red-handed. You embarrassed yourself. Have a little bit more fortitude and call out a spade when you see that there is clearly a problem. Aren’t you Canadian though?

Do you have US citizenship?

Even the FBI shows us the statistics that black folks are overrepresented in violent crime and robberies. White folks are over represented in mass school shootings. You sir are concentrating on one side of the argument so you’ve lost

And you are making this personal. That’s on you. You launched unprovoked personal attacks for no reason. Learn to have a civilized conversation.

Have a nice night buddy
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In a black's mind...everything has to do with slavery and whitey is bad. It is called having a slave mentality. We can see that played out with our own resident racist...IM2.

About 6 to 8 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow laws, the black said "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws."

Blacks have a saying: if it is ain't right. Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. I don't make this stuff up. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story link below...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.

White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.

You know, Africanized bees are not long as they are kept in their native environment. Once you mix them with a non-native environment, there are problems. So it goes with racist, systemic criminals, blacks . They are meant for the jungles of Africa and not civilization. If you mix them...this is what you get.

View attachment 911766

Look at South Africa, what is it, 30 years since apartheid ended, and the place is a shambles. Women lining up with old buckets to get potable water, the electric infrastructure crumbling and blacks killing whites and the government having no problem with that.
Every single problem our Country faces is a direct result of dimocrap scum actions.

The problem with Black kids? Take the Father out of the House, any house, and see what happens.

dimocrap FILTH did that in the 60's with their Welfare rules. Man in The House? No welfare for you, bitch. Get moving.

The women needed help, and the dimocrap scum-led goobermint was willing to give it -- But not to Men. They knew what they were doing.

So women started having babies out of wedlock. By the bushel. They learned how to work the system. Men became feral creatures with baby-mamas all over town. Ever notice, Black men don't 'live' anywhere? They 'stay'. "Where you stayin', man?" Working the system.

It happens in White households, too. Bigly. Rural White neighborhoods are the new Inner City. dimocrap scum are equal opportunity soul-destroyers and culture-wreckers.

Take the Father out of the house and watch what happens with the children. Especially the Male children.

Been going on for 60 years. It's better now. The Welfare bullshit, I mean. But it's too late for many. Their families have been destroyed and there is no Legacy anymore. Generation after generation on Welfare, uneducated, living in squalor. No way out. Thanks dimocrap scum.

There is one easy fix for every problem America faces. Simple -- Destroy the dimocrap scum party. Completely take power away from them. Forever.
In a black's mind...everything has to do with slavery and whitey is bad. It is called having a slave mentality. We can see that played out with our own resident racist...IM2.

About 6 to 8 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow laws, the black said "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws."

Blacks have a saying: if it is ain't right. Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. I don't make this stuff up. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story link below...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.

White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.

You know, Africanized bees are not long as they are kept in their native environment. Once you mix them with a non-native environment, there are problems. So it goes with racist, systemic criminals, blacks . They are meant for the jungles of Africa and not civilization. If you mix them...this is what you get.

View attachment 911766

Lotta good points see you being made. I believe based on what the African-American economist and conservative Walter Williams said that it was clear that the American middle class was better in the past compared to today. In fact, from about 1870 to 1910 the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate in America. They had the Christian church values.

I think the problem today is with the youth. The white youth, and the black youth for different reasons.

BLM Biden supporters are so brainwashed that they see a thread title like this and they simply react to it most of them never read the subject matter they’re not even here for a conversation. I’ve noticed these types of posters in different topics whether it’s Russia Ukraine or other ones they never actually addressed the subject matter they just keep ranting and raving about whatever their spoonfed by the media

But I believe that the black youth of today has a problem. And in some ways it’s been going on since the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s. Before then things were a lot better. The country was more civilized. We did not have the mass school shootings which again are mostly committed by young white kids they are lonely, depressed, hooked on dope.

I do believe that some of the radicals, whether they are white or black, who are older adults are exacerbating the problem.They are instilling these false propaganda narratives into the minds of young blacks of how evil and so-called racist American history is. Such an idea is false when you look at it from world scale. What about how other countries acted like the Empire of Japan or the third reich or African countries like ethopia which had legalized slavery into the 1900s.?

So that very mentality that you talk about where some portion of blacks say “it ain’t right if it’s white”. Well it is something that I think has been put into the mind of people to brainwash them.
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Things have gotten worse for black majority intercity communities under Joe Biden. The price of homes are astronomical. The middle-class has been wiped out. Prices are high. It’s hard to get a loan for a home.

There are crime surges in places like Oakland major cities.

We continue to have a massive difference in standard of living in the black majority inner cities compared to the white majority suburbs. And the BLM millionaires the people in Hollywood and the media who support BLM and radical left politics are living in the white majority rich suburbs. They are hypocrites of the highest order.

