Zone1 PowerNomics


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Mar 11, 2015

The problem with so many here is that they now nothing about the black community but are willling to speak as experts on what we need to do. We know what we need to do. We know what the source of our problem is. Too many whites on the right assume and their assumptions are based, quite frankly, on their individual racist beliefs about black peope as well as a real lack of knowledge about the reality ALL non whites face. The racists created a narrative about Asians that even 99 percent of Asians refuse to accept. This type of paternalism from whites must end. As the stats show, whites have huge problems n their own communities with crime, addiction, abuse, theft, and corruption. Yet we see members of the white Amerocan right pointing fngers at everybody else.

January 31, 2019

How Immigration Harms Native Blacks and Urban Opportunity Act Cautions
By Dr. Claud Anderson President, The Harvest Institute

Executing immigration policies without mitigating the negative impact that those polices might have on Native Black Americans is illegal, unconstitutional and immoral. The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enacted at the end of the 1860s Civil War, mandated that Black people be treated in all manners similar to Whites. Since then, six succeeding generations of immigrants have been fast tracked into full American Dream membership and have received socio-economic benefits over Black Americans, the nation’s official underclass and the most vulnerable citizens in the nation.

Black Americans remain an obsolete and abandoned labor class because the original mandates of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution have been ignored, violated and corrupted. The 14th Amendment stipulated and mandated that all levels of government exercise all necessary means to lift the legacies and burdens off of the shoulders of Black Americans. These constitutional amendments were the collective base for the 1866 Civil Rights Laws designed to correct the 1857 Dredd Scott decision that held a Black man had no rights a White man was bound to respect. These laws were intended, not for all people, but to specifically correct the systemic injustice imposed upon Black people.

Throughout this nation’s history, there have been successive waves of immigrants that blocked the access of Native Blacks to, or pushed them off of the upward mobility ladder of success. After slavery over 100 million Europeans immigrants displaced Blacks in every labor and professional occupation. Since slavery, Black displacement continues unabated in areas such as:

Read the rest here:

View attachment 938816

The problem with so many here is that they now nothing about the black community but are willling to speak as experts on what we need to do. We know what we need to do. We know what the source of our problem is. Too many whites on the right assume and their assumptions are based, quite frankly, on their individual racist beliefs about black peope as well as a real lack of knowledge about the reality ALL non whites face. The racists created a narrative about Asians that even 99 percent of Asians refuse to accept. This type of paternalism from whites must end. As the stats show, whites have huge problems n their own communities with crime, addiction, abuse, theft, and corruption. Yet we see members of the white Amerocan right pointing fngers at everybody else.

January 31, 2019

How Immigration Harms Native Blacks and Urban Opportunity Act Cautions
By Dr. Claud Anderson President, The Harvest Institute

Executing immigration policies without mitigating the negative impact that those polices might have on Native Black Americans is illegal, unconstitutional and immoral. The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enacted at the end of the 1860s Civil War, mandated that Black people be treated in all manners similar to Whites. Since then, six succeeding generations of immigrants have been fast tracked into full American Dream membership and have received socio-economic benefits over Black Americans, the nation’s official underclass and the most vulnerable citizens in the nation.

Black Americans remain an obsolete and abandoned labor class because the original mandates of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution have been ignored, violated and corrupted. The 14th Amendment stipulated and mandated that all levels of government exercise all necessary means to lift the legacies and burdens off of the shoulders of Black Americans. These constitutional amendments were the collective base for the 1866 Civil Rights Laws designed to correct the 1857 Dredd Scott decision that held a Black man had no rights a White man was bound to respect. These laws were intended, not for all people, but to specifically correct the systemic injustice imposed upon Black people.

Throughout this nation’s history, there have been successive waves of immigrants that blocked the access of Native Blacks to, or pushed them off of the upward mobility ladder of success. After slavery over 100 million Europeans immigrants displaced Blacks in every labor and professional occupation. Since slavery, Black displacement continues unabated in areas such as:

Read the rest here:

You're just now figuring this out? I've already told you this was happening, right here:

Zone1 - Think about this verse every time you talk bad about immigrants.

And here:

Joe Biden now doing what he does best — weaseling out of the blame for US border crisis

And here:

Do you agree with this statement

And here:

Chicago may be getting 25 buses a day soon lol.
Wrong. You don't seem to get it. This is not about Biden. It is about every group of immigrants that have come to this country since the 13th and 14th amendments were passed. That probably includes members of your family. Stop thinking you can give me advice moron. Because you sit on your white ass talking about what Biden won't do, when he asked republicans tto vote on a border bill several months ago and instead of passing that bill to be signed the idiots you support tried impeaching the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Wrong. You don't seem to get it. This is not about Biden. It is about every group of immigrants that have come to this country since the 13th and 14th amendments were passed. That probably includes members of your family. Stop thinking you can give me advice moron. Because you sit on your white ass talking about what Biden won't do, when he asked republicans tto vote on a border bill several months ago and instead of passing that bill to be signed the idiots you support tried impeaching the Secretary of Homeland Security.

But it is about Joe Biden. He's brought more illegals into this country than ever before.

And like I said, they're replacing you in your own neighborhoods. You can shuck, jive, twist, turn, spin, and deny it all you want to, but it's the truth. If it wasn't the truth, I wouldn't think it was so damned funny. The fact that elections have consequences are really biting you guys and girls on your collective asses, and I think it's hilarious.

But it is about Joe Biden. He's brought more illegals into this country than ever before.

And like I said, they're replacing you in your own neighborhoods. You can shuck, jive, twist, turn, spin, and deny it all you want to, but it's the truth. If it wasn't the truth, I wouldn't think it was so damned funny. The fact that elections have consequences are really biting you guys and girls on your collective asses, and I think it's hilarious.

View attachment 938918
No it's not about Biden. Your party is standing in the way of a solution.
No it's not about Biden. Your party is standing in the way of a solution.

You've been brainwashed. You don't apply a "solution" after the damage has already been done. President Trump created the "solution" by instituting among other things, his Remain in Mexico" policy, and the border wall. Biden reversed all of Trump's immigration policies immediately after he was sworn in, so you have nobody else to blame.
You've been brainwashed. You don't apply a "solution" after the damage has already been done. President Trump created the "solution" by instituting among other things, his Remain in Mexico" policy, and the border wall. Biden reversed all of Trump's immigration policies immediately after he was sworn in, so you have nobody else to blame.
I don't need some white imbecile lecturing me. Trump didn't implement diddly squat. Immigration alone is not the thing, the fact that immigrants including YOUR ANCESTORS, were provided assistance from the government while blacks were not. Building a wall was not the solution, nor would a remain in Mexico policy. Remain in Mexico does not stop the 43 white countries that can come here without visas. So again, I don't need a lecture from some white imbecile on these matters.
I don't need some white imbecile lecturing me. Trump didn't implement diddly squat. Immigration alone is not the thing, the fact that immigrants including YOUR ANCESTORS, were provided assistance from the government while blacks were not. Building a wall was not the solution, nor would a remain in Mexico policy. Remain in Mexico does not stop the 43 white countries that can come here without visas. So again, I don't need a lecture from some white imbecile on these matters.

If it weren't for me "lecturing" you, nobody else would show up in your angry white-filled threads.

So screw it. You just sit in your own thread and talk to yourself, then. :auiqs.jpg:

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