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Presidential Immunity

He was looking to fix an election he thought was fraudulent. a thought many people still have.
Trump knew he lost
He is just a Crybaby Loser who tried to steal the election
"credible" weasel word used as a weasel word.

Plenty of people think something stunk.

The election stands, the questions remain despite your ostrich like attempt and throwing your head in the sand.
I can't do anything about partisan paranoids being force-fed propaganda.

We are a nation of laws, and all recounts, audits, investigations, and legal appeals were exhausted.

No one has contrived anything to invalidate Trump's own Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency: "2020 election was most secure in US history."
Trump knew he lost
He is just a Crybaby Loser who tried to steal the election
The Loser's incessantly bleating is pathetic, but his butt barnacles, inexplicably, seem to be thrilled by it.
This was just a stalling tactic by the SCOTUS to try and keep the case from being done before the election.

They were never going to give the POTUS unlimited immunity.
It is all about Delay, Delay. Delay.
Funny listening to Trump this morning vs what his lawyer is arguing before SCOTUS

Trump says he can’t do his job without immunity
His lawyer is separating personal acts from official acts

The court is picking him apart when personal acts that influence official acts
But separating person acts from official acts is going to take time. Delay is a win for the orange POS.
But separating person acts from official acts is going to take time. Delay is a win for the orange POS.
SCOTUS is already signaling they will send it back to a lower court to resolve some issues and then back up for final verdict.

Good bye 2024
The law is taken care of by the impeachment and removal process.
Not after they are out of office

Just ask Republicans who acquitted him in the second impeachment
Not after they are out of office

Just ask Republicans who acquitted him in the second impeachment

He did what you accuse him of in office. Being out of office is meaningless in this case.
He did what you accuse him of in office. Being out of office is meaningless in this case.
Love the game Republicans play

Trump commits a crime two weeks before leaving office
Republicans claim there is not enough time to impeach
Then say…we can’t impeach because he is no longer in office

Now that he is out of office…..you can’t accuse him of crimes without impeaching first
Love the game Republicans play

Trump commits a crime two weeks before leaving office
Republicans claim there is not enough time to impeach
Then say…we can’t impeach because he is no longer in office

Now that he is out of office…..you can’t accuse him of crimes without impeaching first

No crime committed.

The real crime was impeaching him both times.
We were a nation of laws, now the Dems have decided lawfare is the way to go.
I assume that you are upset by prosecutions recommended by grand juries, based upon substantive evidence and the sworn testimony of many Republican witnesses, and you need to delude yourself with the baseless nonsense that the nation's justice system is just being mean to the sexual abuser for partisan motives.

There is no evidence of the vast conspiracy about which you fantasize.
What none of our libs seem to comprehend is the force of the arguments carefully articulated and well argued in the President’s brief.

There are many things said there which the Court seems to have picked up on.

Some very interesting and refined points.

For example:


Sadly, many (if not most) of our liberals will not be able to contemplate what it might mean if this SCOTUS makes any decision which is at odds with that holding in Marbury.
If the sexual abuser were innocent of the 91 felony counts with which he has been charged, he would be insisting on speedy trials in all such adjudications to clear his name before the election.

The sexual abuser know the substantive evidence and mountain of sworn testimony by Republicans against him are overwhelming.

Thus, he is flailing his pathetic victim card, and desperately seeking delays in the hope that he can capture the White House and appoint flunkies that will make the charges disappear.

His strategy of evading justice will likely work in three of the four cases, apparently, and his hope is that a compliant Supreme Court will send the case back to lower courts for further proceedings would rule out a trial before the election in this one as well.

it is vital for the survival of our democracy that all the conservative Republicans who served in his regime and oppose his attempt at recidivism unite in actively opposing his sordid caper.


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