And what I think is unfortunate about all of this is the fact that Biden supporters continue to present a propaganda lie about “how great the economy is” Imagine them telling that to a young black man who is trying to live a good life and is struggling to make ends meet he can’t even afford a house to take care of his wife or children. course in places like Chicago. There are tons of gangland shootings every month. Most of the victims are blacklist of the perpetrators are black. These are serious problems, and the left-wing anti-American approach is a total failure and makes things worse. So we need a different approach to solve these problems and make things better for black youth …..and without a doubt the way to make it better is to teach the fact that American history was beautiful …it made the world a better place.

Instill a level of pro American proudness in the mind of young black men to avoid the school to prison pipeline.
And you are making this personal.
You've built yourself a reputation.
Continue with the same behaviour or change it, it's up to you.

You're not going to be able to disguise your racist innuendoes. But you're at least going to know that you're being watched.
You've built yourself a reputation.
Continue with the same behaviour or change it, it's up to you.

You're not going to be able to disguise your racist innuendoes. But you're at least going to know that you're being watched.
Trolling/no substance ^
Lotta good points see you being made. I believe based on what the African-American economist and conservative Walter Williams said that it was clear that the American middle class was better than the past compared to today. In fact, from about 1870 to 1910 the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate in America. They had the Christian church values.

I think the problem today is with the youth. The white youth, and the black youth for different reasons.
Yeah, that's enough to show that you got the message!
Look at South Africa, what is it, 30 years since apartheid ended, and the place is a shambles. Women lining up with old buckets to get potable water, the electric infrastructure crumbling and blacks killing whites and the government having no problem with that.
Again, dimocrap scum.

I was paying attention in the late 70's when Jimmy Carter was doing his level best to destroy South Africa. In fact, I knew and worked with several South Africans that saw the handwriting on the wall and had left.

Leftism destroys everything it touches. In case you weren't around back then, it really was a socialist movement. The ANC is stone, cold, socialist. Therefore, dimocrap FILTH love them.
black people were overrepresented among persons arrested for nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation in the U.S. population (13%) (table 1).
1 White people were underrepresented.

We have problems among the black youth of America, specifically young black men. And it’s clear that the far left wing pro BLM approach of just blaming everything on racism is not only wrong it is dangerous it simply leads to more crime. So it’s time for a new idea a better approach one that teaches the facts of history. While there was slavery in America slavery existed everywhere in the world. We are all descendants of slaves and slave owners. And we need to instill the facts into the minds of young black men, which is that America has a beautiful history. One of making the world a better place.

The more young white and black men that we have in America who are proud of their country’s history the more chances there will be that they want to live a positive life like going to church , finding a wife and Starting a family. Instead of the degenerate lifestyle of eating garbage food, using drugs all day, watching porn all day, and being nothing effectively being a loser. We need to have more winners in our society.

Currently the left-wing pro blm mayors are doing a bad job in the country. In some cases are simply letting criminals out of jail…, There’s no accountability and that is not a good thing for America. We need to have better culture in America. You see these videos of young blacks and huge mobs looting stores committing violent acts. The way they dress…. like slobs. So we definitely have a lot of work to do but with believe in God, and if we fight left-wing racism and pursue equality among man we will prevail, and we will have a better country.
Why didn't you cover the culture problem among 'Americans'?

Sadly Roosevelt, your efforts are for naught because you're driven by racism. People just can't be people to you.

Learn from being caught redhanded this time. Next time you may want to hide your racist tendencies more cleverly. Or you may want to just stop pretending and belt it all out with the rest of them. You decide, then I'll decide too, based on how you handle this.

Culture doesn't see skin colour. It belongs to the nation and it's established in the country's roots over centuries.
American culture is doing just fine. Black subculture on the other hand is doing terrible, obviously. It is a failed culture.
American culture is doing just fine. Black subculture on the other hand is doing terrible, obviously. It is a failed culture.
There are certainly some problems with some of the black subcultures. the young blacks are dressing like slobs wearing really baggy pants, and in huge numbers are looting stores. Rap /hip hop culture and rap music Culture can be looked at in someways I suppose.

People have to be able to call that out. Anybody can call out young whites who do nothing but watch porn all day, play video games all day and have zero interest meeting a girl in real life. That is a real big problem and some of those young whites have gone onto to commit mass school shootings. There’s a cultural problem There among some portions of the white youth and black youth. And that’s how I see it.

But one big point to call out is the left-wing fanatics of the media constantly blaming “white supremacy” and American history for problems today. Claiming that “blacks have a tougher time getting into the middle class today”. They are exacerbating the problem. They will never talk about the poor white man in this country.

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